
Java IO 之 FileInputStream & FileOutputStream源码分析

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文件,作为常见的数据源。关于操作文件的字节流就是 —FileInputStream&FileOutputStream。它们是Basic IO字节流中重要的实现类。



/**  * FileInputStream 从文件系统的文件中获取输入字节流。文件取决于主机系统。  *  比如读取图片等的原始字节流。如果读取字符流,考虑使用 FiLeReader。  */ public class SFileInputStream extends InputStream {  /* 文件描述符类---此处用于打开文件的句柄 */  private final FileDescriptor fd;  /* 引用文件的路径 */  private final String path;  /* 文件通道,NIO部分 */  private FileChannel channel = null;  private final Object closeLock = new Object();  private volatile boolean closed = false;  private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> runningFinalize =   new ThreadLocal<>();  private static boolean isRunningFinalize() {   Boolean val;   if ((val = runningFinalize.get()) != null)    return val.booleanValue();   return false;  }  /* 通过文件路径名来创建FileInputStream */  public FileInputStream(String name) throws FileNotFoundException {   this(name != null ? new File(name) : null);  }  /* 通过文件来创建FileInputStream */  public FileInputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {   String name = (file != null ? file.getPath() : null);   SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();   if (security != null) {    security.checkRead(name);   }   if (name == null) {    throw new NullPointerException();   }   if (file.isInvalid()) {    throw new FileNotFoundException("Invalid file path");   }   fd = new FileDescriptor();   fd.incrementAndGetUseCount();   this.path = name;   open(name);  }  /* 通过文件描述符类来创建FileInputStream */  public FileInputStream(FileDescriptor fdObj) {   SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();   if (fdObj == null) {    throw new NullPointerException();   }   if (security != null) {    security.checkRead(fdObj);   }   fd = fdObj;   path = null;   fd.incrementAndGetUseCount();  }  /* 打开文件,为了下一步读取文件内容。native方法 */  private native void open(String name) throws FileNotFoundException;  /* 从此输入流中读取一个数据字节 */  public int read() throws IOException {   Object traceContext = IoTrace.fileReadBegin(path);   int b = 0;   try {    b = read0();   } finally {    IoTrace.fileReadEnd(traceContext, b == -1 ? 0 : 1);   }   return b;  }  /* 从此输入流中读取一个数据字节。native方法 */  private native int read0() throws IOException;  /* 从此输入流中读取多个字节到byte数组中。native方法 */  private native int readBytes(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException;  /* 从此输入流中读取多个字节到byte数组中。 */  public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException {   Object traceContext = IoTrace.fileReadBegin(path);   int bytesRead = 0;   try {    bytesRead = readBytes(b, 0, b.length);   } finally {    IoTrace.fileReadEnd(traceContext, bytesRead == -1 ? 0 : bytesRead);   }   return bytesRead;  }  /* 从此输入流中读取最多len个字节到byte数组中。 */  public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {   Object traceContext = IoTrace.fileReadBegin(path);   int bytesRead = 0;   try {    bytesRead = readBytes(b, off, len);   } finally {    IoTrace.fileReadEnd(traceContext, bytesRead == -1 ? 0 : bytesRead);   }   return bytesRead;  }  public native long skip(long n) throws IOException;  /* 返回下一次对此输入流调用的方法可以不受阻塞地从此输入流读取(或跳过)的估计剩余字节数。 */  public native int available() throws IOException;  /* 关闭此文件输入流并释放与此流有关的所有系统资源。 */  public void close() throws IOException {   synchronized (closeLock) {    if (closed) {     return;    }    closed = true;   }   if (channel != null) {      fd.decrementAndGetUseCount();      channel.close();   }   int useCount = fd.decrementAndGetUseCount();   if ((useCount <= 0) || !isRunningFinalize()) {    close0();   }  }  public final FileDescriptor getFD() throws IOException {   if (fd != null) return fd;   throw new IOException();  }  /* 获取此文件输入流的唯一FileChannel对象 */  public FileChannel getChannel() {   synchronized (this) {    if (channel == null) {     channel = FileChannelImpl.open(fd, path, true, false, this);     fd.incrementAndGetUseCount();    }    return channel;   }  }  private static native void initIDs();  private native void close0() throws IOException;  static {   initIDs();  }  protected void finalize() throws IOException {   if ((fd != null) &&  (fd != FileDescriptor.in)) {    runningFinalize.set(Boolean.TRUE);    try {     close();    } finally {     runningFinalize.set(Boolean.FALSE);    }   }  } } 

1. 三个核心方法


int read()方法,即

public int read() throws IOException


int read(byte b[])方法,即

public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException


int read(byte b[], int off, int len)方法,即

public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException

代码实现和 int read(byte b[])方法 一样,直接从文件输入流中读取最多len个字节到byte数组b中。


Q: 为什么 int read(byte b[]) 方法需要自己独立实现呢? 直接调用 int read(byte b[], int off, int len) 方法,即read(b , 0 , b.length),等价于read(b)?

A:待完善,希望路过大神回答。。。。向下兼容?? Finally??

2. 值得一提的native方法


native void open(String name) // 打开文件,为了下一步读取文件内容

native int read0() // 从文件输入流中读取一个字节

native int readBytes(byte b[], int off, int len) // 从文件输入流中读取,从off句柄开始的len个字节,并存储至b字节数组内。

native void close0() // 关闭该文件输入流及涉及的资源,比如说如果该文件输入流的FileChannel对被获取后,需要对FileChannel进行close。

其他还有值得一提的就是,在jdk1.4中,新增了NIO包,优化了一些IO处理的速度,所以在FileInputStream和FileOutputStream中新增了FileChannelgetChannel()的方法。即获取与该文件输入流相关的 java.nio.channels.FileChannel对象。

三、FileOutputStream 源码分析

FileOutputStream 源码如下:

/**  * 文件输入流是用于将数据写入文件或者文件描述符类  *  比如写入图片等的原始字节流。如果写入字符流,考虑使用 FiLeWriter。  */ public class SFileOutputStream extends OutputStream {  /* 文件描述符类---此处用于打开文件的句柄 */  private final FileDescriptor fd;  /* 引用文件的路径 */  private final String path;  /* 如果为 true,则将字节写入文件末尾处,而不是写入文件开始处 */  private final boolean append;  /* 关联的FileChannel类,懒加载 */  private FileChannel channel;  private final Object closeLock = new Object();  private volatile boolean closed = false;  private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> runningFinalize =   new ThreadLocal<>();  private static boolean isRunningFinalize() {   Boolean val;   if ((val = runningFinalize.get()) != null)    return val.booleanValue();   return false;  }  /* 通过文件名创建文件输入流 */  public FileOutputStream(String name) throws FileNotFoundException {   this(name != null ? new File(name) : null, false);  }  /* 通过文件名创建文件输入流,并确定文件写入起始处模式 */  public FileOutputStream(String name, boolean append)   throws FileNotFoundException  {   this(name != null ? new File(name) : null, append);  }  /* 通过文件创建文件输入流,默认写入文件的开始处 */  public FileOutputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {   this(file, false);  }  /* 通过文件创建文件输入流,并确定文件写入起始处  */  public FileOutputStream(File file, boolean append)   throws FileNotFoundException  {   String name = (file != null ? file.getPath() : null);   SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();   if (security != null) {    security.checkWrite(name);   }   if (name == null) {    throw new NullPointerException();   }   if (file.isInvalid()) {    throw new FileNotFoundException("Invalid file path");   }   this.fd = new FileDescriptor();   this.append = append;   this.path = name;   fd.incrementAndGetUseCount();   open(name, append);  }  /* 通过文件描述符类创建文件输入流 */  public FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor fdObj) {   SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();   if (fdObj == null) {    throw new NullPointerException();   }   if (security != null) {    security.checkWrite(fdObj);   }   this.fd = fdObj;   this.path = null;   this.append = false;   fd.incrementAndGetUseCount();  }  /* 打开文件,并确定文件写入起始处模式 */  private native void open(String name, boolean append)   throws FileNotFoundException;  /* 将指定的字节b写入到该文件输入流,并指定文件写入起始处模式 */  private native void write(int b, boolean append) throws IOException;  /* 将指定的字节b写入到该文件输入流 */  public void write(int b) throws IOException {   Object traceContext = IoTrace.fileWriteBegin(path);   int bytesWritten = 0;   try {    write(b, append);    bytesWritten = 1;   } finally {    IoTrace.fileWriteEnd(traceContext, bytesWritten);   }  }  /* 将指定的字节数组写入该文件输入流,并指定文件写入起始处模式 */  private native void writeBytes(byte b[], int off, int len, boolean append)   throws IOException;  /* 将指定的字节数组b写入该文件输入流 */  public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException {   Object traceContext = IoTrace.fileWriteBegin(path);   int bytesWritten = 0;   try {    writeBytes(b, 0, b.length, append);    bytesWritten = b.length;   } finally {    IoTrace.fileWriteEnd(traceContext, bytesWritten);   }  }  /* 将指定len长度的字节数组b写入该文件输入流 */  public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {   Object traceContext = IoTrace.fileWriteBegin(path);   int bytesWritten = 0;   try {    writeBytes(b, off, len, append);    bytesWritten = len;   } finally {    IoTrace.fileWriteEnd(traceContext, bytesWritten);   }  }  /* 关闭此文件输出流并释放与此流有关的所有系统资源 */  public void close() throws IOException {   synchronized (closeLock) {    if (closed) {     return;    }    closed = true;   }   if (channel != null) {    fd.decrementAndGetUseCount();    channel.close();   }   int useCount = fd.decrementAndGetUseCount();   if ((useCount <= 0) || !isRunningFinalize()) {    close0();   }  }   public final FileDescriptor getFD()  throws IOException {   if (fd != null) return fd;   throw new IOException();   }  public FileChannel getChannel() {   synchronized (this) {    if (channel == null) {     channel = FileChannelImpl.open(fd, path, false, true, append, this);     fd.incrementAndGetUseCount();    }    return channel;   }  }  protected void finalize() throws IOException {   if (fd != null) {    if (fd == FileDescriptor.out || fd == FileDescriptor.err) {     flush();    } else {     runningFinalize.set(Boolean.TRUE);     try {      close();     } finally {      runningFinalize.set(Boolean.FALSE);     }    }   }  }  private native void close0() throws IOException;  private static native void initIDs();  static {   initIDs();  } } 

1. 三个核心方法


void write(int b)方法,即

public void write(int b) throws IOException


void write(byte b[])方法,即

public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException


void write(byte b[], int off, int len)方法,即

public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException

代码实现和 void write(byte b[]) 方法 一样,直接将指定的字节数组写入该文件输入流。

2. 值得一提的native方法


native void open(String name) // 打开文件,为了下一步读取文件内容

native void write(int b, boolean append) // 直接将指定的字节b写入文件输出流

native native void writeBytes(byte b[], int off, int len, boolean append) // 直接将指定的字节数组写入该文件输入流。

native void close0() // 关闭该文件输入流及涉及的资源,比如说如果该文件输入流的FileChannel对被获取后,需要对FileChannel进行close。




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package org.javacore.io;  import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException;  /*  * Copyright [2015] [Jeff Lee]  *  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  * You may obtain a copy of the License at  *   *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  *   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and  * limitations under the License.  */  /**  * @author Jeff Lee  * @since 2015-10-8 20:06:03  * FileInputStream&FileOutputStream使用案例  */ public class FileIOStreamT {  private static final String thisFilePath =     "src" + File.separator +    "org" + File.separator +    "javacore" + File.separator +    "io" + File.separator +    "FileIOStreamT.java";  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {   // 创建文件输入流   FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(thisFilePath);   // 创建文件输出流   FileOutputStream fileOutputStream =  new FileOutputStream("data.txt");      // 创建流的最大字节数组   byte[] inOutBytes = new byte[fileInputStream.available()];   // 将文件输入流读取,保存至inOutBytes数组   fileInputStream.read(inOutBytes);   // 将inOutBytes数组,写出到data.txt文件中   fileOutputStream.write(inOutBytes);      fileOutputStream.close();   fileInputStream.close();  } }


1. 简单地分析下源码:



3、针对流的字节数组,一个 read ,一个write,完成读取和写入。


2. 代码调用的流程如图所示:

Java IO 之 FileInputStream &amp; FileOutputStream源码分析

3. 代码虽简单,但是有点小问题:

FileInputStream.available() 是返回流中的 估计 剩余字节数。所以一般不会用此方法。

一般做法,比如创建一个 byte数组,大小1K。然后read至其返回值不为-1,一直读取即可。边读边写。


FileInputStream & FileOutputStream 是一对来自 InputStream和OutputStream的实现类。用于本地文件读写(二进制格式按顺序读写)


1、FileInputStream 源码分析

2、FileOutputStream 资源分析

3、FileInputStream & FileOutputStream 使用案例


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