
Scalaz(2)- 基础篇:随意多态-typeclass, ad-hoc polymorphism


1、新的数据类型,如:Validation, NonEmptyList ...

2、标准scala类型的延伸类型,如:OptionOps, ListOps ...

3、通过typeclass的随意多态(ad-hoc polymorphism)编程模式实现的大量概括性函数组件库

我们在这篇重点讨论多态(polymorphism),特别是随意多态(ad-hoc polymorphism)。


1、重载 Overloading

2、继承 Inheritance

3、模式匹配 Pattern-matching

4、特性 Traits/interfaces

5、类型参数 Type parameters



假如我们设计一个描述输入参数的函数:tell(t: some type): String

如:tell(c: Color) >>> "I am color Red"

tell(i: Int) >>> "I am Int 3"

tell(p: Person) >>> "I am Peter"


1 object overload { 2  case class Color(descript: String) 3  case class Person(name: String) 4  5  def tell(c: Color) = "I am color "+ c.descript 6  def tell(p: Person) = "I am "+ p.name 7 }



 1 trait Thing {  2   def tell: String  3 }  4 class  Color(descript: String) extends Thing {  5   override def tell: String = "I am color " + descript  6 }  7 class Person(name: String) extends Thing {  8   override def tell: String = "I am " + name  9 } 10  11 new Color("RED").tell                             //> res0: String = I am color RED 12 new Person("John").tell                           //> res1: String = I am John



 1 case class Color(descript: String)  2 case class Person(name: String)  3 def tell(x: Any): String = x match {  4   case Color(descr) => "I am color " + descr  5   case Person(name) => "I am " + name  6   case i: Int => "I am Int "+i  7   case _ => "unknown"  8 }                                                 //> tell: (x: Any)String  9  10 tell(23)                                          //> res0: String = I am Int 23 11 tell(Color("RED"))                                //> res1: String = I am color RED 12 tell(Person("Peter"))                             //> res2: String = I am Peter



1 trait Tellable[T] { 2   def tell(t: T): String 3 }

这个trait Tellable代表的意思是把tell功能附加到任意类型T,但还未定义tell的具体功能。


1 trait Tellable[T] { 2   def tell(t: T): String 3 } 4 case class Color(descript: String) 5 case class Person(name: String) 6 object colorTeller extends Tellable[Color] { 7     def tell(t: Color): String = "I am color "+t.descript 8 }

针对Color我们在object colorTeller里实现了tell。现在更概括的tell变成这样:

1 def tell[T](t: T)(M: Tellable[T]) = { 2     M.tell(t) 3 }                                                 //> tell: [T](t: T)(M: scalaz.learn.demo.Tellable[T])String 4 tell(Color("RED"))(colorTeller)                   //> res0: String = I am color RED


 1 val personTeller = new Tellable[Person] {  2     def tell(t: Person): String = "I am "+ t.name  3 }                                                 //> personTeller  : scalaz.learn.demo.Tellable[scalaz.learn.demo.Person] = scala  4                                                   //| z.learn.demo$$anonfun$main$1$$anon$1@13969fbe  5 tell(Person("John"))(personTeller)                //> res1: String = I am John  6 val intTeller = new Tellable[Int] {  7     def tell(t: Int): String = "I am Int "+ t.toString  8 }                                                 //> intTeller  : scalaz.learn.demo.Tellable[Int] = scalaz.learn.demo$$anonfun$ma  9                                                   //| in$1$$anon$2@6aaa5eb0 10 tell(43)(intTeller)                               //> res2: String = I am Int 43



1 def tell[T](t: T)(implicit M: Tellable[T]) = { 2     M.tell(t) 3 }                                                 //> tell: [T](t: T)(implicit M: scalaz.learn.demo.Tellable[T])String


1 def tell[T : Tellable](t: T) = { 2     implicitly[Tellable[T]].tell(t) 3 }                                                 //> tell: [T](t: T)(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.learn.demo.Tellable[T])String


 1 implicit object colorTeller extends Tellable[Color] {  2     def tell(t: Color): String = "I am color "+t.descript  3 }  4   5 tell(Color("RED"))                                //> res0: String = I am color RED  6   7 implicit val personTeller = new Tellable[Person] {  8     def tell(t: Person): String = "I am "+ t.name  9 }                                                 //> personTeller  : scalaz.learn.demo.Tellable[scalaz.learn.demo.Person] = scala 10                                                   //| z.learn.demo$$anonfun$main$1$$anon$1@3498ed 11 tell(Person("John"))                              //> res1: String = I am John 12  13 implicit val intTeller = new Tellable[Int] { 14     def tell(t: Int): String = "I am Int "+ t.toString 15 }                                                 //> intTeller  : scalaz.learn.demo.Tellable[Int] = scalaz.learn.demo$$anonfun$ma 16                                                   //| in$1$$anon$2@1a407d53 17 tell(43)                                          //> res2: String = I am Int 43

假如我忽然需要针对新的类型List[Color], 我肯定无须理会tell[T],只要调用它就行了:

1 implicit object listTeller extends Tellable[List[Color]] { 2     def tell(t: List[Color]): String = { 3         (t.map(c => c.descript)).mkString("I am list of color [",",","]") 4     } 5 } 6  7 tell[List[Color]](List(Color("RED"),Color("BLACK"),Color("YELLOW"),Color("BLUE"))) 8                                                   //> res3: String = I am list of color [RED,BLACK,YELLOW,BLUE]


值得注意的是implicit是scala compiler的一项功能。在编译时compiler发现类型不对称就会进行隐式转换解析(implicit resolution)。如果解析失败则程序无法通过编译。如果我这样写: tell(4.5),compiler会提示语法错误。而上面其它多态方式则必须在运算时(runtime)才能发现错误。
