Manjaro-i3 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
The new release has become even more resource friendly and boots up with <150MB RAM
available with both init systems Systemd or OpenRC , both 64bit and 32bit
customization and confignow mostly achieved with packages that can easily be updated in the future: i3status-manjaro , dmenu-manjaro (recency- and terminal aware and mouse-interactive)
new fancy and lightweight Conky
new i3exit-script and i3lock replacing light-locker, added switch-user function, blurlock and Xautolock
added preconfigured Hexchat
Dunstfor notifications
Alsa-audio with Volumeicon
tweaked configuration for urxvt and Compton
a bunch of console utilities and AUR-building-tools (base-devel) are included
lots of other new little features, tweaks and enhancements in the i3 config
此版本默认的是 linux318 . Stable 分支内核。
Manjaro Linux是面向桌面的、用户友好的、基于Arch Linux的发行。它的一些显著特性包括:一份直观的安装程序、自动硬件检测、用于管理图形卡的特别Bash脚本、一组额外的桌面配置选项。 Manjaro Linux带有三份样式,分别采用Xfce、GNOME 3(使用Cinnamon Shell)、KDE桌面。