

Convert arbitrary binary files into a video.

Example output: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz_jMKZOeBg

Note, that parameter that achieves the highest data rate appears to be bs_x = 8, bs_y = 8, repeat = 2. If you set the parameter higher than that, Youtube refuse to accept the video.

  • Converting a data file to video
  %FILETOVIDEO Convert a file into a video %   [len, bc_x, bc_y] = FileToVideo(in_name, out_name, ... %   dim_x, dim_y, repeat, bs_x, bs_y) %   Where   in_name is the input filename an arbitary binary file,  %           out_name is the output filename of the video, %           repeat is the number of repeated frame, %           dim_x is the desired width of the video, %           dim_y is the desired height of the video, %           bs_x is the horizontal block size of the video, %           bs_y is the vertical block size of the video. 
  • Converting a video file to data
  %VIDEOTOFILE Convert a video back into a file %   VideoToFile(in_name, out_name, len, repeat, bc_x, bc_y ) %   Where   in_name is the input filename of the video %           out_name is the output filename of the binary %           len is the length of the binary file %           bc_x is the block count in horizontal direciton %           bc_y is the bock count in the vertical direction 