














1 可以录入学生姓名,性别、课程等信息

2 可以给各门课程录入考试成绩

3 支持姓名排序,班级排序,成绩排序







1 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 2  3 @interface Student : NSObject 4  5 @end
#import "Student.h"  @implementation Student  @end




1 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  2 #import "Course.h"  3   4 @interface Student : NSObject  5 {  6     NSString *_name;  7     int _age;  8     NSString *_sex;  9     Course *_chinese; 10     Course *_math; 11     //录入时间 12     NSDate *_dateCreate; 13 } 14 @end


1 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 2  3 @interface Course : NSObject 4 { 5     NSString *_name; 6     float _score; 7 } 8 @end


【IOS开发笔记02】学生管理系统 Student-Course



【IOS开发笔记02】学生管理系统 View Code

1 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  2 #import "Student.h"  3 #import "Course.h"  4   5 int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {  6     @autoreleasepool {  7          8         //alloc方法创建实例空间,init初始化  9         Course *c = [[Course alloc] initWithName:@"叶小钗" andScore:90]; 10          11         NSLog(@"%@, %f", c.name, c.score); 12          13     } 14     return 0; 15 }


【IOS开发笔记02】学生管理系统 View Code

1 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  2 #import "Student.h"  3 #import "Course.h"  4   5 int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {  6     @autoreleasepool {  7          8         //alloc方法创建实例空间,init初始化  9         Course *chinese = [[Course alloc] initWithName:@"语文" andScore:90]; 10         Course *math = [[Course alloc] initWithName:@"数学" andScore:95]; 11          12         Student *s = [[Student alloc] initWithName:@"叶小钗" andAge:27 andSex:@"男" andChinese:chinese andMath:math]; 13          14         [s showData]; 15          16     } 17     return 0; 18 }
2015-08-06 23:42:24.853 student[3394:246243] 姓名:叶小钗 2015-08-06 23:42:24.854 student[3394:246243] 性别:男 2015-08-06 23:42:24.854 student[3394:246243] 年龄:27 2015-08-06 23:42:24.855 student[3394:246243] 课程名:语文 2015-08-06 23:42:24.855 student[3394:246243] 课程得分:90.000000 2015-08-06 23:42:24.855 student[3394:246243] 课程名:数学 2015-08-06 23:42:24.855 student[3394:246243] 课程得分:95.000000 Program ended with exit code: 0




数组属于集合大家族中的一类,简单来说有数组和字典,NSArray NSDictionary




 1 //nil代表数组结束  2 NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"叶小钗", 23, math, nil];  3   4 //或者这样,注意这里会报错,因为NSArray只能保存对象,但23却是基本类型  5 //前面能处理是因为内部发生了装箱拆箱的过程  6 //NSArray *array2 = @[@"叶小钗", 23, math];  7 NSNumber *num1 = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:23];  8 NSArray *array2 = @[@"叶小钗", num1, math];  9  10 NSLog(@"%d", array[1]); 11 NSLog(@"%d", [array2[1] intValue]);



 1 %@ 对象  2 %d, %i 整数  3 %u   无符整形  4 %f 浮点/双字  5 %x, %X 二进制整数  6 %o 八进制整数  7 %zu size_t  8 %p 指针  9 %e   浮点/双字 (科学计算) 10 %g   浮点/双字 11 %s C 字符串 12 %.*s Pascal字符串 13 %c 字符 14 %C unichar 15 %lld 64位长整数(long long) 16 %llu   无符64位长整数 17 %Lf 64位双字
18 %i 布尔型
 1 //nil代表数组结束  2 NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"叶小钗", @"111", @"ddd", @"dd11", nil];  3   4 //数组遍历  5 //array count求得数组长度  6 for (int i = 0; i < [array count]; i++) {  7     NSLog(@"%@", array[i]);  8 }  9  10 //更好的遍历方式 11 for(id item in array){ 12     NSLog(@"%@", item); 13 } 14  15 //判断是否包含某个对象=>1 16 NSLog(@"%i", [array containsObject:@"1111"]); 17 //判断是否包含某个对象=>0 18 NSLog(@"%i", [array containsObject:@"叶小钗"]); 19  20 //返回第一个找到对象的索引=>2 21 NSLog(@"%d", [array indexOfObject:@"ddd"]); 22  23 //简单排序语法糖,很实用,后面会使用这里不详说 24 NSArray *array1 = [array sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; 25  26 for(id item in array1){ 27     NSLog(@"%@", item); 28 }


NSMutableArray 可变数组


 1 //创建空数组  2 NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];  3   4 //插入5个数字,这里发生了装箱  5 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {  6     NSNumber *n = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i];  7     [array addObject:n];  8 }  9  10 //打印当前长度 11 NSLog(@"%d", [array count]); 12  13 //在第二个元素后插入程咬金 14 [array insertObject:@"程咬金" atIndex:2]; 15  16 //删除第一个元素 17 [array removeObjectAtIndex:0]; 18  19 NSString *s =[array componentsJoinedByString:@"|"]; 20  21 //输出字符串,|隔开 22 NSLog(@"%@", s); 23  24 //字符串转回来 25 NSArray *a = [s componentsSeparatedByString:@"1"]; 26  27 for(id item in array){ 28     NSLog(@"%@", item); 29 } 30  31 for(id item in a){ 32     NSLog(@"%@", item); 33 }






1 NSString *s = @"sdsdsdds"; 2 NSLog(@"%d", [s length]);//=>8



1 NSString *s = @"sdsdsdds"; 2 NSString *s1 = @"sdsdsdds"; 3 NSString *s2 = @"sdsdsdds1"; 4  5 NSLog(@"%i", [s isEqualToString:s1]);//=>1 6 NSLog(@"%i", [s isEqualToString:s2]);//=>0
 1 NSString *s = @"sdsdsdds";  2 NSString *s1 = @"1sdsdsdds";  3 NSString *s2 = @"2sdsdsdds1";  4   5 NSLog(@"%i", [s isEqualToString:s1]);//=>1  6 NSLog(@"%i", [s isEqualToString:s2]);//=>0  7   8 //NSOrderedDescending|NSOrderedAscending  9 //NSOrderedAscending判断两对象值的大小(按字母顺序进行比较) 10 BOOL result = [s1 compare:s2] == NSOrderedAscending; 11 NSLog(@"result:%d",result);//=>1=>true


1 NSString *s1 = @"1sdsdsdds"; 2 NSString *s2 = @"2sdsdsdds1"; 3  4 NSLog(@"%@", [s1 stringByAppendingString:s2]);



 1 //创建学生集合  2 NSMutableArray *students = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];  3 Student *student;  4   5 //下面代码可能会出现警告信息,以我现在的熟悉度是肯定不知道为什么,而且我暂时也不会关注  6 for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {  7     //初始化临时学生变量,插入数组  8     student = [[Student alloc]  9          initWithName:[@"姓名_" stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i]] 10          andAge:(18 + arc4random() % 4) 11          andSex:(arc4random() % 2 == 0 ? @"" : @"") 12          andChinese:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"语文" andScore:arc4random() % 101] 13          andMath:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"数学" andScore:arc4random() % 101]]; 14     [students addObject:student]; 15 } 16  17 for(id item in students){ 18     [item showData]; 19 }


2015-08-09 11:46:23.380 student[5454:444911] 姓名:姓名_0 2015-08-09 11:46:23.382 student[5454:444911] 性别:女 2015-08-09 11:46:23.382 student[5454:444911] 年龄:20 2015-08-09 11:46:23.387 student[5454:444911] 入学时间:2015-08-09 03:46:23 +0000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.387 student[5454:444911] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 11:46:23.388 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:59.000000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.388 student[5454:444911] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 11:46:23.388 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:7.000000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.388 student[5454:444911] 姓名:姓名_1 2015-08-09 11:46:23.388 student[5454:444911] 性别:女 2015-08-09 11:46:23.389 student[5454:444911] 年龄:20 2015-08-09 11:46:23.389 student[5454:444911] 入学时间:2015-08-09 03:46:23 +0000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.389 student[5454:444911] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 11:46:23.389 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:79.000000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.389 student[5454:444911] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 11:46:23.390 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:13.000000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.390 student[5454:444911] 姓名:姓名_2 2015-08-09 11:46:23.390 student[5454:444911] 性别:女 2015-08-09 11:46:23.390 student[5454:444911] 年龄:18 2015-08-09 11:46:23.390 student[5454:444911] 入学时间:2015-08-09 03:46:23 +0000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.391 student[5454:444911] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 11:46:23.391 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:87.000000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.391 student[5454:444911] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 11:46:23.391 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:52.000000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.391 student[5454:444911] 姓名:姓名_3 2015-08-09 11:46:23.392 student[5454:444911] 性别:女 2015-08-09 11:46:23.392 student[5454:444911] 年龄:18 2015-08-09 11:46:23.392 student[5454:444911] 入学时间:2015-08-09 03:46:23 +0000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.392 student[5454:444911] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 11:46:23.393 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:13.000000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.393 student[5454:444911] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 11:46:23.393 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:74.000000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.393 student[5454:444911] 姓名:姓名_4 2015-08-09 11:46:23.393 student[5454:444911] 性别:女 2015-08-09 11:46:23.394 student[5454:444911] 年龄:18 2015-08-09 11:46:23.394 student[5454:444911] 入学时间:2015-08-09 03:46:23 +0000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.394 student[5454:444911] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 11:46:23.394 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:77.000000 2015-08-09 11:46:23.394 student[5454:444911] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 11:46:23.395 student[5454:444911] 课程得分:58.000000 Program ended with exit code: 0
 1 //创建学生集合  2 NSMutableArray *students = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];  3 Student *student;  4   5   6 //下面代码可能会出现警告信息,以我现在的熟悉度是肯定不知道为什么,而且我暂时也不会关注  7 for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {  8     //初始化临时学生变量,插入数组  9     student = [[Student alloc] 10          initWithName:[@"姓名_" stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i]] 11          andAge:(18 + arc4random() % 4) 12          andSex:(arc4random() % 2 == 1 ? @"" : @"") 13          andChinese:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"语文" andScore:arc4random() % 101] 14          andMath:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"数学" andScore:arc4random() % 101]]; 15     [students addObject:student]; 16 } 17  18 //这里做按考试总分排序的功能,也许是我不够熟悉,但这里真心不得不说写惯了js,尼玛OC的语法真令人蛋疼!!! 19 NSArray *sortArray = [students sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2){ 20     //这里不知道为什么不能使用obj1的点语法了 21     if ([obj1 chinese].score + [obj1 math].score > [obj2 chinese].score + [obj2 math].score) { 22         return (NSComparisonResult)NSOrderedDescending; 23     } 24     if ([obj1 chinese].score + [obj1 math].score < [obj2 chinese].score + [obj2 math].score) { 25         return (NSComparisonResult)NSOrderedAscending; 26     } 27     return (NSComparisonResult)NSOrderedSame; 28 }]; 29  30 for(id item in students){ 31     [item showData]; 32 } 33  34 NSLog(@"=====排序后======/n"); 35  36 for(id item in sortArray){ 37     [item showData]; 38 }


2015-08-09 12:59:45.483 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.484 student[5720:468194] 性别:女 2015-08-09 12:59:45.484 student[5720:468194] 年龄:19 2015-08-09 12:59:45.485 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.485 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:54.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.485 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.485 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:60.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.485 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:114.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.486 student[5720:468194] ------------- 2015-08-09 12:59:45.486 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_1 2015-08-09 12:59:45.486 student[5720:468194] 性别:男 2015-08-09 12:59:45.486 student[5720:468194] 年龄:18 2015-08-09 12:59:45.486 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.486 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:33.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.487 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.487 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:85.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.487 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:118.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.487 student[5720:468194] ------------- 2015-08-09 12:59:45.487 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_2 2015-08-09 12:59:45.487 student[5720:468194] 性别:女 2015-08-09 12:59:45.540 student[5720:468194] 年龄:19 2015-08-09 12:59:45.541 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.541 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:98.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.541 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.541 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:37.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.541 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:135.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.542 student[5720:468194] ------------- 2015-08-09 12:59:45.542 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_3 2015-08-09 12:59:45.542 student[5720:468194] 性别:男 2015-08-09 12:59:45.542 student[5720:468194] 年龄:18 2015-08-09 12:59:45.542 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.542 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:69.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.543 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.543 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:1.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.543 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:70.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.543 student[5720:468194] ------------- 2015-08-09 12:59:45.543 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_4 2015-08-09 12:59:45.543 student[5720:468194] 性别:女 2015-08-09 12:59:45.543 student[5720:468194] 年龄:20 2015-08-09 12:59:45.544 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.544 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:88.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.560 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.560 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:16.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.561 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:104.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.561 student[5720:468194] ------------- 2015-08-09 12:59:45.561 student[5720:468194] =====排序后====== 2015-08-09 12:59:45.562 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_3 2015-08-09 12:59:45.562 student[5720:468194] 性别:男 2015-08-09 12:59:45.562 student[5720:468194] 年龄:18 2015-08-09 12:59:45.563 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.563 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:69.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.563 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.563 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:1.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.564 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:70.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.564 student[5720:468194] ------------- 2015-08-09 12:59:45.564 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_4 2015-08-09 12:59:45.564 student[5720:468194] 性别:女 2015-08-09 12:59:45.565 student[5720:468194] 年龄:20 2015-08-09 12:59:45.565 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.565 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:88.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.565 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.566 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:16.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.566 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:104.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.603 student[5720:468194] ------------- 2015-08-09 12:59:45.603 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.603 student[5720:468194] 性别:女 2015-08-09 12:59:45.603 student[5720:468194] 年龄:19 2015-08-09 12:59:45.604 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.604 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:54.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.604 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.604 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:60.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.604 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:114.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.605 student[5720:468194] ------------- 2015-08-09 12:59:45.605 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_1 2015-08-09 12:59:45.605 student[5720:468194] 性别:男 2015-08-09 12:59:45.605 student[5720:468194] 年龄:18 2015-08-09 12:59:45.605 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.605 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:33.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.606 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.606 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:85.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.606 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:118.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.606 student[5720:468194] ------------- 2015-08-09 12:59:45.606 student[5720:468194] 姓名:姓名_2 2015-08-09 12:59:45.606 student[5720:468194] 性别:女 2015-08-09 12:59:45.607 student[5720:468194] 年龄:19 2015-08-09 12:59:45.607 student[5720:468194] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 12:59:45.626 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:98.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.626 student[5720:468194] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 12:59:45.626 student[5720:468194] 课程得分:37.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.627 student[5720:468194] 考试总分:135.0 2015-08-09 12:59:45.627 student[5720:468194] ------------- Program ended with exit code: 0
View Code


  1 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>   2    3 @interface Course : NSObject   4 {   5     NSString *_name;   6     float _score;   7 }   8    9 -(instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)newName andScore:(float)newScore;  10   11 -(void)setName: (NSString *)str;  12 -(NSString *)name;  13   14 -(void)setScore: (float)fl;  15 -(float)score;  16   17 -(void)showData;  18   19 @end  20   21 #import "Course.h"  22   23 @implementation Course  24   25 //自定义构造方法  26 -(instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)newName andScore:(float)newScore  27 {  28     self = [super init];  29     if (self) {  30         _name = newName;  31         _score = newScore;  32     }  33     return self;  34 }  35   36 -(void) setName:(NSString *)str  37 {  38     _name = str;  39 }  40   41 -(NSString *) name  42 {  43     return _name;  44 }  45   46 -(void) setScore:(float)fl  47 {  48     _score = fl;  49 }  50   51 -(float) score  52 {  53     return _score;  54 }  55   56 -(void) showData  57 {  58     NSLog(@"课程名:%@", _name);  59     NSLog(@"课程得分:%.1f",_score);  60 }  61   62 @end  63   64 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  65 #import "Course.h"  66   67 @interface Student : NSObject  68 {  69     NSString *_name;  70     int _age;  71     NSString *_sex;  72     Course *_chinese;  73     Course *_math;  74     //录入时间  75     NSDate *_dateCreate;  76 }  77   78 -(instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)newName andAge:(int)newAge andSex:(NSString *)newSex andChinese:(Course *) newChinese andMath:(Course *) newMath;  79   80 -(void)setName: (NSString *)str;  81 -(NSString *)name;  82   83 -(void)setAge: (int)a;  84 -(int)age;  85   86 -(void)setSex: (NSString *)str;  87 -(NSString *)sex;  88   89 -(void)setChinese: (Course *)c;  90 -(Course *)chinese;  91   92 -(void)setMath: (Course *)c;  93 -(Course *)math;  94   95 //只暴露读取接口  96 -(NSDate *)dateCreate;  97   98 -(void) showData;  99  100 @end 101  102 #import "Student.h" 103  104 @implementation Student 105  106 -(instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)newName andAge:(int)newAge andSex:(NSString *)newSex andChinese:(Course *) newChinese andMath:(Course *) newMath 107 { 108     self = [super init]; 109     if (self) { 110         _name = newName; 111         _age = newAge; 112         _sex = newSex; 113         _chinese = newChinese; 114         _math = newMath; 115         _dateCreate = [[NSDate alloc] init]; 116     } 117     return self; 118   } 119  120 -(void) setName:(NSString *)str 121 { 122     _name = str; 123 } 124  125 -(NSString *) name 126 { 127     return _name; 128 } 129  130 -(void)setAge: (int)a 131 { 132     _age = a; 133 } 134  135 -(int)age 136 { 137     return _age; 138 } 139  140 -(void)setSex: (NSString *)str 141 { 142     _sex = str; 143 } 144  145 -(NSString *)sex 146 { 147     return _sex; 148 } 149  150 -(void)setChinese: (Course *)c 151 { 152     _chinese = c; 153 } 154  155 -(Course *)chinese 156 { 157     return _chinese; 158 } 159  160 -(void)setMath: (Course *)c 161 { 162     _math = c; 163 } 164  165 -(Course *)math 166 { 167     return _math; 168 } 169  170 //只暴露读取接口 171 -(NSDate *)dateCreate 172 { 173     return _dateCreate; 174 } 175  176 -(void) showData 177 { 178     NSLog(@"姓名:%@", _name); 179     NSLog(@"性别:%@", _sex); 180     NSLog(@"年龄:%d", _age); 181     //NSLog(@"入学时间:%@", _dateCreate); 182     [_chinese showData]; 183     [_math showData]; 184     NSLog(@"考试总分:%.1f", _chinese.score + _math.score); 185     NSLog(@"-------------/n"); 186 } 187  188 @end 189  190 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 191 #import "Student.h" 192 #import "Course.h" 193  194 int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { 195     @autoreleasepool { 196     197         //创建学生集合 198         NSMutableArray *students = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 199         Student *student; 200  201  202         //下面代码可能会出现警告信息,以我现在的熟悉度是肯定不知道为什么,而且我暂时也不会关注 203         for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { 204             //初始化临时学生变量,插入数组 205             student = [[Student alloc] 206                  initWithName:[@"姓名_" stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i]] 207                  andAge:(18 + arc4random() % 4) 208                  andSex:(arc4random() % 2 == 1 ? @"" : @"") 209                  andChinese:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"语文" andScore:arc4random() % 101] 210                  andMath:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"数学" andScore:arc4random() % 101]]; 211             [students addObject:student]; 212         } 213  214         //这里做按考试总分排序的功能,也许是我不够熟悉,但这里真心不得不说写惯了js,尼玛OC的语法真令人蛋疼!!! 215         NSArray *sortArray = [students sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2){ 216             //这里不知道为什么不能使用obj1的点语法了 217             if ([obj1 chinese].score + [obj1 math].score > [obj2 chinese].score + [obj2 math].score) { 218                 return (NSComparisonResult)NSOrderedDescending; 219             } 220             if ([obj1 chinese].score + [obj1 math].score < [obj2 chinese].score + [obj2 math].score) { 221                 return (NSComparisonResult)NSOrderedAscending; 222             } 223             return (NSComparisonResult)NSOrderedSame; 224         }]; 225  226         for(id item in students){ 227             [item showData]; 228         } 229  230         NSLog(@"=====排序后======/n"); 231  232         for(id item in sortArray){ 233             [item showData]; 234         } 235          236     } 237     return 0; 238 }
View Code




1 有界面录入学生信息

2 有列表可展示学生信息

3 学生信息可排序

4 可编辑、删除学生

需求不多,多了可能就做不完,于是我们便愉快的开始吧,这次新建项目会有所不同:选择的是最简单的single View application






模型-视图-控制器,是我们经常听到的mvc,为各种与界面相关的系统都会频繁使用的一种模式,其意义在于代码解耦,OC APP开发遵循这一规则







PS: 从IOS5开始进行了改进,使用“.storyboard”文件进行设计


这里新建一个文件:StudentViewController,继承至UIViewController,这里记得勾选also create xib file,会生成如下文件:

file.h 头文件 file.m 实现文件 file.xib xml interface build


这里使用一种界面工具打开该文件(interface builder),左侧是dock,右边是画布,那坨东西与html一样,事实上是一坨代码:

 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>  2 <document type="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.CocoaTouch.XIB" version="3.0" toolsVersion="6211" systemVersion="14A298i" targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch" propertyAccessControl="none" useAutolayout="YES" useTraitCollections="YES">  3     <dependencies>  4         <plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin" version="6204"/>  5     </dependencies>  6     <objects>  7         <placeholder placeholderIdentifier="IBFilesOwner" id="-1" userLabel="File's Owner" customClass="StudentViewController">  8             <connections>  9                 <outlet property="view" destination="i5M-Pr-FkT" id="sfx-zR-JGt"/> 10             </connections> 11         </placeholder> 12         <placeholder placeholderIdentifier="IBFirstResponder" id="-2" customClass="UIResponder"/> 13         <view clearsContextBeforeDrawing="NO" contentMode="scaleToFill" id="i5M-Pr-FkT"> 14             <rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="600" height="600"/> 15             <autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" widthSizable="YES" heightSizable="YES"/> 16             <color key="backgroundColor" white="1" alpha="1" colorSpace="custom" customColorSpace="calibratedWhite"/> 17         </view> 18     </objects> 19 </document>
View Code




1 自己编辑代码

2 ide会有工具箱让我们拖



因为我们建立的是sigile page application,所以上述文件不需要我们创建,系统自动为我们创建好了Main.storyboard,我们之间在这之上开发就行







1 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> 2 #import "AppDelegate.h" 3  4 int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { 5     @autoreleasepool { 6         return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class])); 7     } 8 }






1 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> 2  3 @interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate> 4  5 @property (strong, nonatomic) UIWindow *window; 6  7  8 @end
 1 #import "AppDelegate.h"  2   3 @interface AppDelegate ()  4   5 @end  6   7 @implementation AppDelegate  8   9  10 - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { 11     // Override point for customization after application launch. 12     return YES; 13 } 14  15 - (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application { 16     // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. 17     // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and throttle down OpenGL ES frame rates. Games should use this method to pause the game. 18 } 19  20 - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application { 21     // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later. 22     // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits. 23 } 24  25 - (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application { 26     // Called as part of the transition from the background to the inactive state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background. 27 } 28  29 - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application { 30     // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface. 31 } 32  33 - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application { 34     // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:. 35 } 36  37 @end
这个类中定义了应用程序生命周期中各个事件的执行方法:  - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
程序启动之后执行,只有在第一次程序启动后才执行,以后不再执行; - (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application;
程序将要被激活时(获得焦点)执行,程序激活用户才能操作; - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application;
程序进入后台后执行,注意进入后台时会先失去焦点再进入后台; - (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application;
程序将要进入前台时执行; - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application;
程序被激活(获得焦点)后执行,注意程序被激活时会先进入前台再被激活; - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application;

这个有点类似与.net application的事件管道,在一条程序生命周期内,当达到某一个特定的时期便会执行相关函数,这里我们不去深入了解,事实上与我们当前需求意义不大


AppDelegate(.h/.m):应用程序代理,主要用于监听整个应用程序生命周期中各个阶段的事件; ViewController(.h/.m):视图控制器,主要负责管理UIView的生命周期、负责UIView之间的切换、对UIView事件进行监听等; Main.storyboard:界面布局文件,承载对应UIView的视图控件; Images.xcassets:应用程序图像资源文件; Info.plist:应用程序配置文件; main.m:应用程序入口函数文件; xxx-prefix.pch:项目公共头文件,此文件中的导入语句在编译时会应用到所有的类文件中,相当于公共引入文件(注意在Xcode6中没有提供此文件)


以上有3个UI对象,但是是没有交互的,interface builder可以创建两种关联:

① 插座变量 一种指向对象的指针 ② 动作变量 一种方法,比如点击、拖拽等事件 根据之前的经验,插座变量应该便是id相关映射,动作变量便是事件回调


 1 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>  2   3 @interface ViewController : UIViewController  4   5 //属性简单创建的语法糖,后续需要详细了解其用法  6 @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UILabel *msg;  7   8 @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITextField *txt;  9  10 //点击按钮后的事件回调 11 -(IBAction)myClick:(UIButton *)btn; 12  13 @end

IBOutlet 没有实际意义,他会告诉interface builder这个属性会被关联到某个控件,代码前面也确实出现了小圆点:



点击右上方的show the assistant editor,打开控制器文件与视图文件开始拖拽吧!!!



 1 #import "ViewController.h"  2   3 @interface ViewController ()  4   5 @end  6   7 @implementation ViewController  8   9 - (void)viewDidLoad { 10     [super viewDidLoad]; 11     // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. 12 } 13  14 - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { 15     [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; 16     // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. 17 } 18  19 //让label显示文本框的文字 20 -(void) myClick:(UIButton *)btn{ 21     _msg.text = _txt.text; 22 } 23  24 @end










 1 //这里实例化一个Student对象试试  2 //这里如果数字输入错误会导致解析出问题,可能会报错,不知道OC生产项目应该如何处理  3 Student *student = [[Student alloc]  4            initWithName:_stuName.text  5            andAge:[_stuAge.text intValue]  6            andSex:_stuSex.text  7            andChinese:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"语文" andScore:[_stuChinese.text floatValue]]  8            andMath:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"数学" andScore:[_stuMath.text floatValue]]];  9                         10 [student showData];
2015-08-09 20:01:10.273 student_app[7140:619984] 姓名:11 2015-08-09 20:01:10.274 student_app[7140:619984] 性别:男 2015-08-09 20:01:10.275 student_app[7140:619984] 年龄:22 2015-08-09 20:01:10.275 student_app[7140:619984] 课程名:语文 2015-08-09 20:01:10.276 student_app[7140:619984] 课程得分:33.0 2015-08-09 20:01:10.276 student_app[7140:619984] 课程名:数学 2015-08-09 20:01:10.276 student_app[7140:619984] 课程得分:44.0 2015-08-09 20:01:10.277 student_app[7140:619984] 考试总分:77.0 2015-08-09 20:01:10.277 student_app[7140:619984] -------------







  1 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>   2    3 @interface Course : NSObject   4 {   5     NSString *_name;   6     float _score;   7 }   8    9 -(instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)newName andScore:(float)newScore;  10   11 -(void)setName: (NSString *)str;  12 -(NSString *)name;  13   14 -(void)setScore: (float)fl;  15 -(float)score;  16   17 -(void)showData;  18   19 @end  20   21 #import "Course.h"  22   23 @implementation Course  24   25 //自定义构造方法  26 -(instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)newName andScore:(float)newScore  27 {  28     self = [super init];  29     if (self) {  30         _name = newName;  31         _score = newScore;  32     }  33     return self;  34 }  35   36 -(void) setName:(NSString *)str  37 {  38     _name = str;  39 }  40   41 -(NSString *) name  42 {  43     return _name;  44 }  45   46 -(void) setScore:(float)fl  47 {  48     _score = fl;  49 }  50   51 -(float) score  52 {  53     return _score;  54 }  55   56 -(void) showData  57 {  58     NSLog(@"课程名:%@", _name);  59     NSLog(@"课程得分:%.1f",_score);  60 }  61   62 @end  63   64 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  65 #import "Course.h"  66   67 @interface Student : NSObject  68 {  69     NSString *_name;  70     int _age;  71     NSString *_sex;  72     Course *_chinese;  73     Course *_math;  74     //录入时间  75     NSDate *_dateCreate;  76 }  77   78 -(instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)newName andAge:(int)newAge andSex:(NSString *)newSex andChinese:(Course *) newChinese andMath:(Course *) newMath;  79   80 -(void)setName: (NSString *)str;  81 -(NSString *)name;  82   83 -(void)setAge: (int)a;  84 -(int)age;  85   86 -(void)setSex: (NSString *)str;  87 -(NSString *)sex;  88   89 -(void)setChinese: (Course *)c;  90 -(Course *)chinese;  91   92 -(void)setMath: (Course *)c;  93 -(Course *)math;  94   95 //只暴露读取接口  96 -(NSDate *)dateCreate;  97   98 -(void) showData;  99 -(NSString *) getData; 100  101 @end 102  103 #import "Student.h" 104  105 @implementation Student 106  107 -(instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)newName andAge:(int)newAge andSex:(NSString *)newSex andChinese:(Course *) newChinese andMath:(Course *) newMath 108 { 109     self = [super init]; 110     if (self) { 111         _name = newName; 112         _age = newAge; 113         _sex = newSex; 114         _chinese = newChinese; 115         _math = newMath; 116         _dateCreate = [[NSDate alloc] init]; 117     } 118     return self; 119   } 120  121 -(void) setName:(NSString *)str 122 { 123     _name = str; 124 } 125  126 -(NSString *) name 127 { 128     return _name; 129 } 130  131 -(void)setAge: (int)a 132 { 133     _age = a; 134 } 135  136 -(int)age 137 { 138     return _age; 139 } 140  141 -(void)setSex: (NSString *)str 142 { 143     _sex = str; 144 } 145  146 -(NSString *)sex 147 { 148     return _sex; 149 } 150  151 -(void)setChinese: (Course *)c 152 { 153     _chinese = c; 154 } 155  156 -(Course *)chinese 157 { 158     return _chinese; 159 } 160  161 -(void)setMath: (Course *)c 162 { 163     _math = c; 164 } 165  166 -(Course *)math 167 { 168     return _math; 169 } 170  171 //只暴露读取接口 172 -(NSDate *)dateCreate 173 { 174     return _dateCreate; 175 } 176  177 -(void) showData 178 { 179     NSLog(@"姓名:%@", _name); 180     NSLog(@"性别:%@", _sex); 181     NSLog(@"年龄:%d", _age); 182     //NSLog(@"入学时间:%@", _dateCreate); 183     [_chinese showData]; 184     [_math showData]; 185     NSLog(@"考试总分:%.1f", _chinese.score + _math.score); 186     NSLog(@"-------------/n"); 187 } 188  189 -(NSString *) getData 190 { 191     return [[_name stringByAppendingString:@"总分 "] 192             stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f",_chinese.score + _math.score]]; 193 } 194  195 @end 196  197 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> 198 #import "Student.h" 199  200 //这里需要实现一个协议,就是我们说的接口,原因后续再研究 201 //delegate是为了数据更新时刷新视图 202 @interface ViewController : UIViewController<UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate> 203  204 //存储学生的集合 205 @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *students; 206  207 //属性简单创建的语法糖,后续需要详细了解其用法 208 @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITextField *stuName; 209  210 @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITextField *stuSex; 211  212 @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITextField *stuAge; 213  214 @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITextField *stuChinese; 215  216 @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITextField *stuMath; 217  218 @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITableView *stuList; 219  220  221 //点击按钮后的事件回调 222 -(IBAction)onAdd:(UIButton *)btn; 223  224 //点击按钮后的事件回调 225 -(IBAction)onRead:(UIButton *)btn; 226  227 @end 228  229 #import "ViewController.h" 230 #import "Course.h" 231 #import "Student.h" 232  233 @interface ViewController () 234 @end 235  236 @implementation ViewController 237  238 ////重写初始化方法,控制器对象创建结束后会执行 239 // 240 //-(id) initWithNibName:(nullable NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(nullable NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil{ 241 //     242 //    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil]; 243 //     244 //    if(self) { 245 //        self.students= [NSMutableArray alloc]; 246 //    } 247 //     248 //    return self; 249 //} 250  251 - (void)viewDidLoad { 252     [super viewDidLoad]; 253      254     //在页面准备前对数组进行初始化 255     _students =   [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 256   257 //    _students = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"武汉",@"上海",@"北京",@"深圳",@"广州",@"重庆",@"香港",@"台海",@"天津", nil]; 258 // 259     _stuList = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 250, 520, 420)]; 260      261     //设置数据源,注意必须实现对应的UITableViewDataSource协议 262     _stuList.dataSource = self; 263      264     //动态添加 265     [self.view addSubview:_stuList]; 266      267 } 268  269 - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { 270     [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; 271 } 272  273 -(void) onAdd:(UIButton *)btn{ 274 //这里实例化一个Student对象试试 275 //这里如果数字输入错误会导致解析出问题,可能会报错,不知道OC生产项目应该如何处理 276 Student *student = [[Student alloc] 277            initWithName:_stuName.text 278            andAge:[_stuAge.text intValue] 279            andSex:_stuSex.text 280            andChinese:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"语文" andScore:[_stuChinese.text floatValue]] 281            andMath:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"数学" andScore:[_stuMath.text floatValue]]]; 282  283     //这里每次点击,皆将结果存于全局数组中 284     [_students addObject:student]; 285  286     //每次数据更新便将对应数据显示在UITableView中 287     [_stuList performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(reloadData) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO]; 288      289 } 290  291 -(void) onRead:(UIButton *)btn{ 292     for(id item in _students){ 293         [item showData]; 294     } 295 } 296  297 //必须实现 298 - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath 299 { 300     static NSString *CellWithIdentifier = @"Cell"; 301     UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellWithIdentifier]; 302     if (cell == nil) { 303         cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleValue2 reuseIdentifier:CellWithIdentifier]; 304     } 305     NSUInteger row = [indexPath row]; 306     cell.textLabel.text = [[_students objectAtIndex:row] getData]; 307    308     return cell; 309 } 310  311 //每个section下cell的个数(必须实现) 312 - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{ 313     return _students.count; 314 } 315  316 @end
View Code


 1 #import "ViewController.h"  2 #import "Course.h"  3 #import "Student.h"  4   5 @interface ViewController ()  6 @end  7   8 @implementation ViewController  9  10 ////重写初始化方法,控制器对象创建结束后会执行 11 // 12 //-(id) initWithNibName:(nullable NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(nullable NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil{ 13 //     14 //    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil]; 15 //     16 //    if(self) { 17 //        self.students= [NSMutableArray alloc]; 18 //    } 19 //     20 //    return self; 21 //} 22  23 - (void)viewDidLoad { 24     [super viewDidLoad]; 25      26     //在页面准备前对数组进行初始化 27     _students =   [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 28   29 //    _students = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"武汉",@"上海",@"北京",@"深圳",@"广州",@"重庆",@"香港",@"台海",@"天津", nil]; 30 // 31     _stuList = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 250, 520, 420)]; 32      33     //设置数据源,注意必须实现对应的UITableViewDataSource协议 34     _stuList.dataSource = self; 35      36     //动态添加 37     [self.view addSubview:_stuList]; 38      39 } 40  41 - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { 42     [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; 43 } 44  45 -(void) onAdd:(UIButton *)btn{ 46 //这里实例化一个Student对象试试 47 //这里如果数字输入错误会导致解析出问题,可能会报错,不知道OC生产项目应该如何处理 48 Student *student = [[Student alloc] 49            initWithName:_stuName.text 50            andAge:[_stuAge.text intValue] 51            andSex:_stuSex.text 52            andChinese:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"语文" andScore:[_stuChinese.text floatValue]] 53            andMath:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"数学" andScore:[_stuMath.text floatValue]]]; 54  55     //这里每次点击,皆将结果存于全局数组中 56     [_students addObject:student]; 57  58     //每次数据更新便将对应数据显示在UITableView中 59     [_stuList performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(reloadData) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO]; 60      61 } 62  63 -(void) onRead:(UIButton *)btn{ 64     for(id item in _students){ 65         [item showData]; 66     } 67 } 68  69 //必须实现 70 - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath 71 { 72     static NSString *CellWithIdentifier = @"Cell"; 73     UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellWithIdentifier]; 74     if (cell == nil) { 75         cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleValue2 reuseIdentifier:CellWithIdentifier]; 76     } 77     NSUInteger row = [indexPath row]; 78     cell.textLabel.text = [[_students objectAtIndex:row] getData]; 79    80     return cell; 81 } 82  83 //每个section下cell的个数(必须实现) 84 - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{ 85     return _students.count; 86 } 87  88 @end
 1 #import "ViewController.h"  2 #import "Course.h"  3 #import "Student.h"  4   5 @interface ViewController ()  6 @end  7   8 @implementation ViewController  9  10 ////重写初始化方法,控制器对象创建结束后会执行 11 // 12 //-(id) initWithNibName:(nullable NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(nullable NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil{ 13 //     14 //    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil]; 15 //     16 //    if(self) { 17 //        self.students= [NSMutableArray alloc]; 18 //    } 19 //     20 //    return self; 21 //} 22  23 - (void)viewDidLoad { 24     [super viewDidLoad]; 25      26     //在页面准备前对数组进行初始化 27     _students =   [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 28   29 //    _students = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"武汉",@"上海",@"北京",@"深圳",@"广州",@"重庆",@"香港",@"台海",@"天津", nil]; 30 // 31     _stuList = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 250, 520, 420)]; 32      33     //设置数据源,注意必须实现对应的UITableViewDataSource协议 34     _stuList.dataSource = self; 35      36     //动态添加 37     [self.view addSubview:_stuList]; 38      39 } 40  41 - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { 42     [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; 43 } 44  45 -(void) onAdd:(UIButton *)btn{ 46 //这里实例化一个Student对象试试 47 //这里如果数字输入错误会导致解析出问题,可能会报错,不知道OC生产项目应该如何处理 48 Student *student = [[Student alloc] 49            initWithName:_stuName.text 50            andAge:[_stuAge.text intValue] 51            andSex:_stuSex.text 52            andChinese:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"语文" andScore:[_stuChinese.text floatValue]] 53            andMath:[[Course alloc] initWithName:@"数学" andScore:[_stuMath.text floatValue]]]; 54  55     //这里每次点击,皆将结果存于全局数组中 56     [_students addObject:student]; 57  58     //每次数据更新便将对应数据显示在UITableView中 59     [_stuList performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(reloadData) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO]; 60      61 } 62  63 -(void) onRead:(UIButton *)btn{ 64     for(id item in _students){ 65         [item showData]; 66     } 67 } 68  69 //必须实现 70 - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath 71 { 72     static NSString *CellWithIdentifier = @"Cell"; 73     UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellWithIdentifier]; 74     if (cell == nil) { 75         cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleValue2 reuseIdentifier:CellWithIdentifier]; 76     } 77     NSUInteger row = [indexPath row]; 78     cell.textLabel.text = [[_students objectAtIndex:row] getData]; 79    80     return cell; 81 } 82  83 //每个section下cell的个数(必须实现) 84 - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{ 85     return _students.count; 86 } 87  88 @end



