张江等提出了一个几何网络模型,该模型主要强调了一种空间受限的链接机制。模型假设:每个时间点$t$ 一个新的节点 $P$ 出现在几何空间里的一个随机的位置, 如果 $P$ 在至少一个老节点$Q$的几何半径$r$的范围内,$P$ 才会被加入该网络,否则就会被删除。具体而言:
这个几何模型,不仅适用于物理空间,也适用于抽象空间(abstracted space)。前者包括城市、因特网的autonomous systems、大脑,后者包括相似性空间(similarity space,如引文网络、科学合作网络、在线社区)、语义空间、生态位空间(niche space)
import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import * from scipy import * import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle import networkx as nx from scipy.optimize import leastsq from rtree import index #必备包,为了让模型加速 def initiate(L,d,r): #input: L range, d dimension, r radius #generate nodes that carry coordinates coordinate=np.ones(d)*L/2 nodelist={1:{1:coordinate,3:1,4:0,5:0}} #1: coordinate, 3: borning time, 4: In degree, 5: out degree # Create 2D index, Using Rtree to accelerate p = index.Property() if d>=2: p.dimension = d else: p.dimension = 2 idxnd = index.Index(properties=p) limitt=np.zeros(2*d) for key in nodelist: ele=nodelist[key] xs=ele[1] rectangle1=xs-r rectangle2=xs+r if d==1: idxnd.insert(key,[rectangle1,0,rectangle2,0]) else: idxnd.insert(key,list(np.r_[rectangle1,rectangle2])) limitt=np.r_[rectangle1,rectangle2] # nodelist: a list of nodes, idxnd: Rtree indices, limitt: Rectangle boundary return (nodelist,idxnd,limitt) def onestep(nodelist,idxnd,L,network,limit,time,d,r): #计算几何图占方形区域面积 aa=1 for i in range(d): aa=aa*(limit[i+d]-limit[i]) locallambda=aa/(L**d) # Bias sample the area of aa (valid area) to accelerate. # And the average time interval between two random valid nodes # follow an exponential distribution, some time can generated virtually time+=random.expovariate(locallambda) #Generate a random node within the valid area newpoint=np.array([random.random()*(limit[d+v]-limit[v])+limit[v] for v in range(d)]) #Search for neighbors if d==1: hits=list(idxnd.intersection((newpoint,0,newpoint,0))) else: hits=list(idxnd.intersection(tuple(np.r_[newpoint,newpoint]))) neighbors={} newedges=0; if len(hits)>0: for i in hits: node=nodelist[i] distance=np.linalg.norm(node[1]-newpoint) if distance<r: ind=i neighbors[i]=ind if len(neighbors)>0: # Real adding nodes and links nodelist[len(nodelist)+1]={1:newpoint,3:time,4:0,5:len(neighbors)} for i in range(d): limit[i]=min(limit[i],newpoint[i]-r) limit[i+d]=max(limit[i+d],newpoint[i]+r) for nd in neighbors: node=nodelist[nd] node[4]=node[4]+1 newedges=newedges+1 if d==1: idxnd.insert(len(nodelist),[newpoint-r,0,newpoint+r,0]) else: rectangle1=newpoint-r; rectangle2=newpoint+r; rectangle=np.r_[rectangle1,rectangle2]; idxnd.insert(len(nodelist),rectangle) return (nodelist,idxnd,newedges,network,limit,time)
L=10**10#Hypercube length maxnode=10**5#The wanted number of nodes d=2#spatial dimension r=1#interaction area; ndlist,idx,limit=initiate(L,d,r) t=1 edges=[0]; network={}; time=1 while len(ndlist)<maxnode: ndlist,idx,newedge,network,limit,time=onestep(ndlist,idx,L,network,limit,time,d,r) if newedge>0: edges=np.r_[edges,edges[-1]+newedge]; if np.remainder(t,1000)==0: print len(ndlist) t=t+1;
匹配生長隨機幾何圖模型 http://wiki.swarma.net/index.php/匹配生长随机几何图模型
Zhang, J., Li, X., Wang, X., Wang, W.-X., & Wu, L. (2015). Scaling behaviours in the growth of networked systems and their geometric origins. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5, 9767.