
Android 平台免 Root 无侵入 AOP 框架 Dexposed 使用详解

@author ASCE1885的 Github 简书 微博 CSDN



Dexposed 是基于久负盛名的开源 Xposed框架 实现的一个Android平台上功能强大的无侵入式运行时 AOP 框架。


/**  * Check device if can run dexposed, and load libs auto.  */ public synchronized static boolean canDexposed(Context context) {  if (!DeviceCheck.isDeviceSupport(context)) {   return false;  }  //load xposed lib for hook.  return loadDexposedLib(context); } private static boolean loadDexposedLib(Context context) {  // load xposed lib for hook.  try {   if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 19){    System.loadLibrary("dexposed_l");   } else if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == 10     || android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == 9 ||      android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 14){    System.loadLibrary("dexposed");   }   return true;  } catch (Throwable e) {   return false;  } } 

Dexposed实现的hooking,不仅可以hook应用中的自定义函数,也可以hook应用中调用的Android框架的函数。Android开发者将从这一点得到很多好处,因为我们严重依赖于Android SDK的版本碎片化。

基于动态类加载技术,运行中的app可以加载一小段经过编译的Java AOP代码,在不需要重启app的前提下实现修改目标app的行为。


  • AOP编程
  • 插桩(例如测试,性能监控等)
  • 在线热更新,修复严重的,紧急的或者安全性的bug
  • SDK hooking以提供更好的开发体验



buildscript {   repositories {     mavenCentral()   }   dependencies {     classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.10.+'     classpath 'com.nabilhachicha:android-native-dependencies:0.1'   } }  ...  native_dependencies {     artifact 'com.taobao.dexposed:dexposed_l:0.2+:armeabi'     artifact 'com.taobao.dexposed:dexposed:0.2+:armeabi' } dependencies {     compile files('libs/dexposedbridge.jar') }

其中,native_dependencies是一个第三方插件,使用方法可参考 《如何在Android Gradle中添加原生so文件依赖》 。当然,我们也可以直接把需要用到的so文件直接拷贝到jniLibs目录中,这样的话,可以把上面的native_dependencies代码段注释掉。


public class MyApplication extends Application {  private boolean mIsSupported = false; // 设备是否支持dexposed  private boolean mIsLDevice = false;  // 设备Android系统是否是Android 5.0及以上  @Override  public void onCreate() {   super.onCreate();   // check device if support and auto load libs   mIsSupported = DexposedBridge.canDexposed(this);   mIsLDevice = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21;  }  public boolean isSupported() {   return mIsSupported;  }  public boolean isLDevice() {   return mIsLDevice;  } } 



public abstract class XC_MethodHook extends XCallback {      /**      * Called before the invocation of the method.      * <p>Can use {@link MethodHookParam#setResult(Object)} and {@link MethodHookParam#setThrowable(Throwable)}      * to prevent the original method from being called.      */     protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {}      /**      * Called after the invocation of the method.      * <p>Can use {@link MethodHookParam#setResult(Object)} and {@link MethodHookParam#setThrowable(Throwable)}      * to modify the return value of the original method.      */     protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable  {} }
public abstract class XC_MethodReplacement extends XC_MethodHook {  @Override  protected final void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {   try {    Object result = replaceHookedMethod(param);    param.setResult(result);   } catch (Throwable t) {    param.setThrowable(t);   }  }  protected final void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {  }  /**   * Shortcut for replacing a method completely. Whatever is returned/thrown here is taken   * instead of the result of the original method (which will not be called).   */  protected abstract Object replaceHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable; } 


  • MethodHookParam.thisObject:这个类的一个实例
  • MethodHookParam.args:用于传递被注入函数的所有参数
  • MethodHookParam.setResult:用于修改原函数调用的结果,如果在beforeHookedMethod回调函数中调用setResult,可以阻止对原函数的调用。但是如果有返回值的话仍然需要通过hook处理器进行return操作。


public static class MethodHookParam extends XCallback.Param {  /** Description of the hooked method */  public Member method;  /** The <code>this</code> reference for an instance method, or null for static methods */  public Object thisObject;  /** Arguments to the method call */  public Object[] args;  private Object result = null;  private Throwable throwable = null;  /* package */ boolean returnEarly = false;  /** Returns the result of the method call */  public Object getResult() {   return result;  }  /**   * Modify the result of the method call. In a "before-method-call"   * hook, prevents the call to the original method.   * You still need to "return" from the hook handler if required.   */  public void setResult(Object result) {   this.result = result;   this.throwable = null;   this.returnEarly = true;  }  /** Returns the <code>Throwable</code> thrown by the method, or null */  public Throwable getThrowable() {   return throwable;  }  /** Returns true if an exception was thrown by the method */  public boolean hasThrowable() {   return throwable != null;  }  /**   * Modify the exception thrown of the method call. In a "before-method-call"   * hook, prevents the call to the original method.   * You still need to "return" from the hook handler if required.   */  public void setThrowable(Throwable throwable) {   this.throwable = throwable;   this.result = null;   this.returnEarly = true;  }  /** Returns the result of the method call, or throws the Throwable caused by it */  public Object getResultOrThrowable() throws Throwable {   if (throwable != null)    throw throwable;   return result;  } } 


AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming),也就是面向方面编程,是通过预编译方式和运行期动态代理实现程序功能的统一维护的一种技术。利用AOP可以对业务逻辑的各个部分进行隔离,从而使得业务逻辑各部分之间的耦合度降低,提高程序的可重用性,同时提高了开发的效率。



// Target class, method with parameter types, followed by the hook callback (XC_MethodHook). DexposedBridge.findAndHookMethod(Activity.class, "onCreate", Bundle.class, new XC_MethodHook() {  // To be invoked before Activity.onCreate().  @Override protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {   // "thisObject" keeps the reference to the instance of target class.   Activity instance = (Activity) param.thisObject;   // The array args include all the parameters.   Bundle bundle = (Bundle) param.args[0];   Intent intent = new Intent();   // XposedHelpers provide useful utility methods.   XposedHelpers.setObjectField(param.thisObject, "mIntent", intent);   // Calling setResult() will bypass the original method body use the result as method return value directly.   if (bundle.containsKey("return"))    param.setResult(null);  }  // To be invoked after Activity.onCreate()  @Override protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {   XposedHelpers.callMethod(param.thisObject, "sampleMethod", 2);  } }); 


DexposedBridge.findAndHookMethod(Activity.class, "onCreate", Bundle.class, new XC_MethodReplacement() {          @Override protected Object replaceHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {             // Re-writing the method logic outside the original method context is a bit tricky but still viable.             ...         }      });




dependencies {     provided files('libs/dexposedbridge.jar')     provided files('libs/patchloader.jar') }


package com.taobao.dexposed; public class MainActivity extends Activity {  private void showDialog() {   AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);   builder.setTitle("Dexposed sample")     .setMessage(       "Please clone patchsample project to generate apk, and copy it to /"/Android/data/com.taobao.dexposed/cache/patch.apk/"")     .setPositiveButton("ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {      }     }).create().show();  } } 


/**  * The interface implemented by hotpatch classes.  */ public interface IPatch {      void handlePatch(PatchParam lpparam) throws Throwable;  }


public class DialogPatch implements IPatch {  @Override  public void handlePatch(final PatchParam arg0) throws Throwable {     Class<?> cls = null;   try {    cls= arg0.context.getClassLoader()     .loadClass("com.taobao.dexposed.MainActivity");   } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {    e.printStackTrace();    return;   }       DexposedBridge.findAndHookMethod(cls, "showDialog",    new XC_MethodReplacement() {    @Override    protected Object replaceHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {     Activity mainActivity = (Activity) param.thisObject;     AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mainActivity);     builder.setTitle("Dexposed sample")       .setMessage("The dialog is shown from patch apk!")       .setPositiveButton("ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {        }       }).create().show();     return null;         }   });  } } 


// Run patch apk public void runPatchApk(View view) {  Log.d("dexposed", "runPatchApk button clicked.");  if (isLDevice) {   showLog("dexposed", "It doesn't support this function on L device.");   return;  }  if (!isSupport) {   Log.d("dexposed", "This device doesn't support dexposed!");   return;  }  File cacheDir = getExternalCacheDir();  if(cacheDir != null){   String fullpath = cacheDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "patch.apk";   PatchResult result = PatchMain.load(this, fullpath, null);   if (result.isSuccess()) {    Log.e("Hotpatch", "patch success!");   } else {    Log.e("Hotpatch", "patch error is " + result.getErrorInfo());   }  }  showDialog(); } 


/**  * Load a runnable patch apk.  *  * @param context the application or activity context.  * @param apkPath the path of patch apk file.  * @param contentMap the object maps that will be used by patch classes.    * @return PatchResult include if success or error detail.  */ public static PatchResult load(Context context, String apkPath, HashMap<String, Object> contentMap) {  if (!new File(apkPath).exists()) {   return new PatchResult(false, PatchResult.FILE_NOT_FOUND, "FILE not found on " + apkPath);  }  PatchResult result = loadAllCallbacks(context, apkPath,context.getClassLoader());  if (!result.isSuccess()) {   return result;  }  if (loadedPatchCallbacks.getSize() == 0) {   return new PatchResult(false, PatchResult.NO_PATCH_CLASS_HANDLE, "No patch class to be handle");  }  PatchParam lpparam = new PatchParam(loadedPatchCallbacks);    lpparam.context = context;  lpparam.contentMap = contentMap;  return PatchCallback.callAll(lpparam); } 




  • Dalvik 2.3
  • Dalvik 4.0~4.4


  • Dalvik 3.0
  • ART 5.1
  • ART M


  • ART 5.0


  • Dalvik 2.2


目前阿里系主流app例如手机淘宝,支付宝,天猫都使用了Dexposed支持在线热更新,而开源项目中,在Github上面能搜到的只有一个 XLog 项目,它的主要功能是方便的打印函数调用和耗时日志,这也是一个了解Dexposed如何使用的很好的例子。

