

刚才打开浏览器,不知道哪个网页里跳出一个mackeeper的下载网页,手法是“安全恐吓”,这招对普通人很有效,但我可是见识过中国流氓软件的人啊,臭名昭著的360浏览器就是靠这招迅速打败了Maxthon浏览器,然后又推出了360安全软件继续劫持用户的电脑,不知道mackeeper是什么来路,居然想在Mac电脑用户里用360的手法的开辟市场,这些年来,常常在别人的网页上的google adsense广告里看到这个家伙,我总是点它的广告,下载了却不安装,我就是要给他增加一点点成本压力。






维基百科上说乌克兰的Kromtech收购了总部位于美国的mackeeper ,人们都说mackeeper是欺诈软件:

Kromtech is a European-based technology investment firm founded in 2012. In 2013 Kromtech purchased the rights and ownership of MacKeeper and PCKeeper , two bundled software applications for the OS X operating system and for Windows -based computers. The website Cult of Mac asks whether MacKeeper is really a scam. [1] Kromtech has its MacKeeper and PCKeeper team in Ukraine. VIA:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kromtech_Alliance

而且骗说人家电脑有安全问题,mackeeper遭遇好几宗法律诉讼,被集体诉讼求偿200万美元,在2015年7月8号前付费给 mackeeper的都可以得到退款。

In January 2014 a class action lawsuit was filed against Zeobit in Illinois . The lawsuit alleged that "neither the free trial nor the full registered versions of MacKeeper performed any credible diagnostic testing" and reported that a consumer's Mac was in need of repair and was at-risk due to harmful error. [32] In May 2014 a lawsuit was filed against Zeobit in Pennsylvania , alleging that MacKeeper fakes security problems to deceive victims into paying for unneeded fixes. [33] As of May 2015, the case is Pennsylvania is close to being settled. Under the settlement terms, ZeoBIT would put $2 million into a fund for those who want a refund, but admit no fault. [2] On August 10, 2015, Zeobit settled a class action lawsuit against it for $2 million. [34] Customers who bought MacKeeper before July 8, 2015, can apply to get a refund. [35] VIA:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacKeeper

苹果社区对此事也有反馈,有人说《 Do not install MacKeeper 》
