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Part 1: 面试问题集(积累-ing)





Part 2: 知识点小节

程序运行过程中系统会创建大量的对象,跟大多数的高级语言一样,在ObjC中对象存储在堆中,系统并不会自动释放堆中的内存,需要注意的时基本类型是由系统自己管理的,放在栈上。如果一个对象创建并使用后没有得到及时释放那么就会占用大量内存,内存的积累使得系统卡慢,严重程序会直接崩溃掉。其他高级语言如C#、Java都是通过垃圾回收来(GC)解决这个问题的,但在OjbC中并没有类似的垃圾回收机制,因此苹果想出了采用引用计数这个概念来对内存中的对象进行管理,在SDK4.0之前使用的是MRC,即手动内存管理,在4.0之后苹果引入了ARC(自动内存管理),大大的节省了开发人员的时间,以往劳神费力的手动内存管理时代渐渐远去,但在遇到底层Core Foundation对象就需要自己手工管理引用计数了。

关于 内存管理 :“程序运行时,开辟的内存空间。使用它,释放它”的过程,写的好的程序尽可能少使用内存。在Objective-C中,内存管理被看做是:“在很多数据、代码下,分配受限内存资源所有权方法”。当你依据这个指南完成你的程序时,你将获得“通过 显式管理对象的命周期,不使用的时候释放他们,来管理程序内存”的知识。

纵观整个iOS开发中的内存管理,深层次上是对内存中对象的合理保留和释放,但是浅层次上无疑是 引用计数世界 。我们不曾直接的对内存进行任何操作,而一切的操作都是起于引用计数,止于引用计数。无论ARC和MRC,都是对引用计数的不同操作而已。

=-=-Section A:Objective-c语言中的MRC(MannulReference Counting)    

**01.在MRC的内存管理模式下, 与对变量的管理相关的方法有:retain,release和autorelease。retain和release方法操作的是引用记数,当引用记数为零时,便自动释放内存。并且可以用NSAutoreleasePool对象,对加入自动释放池(autorelease调用)的变量进行管理,当drain时回收内存。

(1)retain,该方法的作用是将内存数据的所有权附给另一指针变量,引用数加1,即retainCount+= 1;

(2)release,该方法是释放指针变量对内存数据的所有权,引用数减1,即retainCount-= 1;




Person* person = [[Person alloc] init];

[person retain];//此时引用记数+1,现为2

[person release];//person释放对内存数据的所有权 引用记数-1,现为0;

[person run];//出现野指针,此时内存已释放。

**02.//autoreleasepool 的使用 在MRC管理模式下 ,最新方法是@autoreleasepool

@autoreleasepool {

Person* person = [[Person alloc] init];

[person autorelease];//由autoreleasepool来管理其内存的释放


**03.标识符 @property (nonatomic/atomic,retain/assign/copy, readonly/readwrite) Number* num;



l   assign"is the default. In the setter that is created by @synthesize, the value willsimply be assigned to the attribute, don’t operate the retain count. Myunderstanding is that "assign" should be used for non-pointer attributes.

l   "retain"is needed when the attribute is a pointer to an object. The setter generated by@synthesize will retain (aka add a retain count) the object. You will need torelease the object when you are finished with it.

l   "copy"is needed when the object is mutable. Use this if you need the value of theobject as it is at this moment, and you don't want that value to reflect anychanges made by other owners of the object. You will need to release the objectwhen you are finished with it because you are retaining the copy.

(3)readwrite /readonly -"readwrite" is the default. When you @synthesize, both a getter and asetter will be created for you. If you use "readonly", no setter willbe created. Use it for a value you don't want to ever change after the instantiationof the object.

=-=-Section B:Objective-c语言中的ARC(AutomaticReference Counting)

    **01. 在ARC中与内存管理有关的标识符 ,可以分为变量标识符和属性标识符,对于变量默认为__strong,而对于属性默认为unsafe_unretained。也存在   autoreleasepool。


1) __strong,is the default. An object remains “alive” as long as there is a strong pointerto it.

2) __weak,specifies a reference that does not keep the referenced object alive. A weakreference is set to nil when there are no strong references to the object.

3)__unsafe_unretained,specifies a reference that does not keep the referenced object alive and is notset to nil when there are no strong references to the object. If the object itreferences is deallocated, the pointer is left dangling.

4)__autoreleasing,is used to denote arguments that are passed by reference (id *) and areautoreleased on return,managedby Autoreleasepool.

**02. 对于变量标识符的用法:

__strong Person* person = [[Person alloc]init];


**03.@property (nonatomic/atomic, assign/retain/strong/weak/unsafe_unretained/copy,readonly/readwrite) Number* num; //默认为       unsafe_unretained





**04. 对于Core Foundation与objective-cObject进行交换时,需要用到的ARC管理机制有:

1) (__bridge_transfer<NSType>) op oralternatively  CFBridgingRelease(op) isused to consume a retain-count of a  CFTypeRef whiletransferring it over to ARC. This could also be represented by  id someObj =(__bridge <NSType>) op; CFRelease(op);

2) (__bridge_retained<CFType>) op oralternatively  CFBridgingRetain(op) isused to hand an  NSObject overto CF-land while giving it a +1 retain count. You should handle a  CFTypeRef youcreate this way the same as you would handle a result of  CFStringCreateCopy() .This could also be represented by  CFRetain((__bridge CFType)op); CFTypeRef someTypeRef =(__bridge CFType)op;

3) __bridge justcasts between pointer-land and Objective-C object-land. If you have noinclination to use the conversions above, use this one.

=-=-Section C:Objectiv使用分析工具来调试内存问题

在编译时候找出代码的问题。使用Xcode内嵌的Clang Static Analyzer 。


1.多数工具和技术都在TN2239中有描述,iOS Debugging Magic 特别是NSZombie来帮助找到过度释放对象。

2.使用Instruments来追踪引用计数事件并找到内存泄露。( 参考  Collecting Data on Your App )


官方原文: Memory Management Policy

中方 好文: iOS内存管理策略和实践
