CoffeeScript 1.10.0 发布,更新内容如下:
CoffeeScript now supports ES6-style destructuring defaults.
(offsetHeight: height) ->
no longer compiles. That syntax was accidental and partly broken. Use ({offsetHeight: height}) ->
instead. Object destructuring always requires braces.
Several minor bug fixes, including:
A bug where the REPL would sometimes report valid code as invalid, based on what you had typed earlier.
A problem with multiple JS contexts in the jest test framework.
An error in io.js where strict mode is set on internal modules.
A variable name clash for the caught error in catch
详细信息请查看 更新日志 。
下载页面: 1.10.0 。
offeeScript这一门编程语言构建在JavaScript之上,其被编译成高效的JavaScript,这样你就可以在web浏览器上运 行它,或是通过诸如用于服务器端应用的Node.js一类的技术来使用它。编译过程通常都很简单,产生出来的JavaScript与许多的最佳做法都保持 了一致。
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