
tornado 源码阅读-初步认识


最近闲暇无事,阅读了一下tornado的源码,对整体的结构有了初步认识,与大家分享 不知道为什么右边的目录一直出不来,非常不舒服. 不如移步到oschina吧....[http://my.oschina.net/abc2001x/blog/476349][1] 




而`ioloop`的核心部分则是 `while True`这个循环内部的逻辑,贴上他的代码如下 
   def start(self):   if self._running:    raise RuntimeError("IOLoop is already running")   self._setup_logging()   if self._stopped:    self._stopped = False    return   old_current = getattr(IOLoop._current, "instance", None)   IOLoop._current.instance = self   self._thread_ident = thread.get_ident()   self._running = True   old_wakeup_fd = None   if hasattr(signal, 'set_wakeup_fd') and os.name == 'posix':    try:     old_wakeup_fd = signal.set_wakeup_fd(self._waker.write_fileno())     if old_wakeup_fd != -1:      signal.set_wakeup_fd(old_wakeup_fd)      old_wakeup_fd = None    except ValueError:     old_wakeup_fd = None   try:    while True:     with self._callback_lock:      callbacks = self._callbacks      self._callbacks = []     due_timeouts = []     if self._timeouts:      now = self.time()      while self._timeouts:       if self._timeouts[0].callback is None:        heapq.heappop(self._timeouts)        self._cancellations -= 1       elif self._timeouts[0].deadline <= now:        due_timeouts.append(heapq.heappop(self._timeouts))       else:        break      if (self._cancellations > 512        and self._cancellations > (len(self._timeouts) >> 1)):       self._cancellations = 0       self._timeouts = [x for x in self._timeouts             if x.callback is not None]       heapq.heapify(self._timeouts)     for callback in callbacks:      self._run_callback(callback)     for timeout in due_timeouts:      if timeout.callback is not None:       self._run_callback(timeout.callback)     callbacks = callback = due_timeouts = timeout = None     if self._callbacks:      poll_timeout = 0.0     elif self._timeouts:      poll_timeout = self._timeouts[0].deadline - self.time()      poll_timeout = max(0, min(poll_timeout, _POLL_TIMEOUT))     else:      poll_timeout = _POLL_TIMEOUT     if not self._running:      break     if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None:      signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0)     try:      event_pairs = self._impl.poll(poll_timeout)     except Exception as e:      if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EINTR:       continue      else:       raise     if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None:      signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL,           self._blocking_signal_threshold, 0)     self._events.update(event_pairs)     while self._events:      fd, events = self._events.popitem()      try:       fd_obj, handler_func = self._handlers[fd]       handler_func(fd_obj, events)      except (OSError, IOError) as e:       if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EPIPE:        pass       else:        self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd))      except Exception:       self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd))     fd_obj = handler_func = None   finally:    self._stopped = False    if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None:     signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0)    IOLoop._current.instance = old_current    if old_wakeup_fd is not None:     signal.set_wakeup_fd(old_wakeup_fd)  
除去注释,代码其实没多少行. 由while 内部代码可以看出ioloop主要由三部分组成: 

1.回调 callbacks

他是 ioloop 回调的基础部分,通过 IOLoop.instance().add_callback() 添加到 self._callbacks
他们将在每一次 loop 中被运行.

主要用途是将逻辑分块,在适合时机将包装好的 callbac k添加到 self._callbacks 让其执行.

例如 ioloop 中的 add_future

def add_future(self, future, callback):  """Schedules a callback on the ``IOLoop`` when the given  `.Future` is finished.  The callback is invoked with one argument, the  `.Future`.  """  assert is_future(future)  callback = stack_context.wrap(callback)  future.add_done_callback(      lambda future: self.add_callback(callback, future))  

future 对象得到 result 的时候会调用 future.add_done_callback 添加的 callback ,再将其转至 ioloop 执行

2.定时器 due_timeouts

这是定时器,在指定的事件执行 callback .

跟1中的 callback 类似,通过 IOLoop.instance().add_callback

在每一次循环,会计算 timeouts 回调列表里的事件,运行已到期的 callback .


因为 poll 操作会阻塞到有 io 操作发生,所以只要计算最近的 timeout ,

然后用这个时间作为 self._impl.poll(poll_timeout)poll_timeout ,


但是,假设 poll_timeout 的时间很大时, self._impl.poll 一直在堵塞中(没有io事件,但在处理某一个 io 事件),

那添加刚才1中的 callback 不是要等很久才会被运行吗? 答案当然是不会.

ioloop 中有个 waker 对象,他是由两个 fd 组成,一个读一个写.

ioloop 在初始化的时候把waker绑定到 epoll 里了, add_callback 时会触发waker的读写.

这样 ioloop 就会在 poll 中被唤醒了,接着就可以及时处理 timeout callback


3.io事件的event loop

处理 epoll 事件的功能

通过 IOLoop.instance().add_handler(fd, handler, events) 绑定 fd event 的处理事件

httpserver.listen 的代码内,

netutil.py 中的 netutil.pyadd_accept_handler 绑定 accept handler 处理客户端接入的逻辑

如法炮制,其他的io事件也这样绑定,业务逻辑的分块交由 ioloopcallbackfuture 处理

关于 epoll 的用法的内容.详情见我第一篇文章吧,哈哈


ioloop由 callback (业务分块), timeout callback (定时任务) io event (io传输和解析) 三块组成,互相配合完成异步的功能,构建 gen , httpclient , iostream 等功能

串联大致的流程是, tornado 绑定io event,处理io传输解析,传输完成后(结合Future)回调(callback)业务处理的逻辑和一些固定操作 . 定时器则是较为独立的模块


个人认为 Futuretornado 仅此 ioloop 重要的模块,他贯穿全文,所有异步操作都有他的身影

顾名思义,他主要是关注日后要做的事,类似 jqueryDeferred

一般的用法是通过 ioloopadd_future 定义 futuredone callback ,

futureset_result 的时候, futuredone callback 就会被调用.

从而完成 Future 的功能.

具体可以参考 gen.coroutine 的实现,本文后面也会讲到


最重要的是 add_done_callback , set_result

tornadoFutureioloop , yield 实现了 gen.coroutine

1. add_done_callback

ioloopcallback 类似 , 存储事件完成后的 callbackself._callbacks

def add_done_callback(self, fn):         if self._done:             fn(self)         else:             self._callbacks.append(fn) 


设置事件的结果,并运行之前存储好的 callback

def set_result(self, result):  self._result = result  self._set_done() def _set_done(self):  self._done = True  for cb in self._callbacks:      try:   cb(self)      except Exception:   app_log.exception('Exception in callback %r for %r',       cb, self)  self._callbacks = None  


#! /usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import tornado.web import tornado.ioloop from tornado.gen import coroutine from tornado.concurrent import Future def test():  def pp(s):   print s  future = Future()  iol = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()  print 'init future %s'%future  iol.add_future(future, lambda f: pp('ioloop callback after future done,future is %s'%f))  #模拟io延迟操作  iol.add_timeout(iol.time()+5,lambda:future.set_result('set future is done'))  print 'init complete'  tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() if __name__ == "__main__":  test()    


tornado 源码阅读-初步认识


接着继续延伸,看看 coroutine 的实现

gen.coroutine 实现的功能其实是将原来的 callback 的写法,用 yield 的写法代替. 即以yield为分界,将代码分成两部分.


#! /usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import tornado.ioloop from tornado.gen import coroutine from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient @coroutine def cotest():  client = AsyncHTTPClient()  res = yield client.fetch("http://www.segmentfault.com/")  print res if __name__ == "__main__":  f = cotest()   print f #这里返回了一个future哦  tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()  


tornado 源码阅读-初步认识


接下来分析下 coroutine 的实现

def _make_coroutine_wrapper(func, replace_callback):  @functools.wraps(func)  def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):   future = TracebackFuture()   if replace_callback and 'callback' in kwargs:    callback = kwargs.pop('callback')    IOLoop.current().add_future(     future, lambda future: callback(future.result()))   try:    result = func(*args, **kwargs)   except (Return, StopIteration) as e:    result = getattr(e, 'value', None)   except Exception:    future.set_exc_info(sys.exc_info())    return future   else:    if isinstance(result, types.GeneratorType):     try:      orig_stack_contexts = stack_context._state.contexts      yielded = next(result)      if stack_context._state.contexts is not orig_stack_contexts:       yielded = TracebackFuture()       yielded.set_exception(        stack_context.StackContextInconsistentError(         'stack_context inconsistency (probably caused '         'by yield within a "with StackContext" block)'))     except (StopIteration, Return) as e:      future.set_result(getattr(e, 'value', None))     except Exception:      future.set_exc_info(sys.exc_info())     else:      Runner(result, future, yielded)     try:      return future     finally:      future = None   future.set_result(result)   return future  return wrapper  

如源码所示, func 运行的结果是 GeneratorType , yielded = next(result) ,

运行至原函数的yield位置,返回的是原函数 func 内部 yield 右边 返回的对象(必须是 FutureFuturelist )给 yielded .

经过 Runner(result, future, yielded) 对yielded进行处理.

在此就 贴出Runner的代码了.

Runner初始化过程,调用 handle_yield , 查看 yielded 是否已 done 了,否则 add_future 运行 Runnerrun 方法,

run 方法中如果 yielded 对象已完成,用对它的 gen 调用 send ,发送完成的结果.

所以 yielded 在什么地方被 set_result 非常重要,

当被 set_result 的时候,才会 send 结果给原 func ,完成整个异步操作

详情可以查看tornado 中重要的对象 iostream,源码中iostream的 _handle_connect,如此设置了连接的result.

def _handle_connect(self):   err = self.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_ERROR)   if err != 0:    self.error = socket.error(err, os.strerror(err))    if self._connect_future is None:     gen_log.warning("Connect error on fd %s: %s",         self.socket.fileno(), errno.errorcode[err])    self.close()    return   if self._connect_callback is not None:    callback = self._connect_callback    self._connect_callback = None    self._run_callback(callback)   if self._connect_future is not None:    future = self._connect_future    self._connect_future = None    future.set_result(self)   self._connecting = False  


import tornado.ioloop from tornado.gen import coroutine from tornado.concurrent import Future @coroutine def asyn_sum(a, b):  print("begin calculate:sum %d+%d"%(a,b))  future = Future()  future2 = Future()  iol = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()  print future  def callback(a, b):   print("calculating the sum of %d+%d:"%(a,b))   future.set_result(a+b)   iol.add_timeout(iol.time()+3,lambda f:f.set_result(None),future2)  iol.add_timeout(iol.time()+3,callback, a, b)  result = yield future  print("after yielded")  print("the %d+%d=%d"%(a, b, result))  yield future2  print 'after future2' def main():  f =  asyn_sum(2,3)  print ''  print f  tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() if __name__ == "__main__":  main()  


tornado 源码阅读-初步认识

为什么代码中个yield都起作用了? 因为 Runner.run 里,最后继续用 handle_yield 处理了 send 后返回的 yielded 对象,意思是 func 里可以有n干个 yield 操作

if not self.handle_yield(yielded):                     return 




啊~~~~~~好想有份 工作女朋友 啊~~~~~
