
Ember.js 2.1.0 Beta2/2.0.1/1.13.9 发布

Ember.js 2.1.0 Beta2 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

  • #12163 [BUGFIX] Move View#currentState to View#_currentState .

  • #12163 [DEPRECATION] Deprecate using the private currentState property on views/components.

  • #12132 [BUGFIX] Fix stack overflow issue in _super wrapper updates.

  • #12138 [BUGFIX] Do not require this._super(...arguments) when components implement didRecieveAttrs .

  • #12170 [BUGFIX release] Ensure Ember.computed.sum returns 0 if the array to be operated on is null or undefined .

  • #12176 [BUGFIX] Enable extending Ember.LinkComponent for customizations.

下载: https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/archive/v2.1.0-beta.2.zip 。

Ember.js 2.0.1 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

  • #12093 [BUGFIX] Fix issue with Ember.computed.alias , Ember.computed.oneWay , and Ember.computed.reads that prevented them from invalidating properly.

  • #12138 [BUGFIX] Do not require calling this._super(...arguments) in views/components when implementing didRecieveAttrs .

  • #12170 [BUGFIX] Ensure Ember.computed.sum returns 0 when the underlying array property is null or undefined .

下载: https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/archive/v2.0.1.zip 。

Ember.js 1.13.9 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

  • #12138 [BUGFIX] Do not require calling this._super(...arguments) in views/components when implementing didRecieveAttrs .

  • #12164 [BUGFIX] Properly handle block-less usage of a component without a template or layout specified in the component definition.

下载: https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/archive/v1.13.9.zip 。
