
CoreOS 766.0.0 Alpha 发布,服务器操作系统

CoreOS 766.0.0 发布,此版本是 Alpha 版本,更新内容如下:

Bug 修复:

  • Fix issue which prevented Docker from running after rkt has run ( https://github.com/coreos/bugs/issues/420 )


  • Linux 4.1.4

  • Re-add [Install] section to etcd2 and fleet service units

  • The audit subsystem has been enabled in the kernel and auditctl added to the image. Most audit events are ignored by default. The audit rules may be modified in /etc/audit/rules.d . Note that auditd is not included, journald is responsible for logging events instead although it is a best effort mechanism. Unlike with auditd based systems the kernel will not panic if journald fails to record an event for some reason.


  • socat 1.7.3

  • bind-tools 9.10.2_p2 (includes dig, nslookup, host)

  • whois 5.1.5 (includes whois, mkpasswd)

  • strace 4.9

下载: https://github.com/coreos/manifest/archive/v766.0.0.zip 。
