
Apache Spark数据分析教程(二):Spark SQL

Spark 是一款非常流行同时功能又十分强大的实时数据分析工具。在本 Spark序列教程的第一部分 ,我们已经对Spark进行了介绍,讲解了Spark的历史,详细解释了用于在Spark集群中进行数据分片存储的弹性分布式数据集( RDDs )并对Apache Spark的生态系统进行了介绍。

本教程(第二部分)将对Spark生态系统中占有重要地位的Spark SQL和DataFrame进行介绍,给大家演示Spark、Spark SQL结合Cassandara的使用。如果你还没有学习过本序列教程的第一部分,请点击 Apache Spark介绍(第一部分):实时数据分析 进行学习。

Apache Spark 是 Hadoop 的有效继任者并对其进行了有效补充,它引领了大数据技术的发展趋势。Spark为数据分析运行在大规模分布式系统任务上提供了易于使用的API,它能够比其它形式的数据分析运行得更快,这缘于其大多数的任务都能够在内存中完成。Apache Spark为一个普通的开发人员提供了实时大数据分析能力, Spark SQL便是明证,Spark SQL API不仅易于使用而且功能强大。

Apache Spark数据分析教程(二):Spark SQL

Spark SQL

Spark SQL使得运行SQL和HiveQL查询十分简单(注意: HiveQL源于Apache Hive,Hive是一个构建在Hadoop平台基础上的数据仓库系统,用于提供大数据分析服务 )。Spark SQL 能够轻易地定位相应的表和元数据。Spark SQL 为Spark提供了查询结构化数据的能力,查询时既可以使用SQL也可以使用人们熟知的DataFrame API(RDD)。Spark SQL支持多语言编程包括Java、Scala、Python及R,开发人员可以根据自身喜好进行选择。

使用Java 查询数据

String query = "SELECT * FROM table";  ResultSet results = session.execute(query);

DataFrame 是Spark SQL的核心,它将数据保存为行构成的集合,行对应列有相应的列名。使用DataFrames可以非常方便地查询数据、给数据绘图及进行数据过滤。

DataFrames也可以用于数据的输入与输出,例如利用Spark SQL中的DataFrames,可以轻易地将下列数据格式加载为表并进行相应的查询操作:

  •  RDD
  •  JSON
  •  Hive
  •  Parquet
  •  MySQL
  •  HDFS
  •  S3
  •  JDBC
  •  其它 ...


如果你正计划通过读取和写数据来进行分析,Spark SQL可以轻易地帮你实现并将整个过程自动化。

在后面的例子中,我们将在Python Spark shell中给大家演示如何使用Spark SQL和DataFrames。从GitHub上获取提交的 QBit, the Java Microservices Lib 历史数据,然后将其加载到Spark当中,并对数据进行相应的操作,具体步骤如下:

在终端上启动Python Spark shell:

cd spark-1.5.0-bin-hadoop2.4 ./bin/pyspark 15/08/22 22:30:40 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Registered BlockManager Welcome to       ____              __      / __/__  ___ _____/ /__     _/ // _ // _ `/ __/  '_/    /__ / .__//_,_/_/ /_//_/   version 1.5.0       /_/ Using Python version 2.7.5 (default, Mar  9 2014 22:15:05) SparkContext available as sc, HiveContext available as sqlContext.



git log > test.log


textFile = sc.textFile("../qbit/test.log")

执行完上面这条语句,可以得到一个textFile RDD,该RDD由文本行组成的分区数据构成,先来统计一个RDD中的文本行数:

textFile.count() 5776


linesWithCommit = textFile.filter(lambda line: "commit" in line)

通过前面的操作足以说明通过Python 使用RDD 的简便性。



git log  --pretty=format:'{"commit":"%H","author":"%an","author_email":"%ae","date":"%ad","message":"%f"}' > sparktest.json

在正式进行Spark SQL操作之前,先得创建sqlContext,它可以通过SparkContext进行创建:

from pyspark.sql import SQLContext sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

在shell命令行中,sqlContext 同SparkContext 一样都是自动创建的,无需自己手动去创建,SparkContext以SC变量名的形式存在,sqlContext则以sqlContext 变量名的形式存在。


将JSON数据加载成DataFrame ,变量命名为dataframe

dataframe = sqlContext.load("../qbit/sparktest.json", "json")

加载数据时,只需调用sqlContext 的load()方法,方法中传入的参数为文件目录和文件类型。Spark会为dataframe解析所有的列及对应名称,为确保所有的工作都已按预期执行,可以打印出dataframe的模式(Schema):


dataframe.printSchema() root  |-- author: string (nullable = true)  |-- author_email: string (nullable = true)  |-- commit: string (nullable = true)  |-- date: string (nullable = true)  |-- message: string (nullable = true)

上面这个带根(root)的图展示了各行对应的列名及其对应类型。本例中的每行表示的是Gihub上 QBit Microservices Lib 项目对应的一次提交。所有的准备工作完成后,便可以在数据上进行相应的操作。



dataframe.first() Row(author=u'Richard Hightower', author_email=u'richardhightower@gmail.com',  commit=u'696a94f80d1eedae97175f76b9139a340fab1a27',  date=u'Wed Aug 19 17:51:11 2015 -0700',  message=u'Merge-pull-request-359-from-advantageous-add_better_uri_param_handling')

我们可以查询所有列中的某一列并显示其内容,例如,只查询 QBit Microservices Lib 项目的作者(author)列并显示最近的20个源码贡献者,默认情况下Spark会返回最近的20条记录。

采用Spark SQL进行分析—查询author列并返回最近的20条记录

dataframe.select("author").show() +-----------------+ |           author| +-----------------+ |Richard Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |Richard Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |Richard Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |Geoffrey Chandler| |Geoffrey Chandler| |Richard Hightower| |Richard Hightower| |Richard Hightower| |Richard Hightower| |Richard Hightower| |Richard Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| +-----------------+

当然,也可以设置show()函数的参数以返回需要的记录行数,这里只返回最近5个为 QBit Microservices Lib 项目贡献过源码作者:


dataframe.select("author").show(5) +-----------------+ |           author| +-----------------+ |Richard Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| |Richard Hightower| |   Rick Hightower| +-----------------+




dataframe.select("date").show() +--------------------+ |                date| +--------------------+ |Wed Aug 19 17:51:...| |Wed Aug 19 17:37:...| |Wed Aug 19 16:59:...| |Wed Aug 19 14:47:...| |Wed Aug 19 14:42:...| |Wed Aug 19 13:05:...| |Wed Aug 19 11:59:...| |Mon Aug 17 10:18:...| |Mon Aug 17 10:17:...| |Mon Aug 17 00:46:...| |Sun Aug 16 23:52:...| |Sun Aug 16 23:33:...| |Sun Aug 16 23:05:...| |Sun Aug 16 23:03:...| |Sun Aug 16 22:33:...| |Thu Aug 13 21:20:...| |Thu Aug 13 21:15:...| |Thu Aug 13 20:31:...| |Thu Aug 13 20:05:...| |Thu Aug 13 20:04:...| +--------------------+

通过dataframe获取 QBit Microservices Lib 已提交次数,计算dataframe的行数:

获取QBit Microservice Lib已经提交次数

dataframe.count() 914


我们也使用DataFrame的 filter函数进行提交次数统计,例如可以统计有多少提交是由Richard Hightower或Geoffrey Chandler完成的。

筛选出Richard Hightower 的提交并统计提交次数

dataframe.filter(dataframe.author =="Richard Hightower").count() 708

Richard Hightower的提交次数是708。

筛选出Geoffrey Chandler 的提交并统计提交次数

dataframe.filter(dataframe.author =="Geoffrey Chandler").count() 102

Geoffrey Chandler的提交次数是102。


  • 如果列及其类型在运行时之前都是未知的,可以通过创建模式并将其应用到RDD上来创建。
  • 如列及其类型是已知的,可以通过反射机制来创建。


People.txt 文件内容

Michael, 29 Andy, 30 Justin, 19

创建模式(Schema)并将其应用到 textFile RDD

# Import data types from pyspark.sql.types import * # Create a RDD from `people.txt` # then convert each line to a tuple. lines = sc.textFile("examples/src/main/resources/people.txt") parts = lines.map(lambda l: l.split(",")) people = parts.map(lambda p: (p[0], p[1].strip())) # encode the schema in a string. schemaString = "name age" # Create a type fields fields = [StructField(field_name, StringType(), True) /  for field_name in schemaString.split()] # Create the schema schema = StructType(fields) # Apply the schema to the RDD. schemaPeople = sqlContext.createDataFrame(people, schema) # In order to query data you need # to register the DataFrame as a table. schemaPeople.registerTempTable("people") # Using sql query all the name from the table results = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name FROM people") # The results of SQL queries are RDDs # and support all the normal RDD operations. names = results.map(lambda p: "Name: " + p.name) for name in names.collect():   print name 



Name: Michael Name: Andy Name: Justin


可以看到,Spark能够非常方便地赋与非结构化数据相应的结构化信息以利于查询,Spark甚至能够将集群节点中的数据进行分割并进行并行分析。目前你可以视Apache Spark为一个能够进行实时数据分析和即席查询分析的快速、通用的大规模数据处理引擎。


在Spark SQL中通过反射机制进行数据分析

# First we need to import the following Row class from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, Row # Create a RDD peopleAge, # when this is done the RDD will # be partitioned into three partitions peopleAge = sc.textFile("examples/src/main/resources/people.txt") # Since name and age are separated by a comma let's split them parts = peopleAge.map(lambda l: l.split(",")) # Every line in the file will represent a row # with 2 columns name and age. # After this line will have a table called people people = parts.map(lambda p: Row(name=p[0], age=int(p[1]))) # Using the RDD create a DataFrame schemaPeople = sqlContext.createDataFrame(people) # In order to do sql query on a dataframe, # you need to register it as a table schemaPeople.registerTempTable("people") # Finally we are ready to use the DataFrame. # Let's query the adults that are aged between 21 and 50 adults = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name FROM people /        WHERE age >= 21 AND age <= 50") # loop through names and ages adults = adults.map(lambda p: "Name: " + p.name) for Adult in adults.collect():   print Adult



Name: Michael Name: Andy


Spark、SparkSQL与 Cassandra协同使用

Spark 与Cassandra协同使用

假设想利用 Spark 和 Cassandra 并通过Java编写一个程序。这里给出使Apache Spark与 Apache Cassandra 能够协同使用的步骤:


  • spark-cassandra-connector_2.10:1.1.1-rc4'
  • spark-cassandra-connector-java_2.10:1.1.1'
  • spark-streaming_2.10:1.5.0'


Spark SQL和Cassandra 协同使用进行数据分析时的Gradle构建文件

dependencies {     //Spark and Cassandra connector to work with java    compile 'com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.10:1.1.1-rc4'     compile 'com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector-java_2.10:1.1.1'     compile 'org.apache.spark:spark-streaming_2.10:1.5.0' }

然后,设置Spark配置文件,SparkConf用于对Spark的配置属性(如Spark Master及应用程序名称)进行配置,也可以通过set()方法进行任意的键值对如spark.cassandra.connection.host进行配置。

Spark master为需要连接的集群管理器,支持以几种URL:

  • local,将Spark运行在本地的一个woker线程上,本例使用的便是这种方式
  • local[K],将Spark运行在本地的K个线程上,通常K被设置为机器的CPU核数
  • spark://HOST:PORT ,连接给定的集群master,端口必须与master匹配,默认值为7077

为使Spark能够使用Cassandra,需要设置spark.cassandra.connection.host为Spark master的主机地址,在本例中为本地主机地址,具体配置如下:

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();   ...         conf.setAppName("TODO spark and cassandra");         conf.setMaster("local");         conf.set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "localhost");

完成前面的配置后,便可以着手创建模式(Schema),该模式为Cassandra的表和keyspace ,它可以保存后期需要加载的数据。

创建一个CassandraConnector 的连接器实例,同时创建Cassandra的Keyspacce todolist和Table的todolist

private void createSchema(JavaSparkContext sc) {     CassandraConnector connector =        CassandraConnector.apply(sc.getConf());     try (Session session = connector.openSession()) {      session.execute(deletekeyspace);      session.execute(keyspace);      session.execute("USE todolist");      session.execute(table);      session.execute(tableRDD);     } } 

正如上面的代码描述的,我们创建了一个CassandraConnector 的实例,然后执行Cassandra查询语言(Cassandra Query Language,CQL)。我们将在后面的其它文章中对这一主题进行详细讲解。


/* Delete keyspace todolist if exists. */ String deletekeyspace = "DROP KEYSPACE IF EXISTS todolist"; /* Create keyspace todolist. */ String keyspace = "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS todolist" +   " WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy'," +   " 'replication_factor':1}"; /* Create table todolisttable. */ String table = "CREATE TABLE todolist.todolisttable(" +  + " id text PRIMARY KEY, "  + " description text, "  + " category text, "  + " date timestamp )"; /* Create table temp. */ String tableRDD = "CREATE TABLE todolist.temp(id text PRIMARY KEY, "  + "description text, "  + "category text )"; 

我们现在有两张表,它们分别是todolisttable 和temp,然后使用Cassandra CQL将todo项的数据加载到todolisttable当中:

private void loadData(JavaSparkContext sc) { CassandraConnector connector = CassandraConnector.apply(sc.getConf()); try (Session session = connector.openSession()) {  session.execute(task1);  session.execute(task2);  session.execute(task3);  session.execute(task4);  session.execute(task5);  session.execute(task6);  session.execute(task7); } 

下面给出的是需要加载到Cassandra 中的todo项,最后面跟的是CQL 命令。

需要加载到Spark中的 Todo项目,加载时使用Cassandra CQL 命令

TodoItem item = new TodoItem("George", "Buy a new computer", "Shopping");    TodoItem item2 = new TodoItem("John", "Go to the gym", "Sport");     TodoItem item3 = new TodoItem("Ron", "Finish the homework", "Education");     TodoItem item4 = new TodoItem("Sam", "buy a car", "Shopping");     TodoItem item5 = new TodoItem("Janet", "buy groceries", "Shopping");     TodoItem item6 = new TodoItem("Andy", "go to the beach", "Fun");     TodoItem item7 = new TodoItem("Paul", "Prepare lunch", "Coking"); //index data     String task1 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"      + item.toString();     String task2 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"      + item2.toString();     String task3 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"      + item3.toString();     String task4 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"      + item4.toString();     String task5 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"      + item5.toString();     String task6 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"      + item6.toString();     String task7 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"      + item7.toString(); 



private void queryData(JavaSparkContext sc) {         CassandraConnector connector =                     CassandraConnector.apply(sc.getConf());         try (Session session = connector.openSession()) {             ResultSet results = session.execute(query);             System.out.println("Query all results from cassandra:/n" + results.all());         }

将Cassandra的表作为Spark RDD并从中获取数据:

将Cassandra的表作为Spark RDD并从中获取数据

public  void accessTableWitRDD(JavaSparkContext sc){  JavaRDD<String> cassandraRDD = javaFunctions(sc).cassandraTable("todolist", "todolisttable")    .map(new Function<CassandraRow, String>() {     @Override     public String call(CassandraRow cassandraRow) throws Exception {      return cassandraRow.toString();     }    }); } 

为将Cassandra的表作为RDD读取数据,我们使用cassandraTable("keyspace", "table")方法。cassandraTable 方法要能够起作用,需要利用javaFunctions()方法将sparkcontext作为参数传入。



打印Spark RDD的数据

System.out.println("/nData as CassandraRows from a RDD: /n" + StringUtils.join(cassandraRDD.toArray(), "/n"));


创建一个包含todo items 集合的RDD,然后将其保存到Cassandra

public void saveRDDToCass(JavaSparkContext sc) {         List<TodoItem> todos = Arrays.asList(         new TodoItem("George", "Buy a new computer", "Shopping"),         new TodoItem("John", "Go to the gym", "Sport"),         new TodoItem("Ron", "Finish the homework", "Education"),         new TodoItem("Sam", "buy a car", "Shopping"),         new TodoItem("Janet", "buy groceries", "Shopping"),         new TodoItem("Andy", "go to the beach", "Fun"),         new TodoItem("Paul", "Prepare lunch", "Coking")         );         JavaRDD<TodoItem> rdd = sc.parallelize(todos);         javaFunctions(rdd).writerBuilder("todolist", "temp", mapToRow(TodoItem.class)).saveToCassandra();

上面我们创建了TodoItem的List集合,然后使用parallelize 方法创建对应的Spark RDD对象rdd,然后通过调用传入参数为rdd对象的writerBuilder 方法将RDD保存为一个keyspace todolist和一个temp表。


从Cassandra 中查询temp表数据

String query1 = "SELECT * FROM todolist.temp"; ResultSet results1 = session.execute(query1); System.out.println("/nQuery all results from temp" +  " table after saving a RDD into Cassandra:/n" +  results1.all());


Spark SQL与Cassandra协同使用

Spark SQL能够让你查询结构化的数据,包括RDD和任何存储在Cassandra中的数据,为使用Spark SQL 我们需要做以几件事:

  • 创建SQLContext (SQLContext构造函数参数为SparkContext)。
  • 加载parquet 格式数据 (parquet数据格式是一种列式数据存储格式,意味着数据表按列组织而非行组织)。
  • 数据加载完成后便得到DataFrame。
  • 额外的信息使得在数据注册成表之后可以使用SQL进行查询
  • SQL查询得到的是行对象
  • SQL查询是一款强大的工具

值得注意的是Spark DataFrame具有普通Spark RDD所拥有的函数,而且在其数据集还具备更多关于列名称和类型的元数据。

关于Spark SQL有用的信息包括:

  • Spark SQL可以将表缓存到内存当中
  • 当使用SQL进行数据查询时,返回的结果是RDD
  • 使用parquets格式读取数据:列存储格式能够过滤掉不需要的数据
  • RDD能够以parquet格式文件存储
  • JSON对象可以使用jsonRDD方法转换成DataFrame 


Parquet是一种列数据存储格式,它也可以被其它数据处理系统如Hive所支持。 Apache Parquet 是Hadoop生态圈的一部分,它是一种跨语言、跨数据处理框架的列式数据格式。Spark SQL能够读写Parquet文件,这些文件保存了数据的Schema信息。

让我们来演示如何通过java语言使用Spark SQL进行前面 todo item例子的开发。

首先,需要在gradle 文件中引入spark-sql 的依赖:

在Gradle 中使用Spark SQL 依赖

dependencies {  compile 'org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.10:1.5.0' }

然后,创建Spark configuration 对象并连接Cassandra:

为Cassandra 创建SparkSpark configuration对象

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); conf.setAppName("TODO sparkSQL and cassandra"); conf.setMaster("local"); conf.set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "localhost");

创建Spark Context对象 (JavaSparkContext)。

创建Spark Context



创建Spark SQL Context

JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);

通过SQLContext便能注册RDD并利用Spark SQL进行查询操作。


RDD 加载 TodoItems

List<TodoItem> todos = Arrays.asList(  new TodoItem("George", "Buy a new computer", "Shopping"),  new TodoItem("John", "Go to the gym", "Sport"),  new TodoItem("Ron", "Finish the homework", "Education"),  new TodoItem("Sam", "buy a car", "Shopping"),  new TodoItem("Janet", "buy groceries", "Shopping"),  new TodoItem("Andy", "go to the beach", "Fun"),  new TodoItem("Paul", "Prepare lunch", "Cooking") ); JavaRDD<TodoItem> rdd = sc.parallelize(todos); 

需要注意的是我们使用parallelize方法将所有的Todo数据加载到整个Spark集群。 JavaRDD 通过context.parallelize方法产生。



DataFrame dataframe = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, TodoItem.class);

Dataframe从 TodoItem.class获取对应的schema。



sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(dataframe, "todo");


到这一步便可以使用Spark SQL提供的所有操作,首先对todo items进行计数,它将加载数据到内存以便进行更快速的查询操作:

获取DataFrame中TODO items的数量

System.out.println("Total number of TodoItems = [" + rdd.count() + "]/n");


使用Spark SQL查询Todo Items并显示查询结果

DataFrame result = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * from todo");         System.out.println("Show the DataFrame result:/n");         result.show();         System.out.println("Select the id column and show its contents:/n");         result.select("id").show();




package com.example; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.Session; import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector; import com.datastax.spark.connector.japi.CassandraRow; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static com.datastax.spark.connector.japi.CassandraJavaUtil.javaFunctions; import static com.datastax.spark.connector.japi.CassandraJavaUtil.mapToRow; //import org.apache.cassandra.cql.BatchStatement; /**  * Created by fadi on 5/18/15.  */ public class SparkApp implements Serializable {  static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkApp.class);  TodoItem item = new TodoItem("George", "Buy a new computer", "Shopping");  TodoItem item2 = new TodoItem("John", "Go to the gym", "Sport");  TodoItem item3 = new TodoItem("Ron", "Finish the homework", "Education");  TodoItem item4 = new TodoItem("Sam", "buy a car", "Shopping");  TodoItem item5 = new TodoItem("Janet", "buy groceries", "Shopping");  TodoItem item6 = new TodoItem("Andy", "go to the beach", "Fun");  TodoItem item7 = new TodoItem("Paul", "Prepare lunch", "Coking");  String keyspace = "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS todolist  WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1}";  //index data  String task1 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"    + item.toString();  String task2 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"    + item2.toString();  String task3 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"    + item3.toString();  String task4 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"    + item4.toString();  String task5 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"    + item5.toString();  String task6 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"    + item6.toString();  String task7 = "INSERT INTO todolisttable (ID, Description, Category, Date)"    + item7.toString();  //delete keyspace  String deletekeyspace = "DROP KEYSPACE IF EXISTS todolist";  //delete table  String deletetable = "DROP TABLE todolisttable";  //create table  String table = "CREATE TABLE todolist.todolisttable(id text PRIMARY KEY, "    + "description text, "    + "category text, "    + "date timestamp )";  String tableRDD = "CREATE TABLE todolist.temp(id text PRIMARY KEY, "    + "description text, "    + "category text )";  //Query all data  String query = "SELECT * FROM todolist.todolisttable";  String query1 = "SELECT * FROM todolist.temp";  //Update table  String update = "UPDATE todolisttable SET Category='Fun',Description='Go to the beach' WHERE ID='Ron'";  //Deleting data where the index id = George  String delete = "DELETE FROM todolisttable WHERE ID='George'";  //Deleting all data  String deleteall = "TRUNCATE todolisttable"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  private transient SparkConf conf;  private SparkApp(SparkConf conf) {   this.conf = conf;  }  private void run() {   JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);   createSchema(sc);   loadData(sc);   saveRDDToCassandra(sc);   queryData(sc);   accessTableWitRDD(sc);   sc.stop();  }  private void createSchema(JavaSparkContext sc) {   CassandraConnector connector = CassandraConnector.apply(sc.getConf());   try (Session session = connector.openSession()) {    session.execute(deletekeyspace);    session.execute(keyspace);    session.execute("USE todolist");    session.execute(table);    session.execute(tableRDD);   }  }  private void loadData(JavaSparkContext sc) {   CassandraConnector connector = CassandraConnector.apply(sc.getConf());   try (Session session = connector.openSession()) {    session.execute(task1);    session.execute(task2);    session.execute(task3);    session.execute(task4);    session.execute(task5);    session.execute(task6);    session.execute(task7);   }  }  private void queryData(JavaSparkContext sc) {   CassandraConnector connector = CassandraConnector.apply(sc.getConf());   try (Session session = connector.openSession()) {    ResultSet results = session.execute(query);    System.out.println("/nQuery all results from cassandra's todolisttable:/n" + results.all());    ResultSet results1 = session.execute(query1);    System.out.println("/nSaving RDD into a temp table in casssandra then query all results from cassandra:/n" + results1.all());   }  }  public  void accessTableWitRDD(JavaSparkContext sc){   JavaRDD<String> cassandraRDD = javaFunctions(sc).cassandraTable("todolist", "todolisttable")     .map(new Function<CassandraRow, String>() {      @Override      public String call(CassandraRow cassandraRow) throws Exception {       return cassandraRow.toString();      }     });   System.out.println("/nReading Data from todolisttable in Cassandra with a RDD: /n" + StringUtils.join(cassandraRDD.toArray(), "/n"));   // javaFunctions(cassandraRDD).writerBuilder("todolist", "todolisttable", mapToRow(String.class)).saveToCassandra();  }  public void saveRDDToCassandra(JavaSparkContext sc) {   List<TodoItem> todos = Arrays.asList(     new TodoItem("George", "Buy a new computer", "Shopping"),     new TodoItem("John", "Go to the gym", "Sport"),     new TodoItem("Ron", "Finish the homework", "Education"),     new TodoItem("Sam", "buy a car", "Shopping"),     new TodoItem("Janet", "buy groceries", "Shopping"),     new TodoItem("Andy", "go to the beach", "Fun"),     new TodoItem("Paul", "Prepare lunch", "Coking")   );   JavaRDD<TodoItem> rdd = sc.parallelize(todos);   javaFunctions(rdd).writerBuilder("todolist", "temp", mapToRow(TodoItem.class)).saveToCassandra();  } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  public static void main( String args[] )  {   SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();   conf.setAppName("TODO spark and cassandra");   conf.setMaster("local");   conf.set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "localhost");   SparkApp app = new SparkApp(conf);   app.run();  } } 


package com.example; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD; import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext; import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame; import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /**  * Created by fadi on 6/14/15.  */ public class SparkSQLApp {  private transient SparkConf conf;  private SparkSQLApp(SparkConf conf) {   this.conf = conf;  }  private void run() {   JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);    SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc);   createDataframe(sc, sqlContext);   querySQLData(sqlContext);   sc.stop();  }  public void createDataframe(JavaSparkContext sc, SQLContext sqlContext ) {   List<TodoItem> todos = Arrays.asList(     new TodoItem("George", "Buy a new computer", "Shopping"),     new TodoItem("John", "Go to the gym", "Sport"),     new TodoItem("Ron", "Finish the homework", "Education"),     new TodoItem("Sam", "buy a car", "Shopping"),     new TodoItem("Janet", "buy groceries", "Shopping"),     new TodoItem("Andy", "go to the beach", "Fun"),     new TodoItem("Paul", "Prepare lunch", "Cooking")   );   JavaRDD<TodoItem> rdd = sc.parallelize(todos);   DataFrame dataframe =   sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, TodoItem.class);   sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(dataframe, "todo");   System.out.println("Total number of TodoItems = [" + rdd.count() + "]/n");  }  public void querySQLData(SQLContext sqlContext) {   DataFrame result = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * from todo");   System.out.println("Show the DataFrame result:/n");   result.show();   System.out.println("Select the id column and show its contents:/n");   result.select("id").show();  }  public static void main( String args[] )  {   SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();   conf.setAppName("TODO sparkSQL and cassandra");   conf.setMaster("local");   conf.set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "localhost");   SparkSQLApp app = new SparkSQLApp(conf);   app.run();  } } 


package com.example; import java.io.Serializable; import java.time.LocalDateTime; public class TodoItem implements Serializable {  private String id;  private String description;  private String category;  private final LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.now();  public TodoItem(String id, String description, String category) {   this.id = id;   this.description = description;   this.category = category;  }  public String getId(){   return this.id;  }  public  String getDescription(){   return this.description;  }  public String getCategory(){   return this.category;  }  public void setId(String id) {   this.id = id;  }  public void setDescription(String description) {   this.description = description;  }  public void setCategory(String category) {   this.category = category;  }  @Override  public String toString() {   return  "VALUES ( " + "'" + this.id +"'" + ", " + "'" + this.description +"'" + ", " + "'" + this.category +"'" +", "  + "'" + date +"'" + ")";  } } 


apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'jetty' apply plugin: 'application' applicationName = 'todocass' applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ["-Dlogback.configurationFile=etc/todosolr/logging.xml"] sourceCompatibility = 1.8 version = '1.0' repositories {  mavenLocal()  mavenCentral() } task runSpark(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: 'classes') {  main = "com.example.SparkApp"  classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath } task runSparkSQL(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: 'classes') {  main = "com.example.SparkSQLApp"  classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath } dependencies {  //spark and cassandra connector to work with java  compile 'com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.10:1.1.1-rc4'  compile 'com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector-java_2.10:1.1.1'  compile 'org.apache.spark:spark-streaming_2.10:1.5.0'  compile 'org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.10:1.5.0'  //logback dependencies  compile 'ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.1.3'  compile 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.3'  compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.12' } //Install/copy tasks task copyDist(type: Copy) {  dependsOn "installApp"  from "$buildDir/install/todocass"  into 'opt/todocass' } task copyLog(type: Copy) {  from "src/main/resources/logback.xml"  into "etc/todocass/" } task copyLogToImage(type: Copy) {  from "src/main/resources/logback.xml"  into "image-todo-cass/etc" } task copyDistToImage(type: Copy) {  dependsOn "installApp"  from "$buildDir/install/todocass"  into "$projectDir/image-todo-cass/opt/todocass" } 



cd ~/cassandra bin/cassandra -f


git clone https://github.com/MammatusTech/Spark-Course.git


cd Spark-Course gradle clean build


gradle runSpark


Query all results from cassandra's todolisttable: [Row[George, Shopping, Mon Jun 15 13:36:07 PDT 2015, Buy a new computer], Row[Janet, Shopping, Mon Jun 15 13:36:07 PDT 2015, buy groceries], Row[John, Sport, Mon Jun 15 13:36:07 PDT 2015, Go to the gym], Row[Paul, Coking, Mon Jun 15 13:36:07 PDT 2015, Prepare lunch], Row[Ron, Education, Mon Jun 15 13:36:07 PDT 2015, Finish the homework], Row[Andy, Fun, Mon Jun 15 13:36:07 PDT 2015, go to the beach], Row[Sam, Shopping, Mon Jun 15 13:36:07 PDT 2015, buy a car]] Saving RDD into a temp table in casssandra then query all results from cassandra: [Row[George, Shopping, Buy a new computer], Row[Janet, Shopping, buy groceries], Row[John, Sport, Go to the gym], Row[Paul, Coking, Prepare lunch], Row[Ron, Education, Finish the homework], Row[Andy, Fun, go to the beach], Row[Sam, Shopping, buy a car]] Reading Data from todolisttable in Cassandra with a RDD: CassandraRow{id: Paul, category: Coking, date: 2015-06-15 13:36:07-0700, description: Prepare lunch} CassandraRow{id: Sam, category: Shopping, date: 2015-06-15 13:36:07-0700, description: buy a car} CassandraRow{id: Ron, category: Education, date: 2015-06-15 13:36:07-0700, description: Finish the homework} CassandraRow{id: Janet, category: Shopping, date: 2015-06-15 13:36:07-0700, description: buy groceries} CassandraRow{id: John, category: Sport, date: 2015-06-15 13:36:07-0700, description: Go to the gym} CassandraRow{id: George, category: Shopping, date: 2015-06-15 13:36:07-0700, description: Buy a new computer} CassandraRow{id: Andy, category: Fun, date: 2015-06-15 13:36:07-0700, description: go to the beach}

然后运行SparkSQL APP,这是Spark SQL与Cassandra协同工作的例子:

gradle runSparkSQL:


Total number of TodoItems = [7] Show the DataFrame result: +---------+-------------------+------+ | category|        description|    id| +---------+-------------------+------+ | Shopping| Buy a new computer|George| |    Sport|      Go to the gym|  John| |Education|Finish the homework|   Ron| | Shopping|          buy a car|   Sam| | Shopping|      buy groceries| Janet| |      Fun|    go to the beach|  Andy| |  Cooking|      Prepare lunch|  Paul| +---------+-------------------+------+ Select the id column and show its contents: +------+ |    id| +------+ |George| |  John| |   Ron| |   Sam| | Janet| |  Andy| |  Paul| +------+


本文展示了Spark在实时数据分析方面的强大功能,介绍了Spark生态系统中的一个重要部分——Spark SQL和DataFrames。DataFrames构建在RDD之上,RDD的数据分片使得DataFrame能够被并行处理。

在本文中,我们也演示了如何将Spark和Spark SQL与Cassandra结合起来使用。

Apache Spark已经被证明是Hadoop的天然继承,并引领着大数据技术趋势。它在Hadoop生态圈中运行良好,是实现大数据分析的一条快速通道。Spark提供一套易于使用的API,具备大规模分布式任务下的数据分析能力。Apache Spark 使得普通开发者也具备大数据的实时数据分析能力。 Spark SQL是Apache Spark提供的API的一个实例,易于使用而功能强大。


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原文链接: Analytics with Apache Spark Tutorial Part 2: Spark SQL (译者/牛亚真 审校/朱正贵 责编/仲浩)

译者简介: 牛亚真,本科,2010年毕业于西南大学计算机与信息科学学院信息管理与信息系统专业;研究生,2013年毕业于中国科学院大学文献情报中心情报学专业,计算机信息处理与检索方向。

90+位讲师,16大分论坛,Databricks公司联合创始人、Apache Spark首席架构师辛湜,Hadoop、HBase和Thrift项目的PMC成员和Committer、Kudu的发明人Todd Lipcon等海外专家将亲临 2015中国大数据技术大会 ,票价折扣即将结束, 预购从速 。
