



cluvfy stage -list

cluvfy stage {-pre|-post}   [-verbose]

Valid Stages are:
      -pre cfs        : pre-check for CFS setup
      -pre crsinst    : pre-check for CRS installation
      -pre acfscfg    : pre-check for ACFS Configuration.
      -pre dbinst     : pre-check for database installation
      -pre dbcfg      : pre-check for database configuration
      -pre hacfg      : pre-check for HA configuration
      -pre nodeadd    : pre-check for node addition.
      -post hwos      : post-check for hardware and operating system
      -post cfs       : post-check for CFS setup
      -post crsinst   : post-check for CRS installation
      -post acfscfg   : post-check for ACFS Configuration.
      -post hacfg     : post-check for HA configuration
      -post nodeadd   : post-check for node addition.
      -post nodedel   : post-check for node deletion.

 cluvfy comp -list

cluvfy comp    [-verbose]

Valid Components are:
      nodereach       : checks reachability between nodes
      nodecon         : checks node connectivity
      cfs             : checks CFS integrity
      ssa             : checks shared storage accessibility
      space           : checks space availability
      sys             : checks minimum system requirements
      clu             : checks cluster integrity
      clumgr          : checks cluster manager integrity
      ocr             : checks OCR integrity
      olr             : checks OLR integrity
      ha              : checks HA integrity
      freespace       : checks free space in CRS Home
      crs             : checks CRS integrity
      nodeapp         : checks node applications existence
      admprv          : checks administrative privileges
      peer            : compares properties with peers
      software        : checks software distribution
      acfs            : checks ACFS integrity
      asm             : checks ASM integrity
      gpnp            : checks GPnP integrity
      gns             : checks GNS integrity
      scan            : checks SCAN configuration
      ohasd           : checks OHASD integrity
      clocksync       : checks Clock Synchronization
      vdisk           : checks Voting Disk configuration and UDEV settings
      healthcheck     : checks mandatory requirements and/or best practice recommendations
      dhcp            : checks DHCP configuration
      dns             : checks DNS configuration
