
Hibernate OGM 5.0.0.Alpha1 发布

Hibernate OGM 5.0.0.Alpha1 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

** Bug修复

* OGM-887 - redis         - Don't map elements within embeddable collections using dot names

* OGM-870 - tests         - Fix CompensationSpiTest

** 改进

* OGM-868 - build         - Add the latest commit id in the manifest during the build

* OGM-879 - redis         - Embedded Id stored within key and value

* OGM-881 - redis         - Use Netty modules provided by WildFly for Redis driver

* OGM-866 - neo4j         - Isolate internal Neo4J dependencies from conflicting with user application dependencies

* OGM-882 - redis         - Enable MapContentsStoredInSeparateDocumentTest for Redis

* OGM-565 - core          - Add a method to GridDialect which allows to get several entities at once

* OGM-555 - mongodb       - Use more natural format to store map-typed properties in MongoDB

* OGM-880 - redis         - Keep connection alive between tests

* OGM-902 - documentation - Documentation fixes for CouchDB/Redis

* OGM-903 - build         - Upgrade to ORM 5 Final

* OGM-664 - core          - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5

* OGM-905 - tests         - Use WildFly 10.0.0.Beta2 for integration tests

* OGM-867 - mongodb       - Use JSONAssert in MongoDB mapping assertions

* OGM-886 - redis         - Apply connection timeout

* OGM-878 - tests         - Upgrade to WildFly 10 Beta1

* OGM-891 - redis         - Use more natural format to store map-typed properties in Redis

* OGM-703 - neo4j         - Upgrade to Neo4j 2.2.x

* OGM-874 - redis         - Implement MultigetGridDialect for Redis

** 新特性

* OGM-767 - core          - Support loading entities in batch

* OGM-810 - mongodb       - Upgrade to MongoDB driver 3.0

* OGM-194 - redis         - Support Redis as Datastore

** 子任务

* OGM-770 - core          - Make sure the new ORM bootstrap API covers OGM needs

* OGM-805 - core          - Adapt to changed transaction APIs in ORM v5

** 任务

* OGM-869 - build         - Remove build of modules for EAP6

* OGM-895 - tests         - Avoid using a filesystem for index based tests

* OGM-896 - build, tests  - The Redis integration tests should not run when the Redis hostname is not set

* OGM-864 - documentation - Update reference guide after ORM 5 migration

* OGM-698 - build         - Rename core integration module for WildFly

* OGM-885 - redis         - Add Redis to distribution ZIP

更多详细内容请看 发行说明 。

Hibernate 团队对外宣布了一个新的家族成员,Hibernate OGM, OGM 是 Object Grid Mapping的缩写,它的目标是试图使用 JPA 来操作 NoSQL数据库。
