//榨汁机 public class MillMachine{ //各种状态 final static int SOLD_OUT = 0; final static int SOLD = 1; final static int NO_MONEY = 3; final static int HAS_MONEY = 4; int state; int count; public MillMachine(int count){ this.count = count; if(count>0) state = NO_MONEY; } //插入钱币 public void insertMoney(){ if(state == HAS_MONEY) System.out.println("You can't insert Money"); else if(state == NO_MONEY){ System.out.println("You insert 10"); state = HAS_MONEY; } else if(state == SOLD_OUT) System.out.println("Nothing can be bought"); else if(state == SOLD) System.out.prinltn("You will get a cup of juice"); } //取出钱币 public void withdrawMoney(){ if(state == HAS_MONEY){ System.out.println("You will get Money"); state = NO_MONEY; }else if(state == NO_MONEY){ System.out.println("You haven't insert money"); }else if(state == SOLD){ System.out.println("You can't get back the money"); }else if(state == SOLD_OUT){ System.out.println("You haven't insert money"); } } //按下榨汁按钮 public void pressKnob(){ if(state == SOLD){ System.out.println("Please wait a minute,you will get a cup of juice"); }else if(state == SOLD_OUT){ System.out.prinltn("Sorry,three are't juice for you"); }else if(state == NO_MONEY){ System.out.println("Please insert Money"); }else if(state == HAS_MONEY){ System.out.pritln("You will get a cup of juice") state = SOLD; produce(); } } //产生果汁 public void produce(){ if(state == SOLD){ System.out.println("You get a cup of juice"); count--; if(count<0) state=SOLD_OUT; else state=NO_MONEY; }else if(state==SOLD_OUT){ System.out.println("Nothing"); }else if(state==NO_MONEY){ System.out.println("Nothing"); } else if(state==HAS_MONEY){ System.out.println("Nothing"); } } }
根据代码,我们可以看出,我们一共拥有四种状态,分别为有钱,没钱,售空,未售空。操作有按下榨汁按钮,插入钱币,取出钱币,榨汁,当然榨汁操作并不是我们手动可以触发的。对于其中相应的方法写的也比较详细,各个操作下状态的转换,根据上面的代码,我们可以看出是很繁琐的,而且一旦增加状态,或者是操作,需要我们修改很多的代码,灵活性和可扩展性很差,现在就到了我们的状态设计模式大显身手的时候了。既然是有很多的状态,不同状态下相同的操作行为不同,那么我们就将每一种状态单独封装成类,然后这些状态分别实现各自不同操作下的行为,这样我们的榨汁机只需要对几个状态对象进行操作就可以了,使得代码变得简洁也方便以后的修改.Show the code
public class MillMachine{ State noMoneyState; State hasMoneyState; State soldState; State soldOutState; State state; int count; public MillMachine(int count){ noMoneyState = new NoMoneyState(this); //..... this.count = count; if(count>0) state = NoMoneyState; } public void insertMoney(){ state.insertMoney(); } public void withdrawMoney(){ state.withdrawMoney(); } public void pressKnob(){ state.pressKnob(); } public void produce(){ state.produce(); } public State getNoMoneyState(){ return this.NoMoneyState; } public void setState(State state){ this.state = state; } } public interface State{ public void insertMoney(); public void withdrawMoney(); public void pressKnob(); public void produce(); } public class HasMoneyState implements State{ MillMachine machine; public HasMoneyState(MillMachine machine){ this.machine = machine; } public void insertMoney(){ //....... } public void withdrawMoney(){ System.out.pritln("you will get your money"); machine.setState(machine.getNoMoney()); } public void pressKnob(){ //...... } public void produce(){ //...... } }