
Spring Data Mongodb 1.8.0 RC1发布

Spring Data MongoDB 1.8.0 RC1 发布了,这是 Spring Data 用来访问 MongoDB 数据库的访问层。


Changes in version 1.8.0.RC1 (2015-08-04)     


* DATAMONGO-1268 - Release 1.8 RC1 (Gosling).

* DATAMONGO-1266 - Repository query methods returning a primitive do not detect domain type correctly.

* DATAMONGO-1260 - Prevent accidental authentication misconfiguration on SimpleMongoDbFactory.

* DATAMONGO-1257 - mongo:mongo-client namespace does not support usernames with a comma.

* DATAMONGO-1254 - Group after Project in aggregation uses incorrect field name.

* DATAMONGO-1251 - update / findAndModify throws NullPointerException.

* DATAMONGO-1250 - Custom converter implementation not used in updates.

* DATAMONGO-1244 - StringBasedMongoQuery handles complex expression parameters incorrectly.

* DATAMONGO-1242 - Update mongo-java-driver to 3.0.2 in mongo3 profile.

* DATAMONGO-1236 - MongoOperations findAndModify and updateFirst do not include the _class in Map values.

* DATAMONGO-1234 - Fix typos in JavaDoc.

* DATAMONGO-1232 - IgnoreCase should escape queries.

* DATAMONGO-1229 - MongoQueryCreator incorrectly rejects ignoreCase on nested String path.

* DATAMONGO-1166 - ReadPreference not used for Aggregations.

* DATAMONGO-1157 - Throw meaningful exception when @DbRef is used with unsupported types.

* DATAMONGO-1125 - Specify collection that triggers CommandFailureException.

