
C# 单例模式


public sealed class SingleInstance {  private static SingleInstance instance;  private SingleInstance() { }  public static SingleInstance Instance  {   get   {    if (null == instance)    {     instance = new SingleInstance();    }    return instance;   }  } } 




public sealed class SingleInstance {  private static volatile SingleInstance instance;  private static readonly object obj = new object();  private SingleInstance() { }  public static SingleInstance Instance  {   get   {    if (null == instance)    {     lock (obj)     {      if (null == instance)      {       instance = new SingleInstance();      }     }    }    return instance;   }  } } 



public sealed class SingleInstance {  private static readonly SingleInstance instance = new SingleInstance();  private SingleInstance() { }  public static SingleInstance Instance  {   get   {    return instance;   }  } } 

借助readonly属性,instance只被初始化一次,同样达到了单例的效果。在Main函数执行第一句话之前,instance其实已经被赋值了,并不是预期的 只有到访问Instance变量时才创建对象。


class Program {  static void Main(string[] args)  {   Console.WriteLine("Begin");   var temp = SingleInstance.instance; ;  } } public sealed class SingleInstance {  public static readonly SingleInstance instance = new SingleInstance();  private SingleInstance()  {   Console.WriteLine("初始化初始化!");  }  public static SingleInstance Instance  {   get { return instance; }  } } 

输出: C# 单例模式



public sealed class SingleInstance {  public static readonly SingleInstance instance = new SingleInstance();  static SingleInstance() { }  private SingleInstance()  {   Console.WriteLine("初始化初始化!");  }  public static SingleInstance Instance  {   get { return instance; }  } } 


C# 单例模式


public sealed class SingleInstance {  private static readonly Lazy<SingleInstance> instance = new Lazy<SingleInstance>(() => new SingleInstance());  private SingleInstance(){}  public static SingleInstance Instance  {   get   {    return instance.Value;   }  } } 


Will the lazily initialized object be accessed from more than one thread?  If so, the  Lazy <T > object might create it on any thread.  You can use one of the simple constructors whose default behavior is to create a thread-safe  Lazy <T > object, so that only one instance of the lazily instantiated object is created no matter how many threads try to access it.  To create a  Lazy <T > object that is not thread safe, you must use a constructor that enables you to specify no thread safety.


class Program {  static void Main(string[] args)  {   Console.WriteLine("Begin");   mySingle.Instance.age = 500;   Console.WriteLine(mySingle.Instance.age);  } } public abstract class SingleInstance<T> {  private static readonly Lazy<T> _instance = new Lazy<T>(() =>   {    var ctors = typeof(T).GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance| BindingFlags.NonPublic| BindingFlags.Public);    if (ctors.Count() != 1)     throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Type {0} must have exactly one constructor.", typeof(T)));    var ctor = ctors.SingleOrDefault(c => c.GetParameters().Count() == 0 && c.IsPrivate);    if (ctor == null)     throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("The constructor for {0} must be private and take no parameters.", typeof(T)));    return (T)ctor.Invoke(null);   });  public static T Instance  {    get{ return _instance.Value;}  } } public class mySingle : SingleInstance<mySingle> {  private mySingle() { }  public int age; } 