安装 mysql 数据库服务
1 输入如下命令关闭 apache2
/etc/init.d/apache2 stop
root@241541:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
* Stopping web server apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
... waiting [ OK ]
2 输入如下命令安装mysql
apt-get install mysql-server
root@241541:~# apt-get install mysql-server
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libhtml-template-perl libmysqlclient16
libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl mysql-client-5.1 mysql-client-core-5.1
mysql-common mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server-core-5.1
Suggested packages:
libipc-sharedcache-perl libterm-readkey-perl tinyca
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libhtml-template-perl libmysqlclient16
libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl mysql-client-5.1 mysql-client-core-5.1
mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server-core-5.1
0 upgraded, 12 newly installed, 0 to remove and 26 not upgraded.
Need to get 22.9MB of archives.
After this operation, 54.4MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
输入 Y 回车,继续安装 会提示输入 mysql 的 root 用户密码,你可以输入密码后回车,也可以不输入任何密码直接回车。 (不输入密码不会影响到Mysql的安全性,因为Mysql仅仅用于本地监听,但不输入密码会导致后续phpmyadmin无法运行)
mysql 数据库优化
输入如下命令配置 Mysql
cp /etc/mysql/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf.`date +%s`
find /usr/share/doc/mysql* -name my-small.cnf -exec cp {} /etc/mysql/my.cnf \;
sed -i 's/skip-locking/user = mysql\n&/' /etc/mysql/my.cnf
root@241541:~# cp /etc/mysql/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf.`date +%s`
root@241541:~# find /usr/share/doc/mysql* -name my-small.cnf -exec cp {} /etc/mysql/my.cnf \;
root@241541:~# sed -i 's/skip-locking/user = mysql\n&/' /etc/mysql/my.cnf
重启下 Mysql服务:
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
root@241541:~# /etc/init.d/mysql restart
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service mysql restart
Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the restart(8) utility, e.g. restart mysql
mysql start/running, process 9886