
Unity超级角色控制器 - Part 2


在开始以前,先确保你的Unity是否已经完成下载安装。这篇文章中所使用的版本是Unity 4.3.4f1。(检查Unity版本的方法是Help->About Unity)打开一个现有的工程或者创建一个新的来开始这篇教程。创建一个新的场景(Scene),然后创建一个立方体(Cube)和一个球体(Sphere)。虽然我们最终会用胶囊体作为我们的控制器形状,但是刚开始还是让事情保持简单一些。将球体命名为Player,立方体命名为Wall。改变墙体每个轴的缩放到6。为了更加形象,我还给Player加了蓝色的材质,给Wall加了绿色的材质。将Player上的Sphere Collider组件移除掉。

Unity超级角色控制器 - Part 2


using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic;   public class SuperCharacterController : MonoBehaviour {     [SerializeField]  float radius = 0.5f;     private bool contact;     // Update is called once per frame  void Update () {       contact = false;       foreach (Collider col in Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, radius))   {    Vector3 contactPoint = col.ClosestPointOnBounds(transform.position);         Vector3 v = transform.position - contactPoint;         transform.position += Vector3.ClampMagnitude(v, Mathf.Clamp(radius - v.magnitude, 0, radius));         contact = true;   }  }     void OnDrawGizmos()  {   Gizmos.color = contact ? Color.cyan : Color.yellow;   Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, radius);  } }



一旦检测到任何碰撞,我们就会开始处理。为了找到box collider上的最近点,我们用了ClosestPointOnBounds函数。紧接着我们就可以通过contactPoint得到我们的位置。contactPoint的长度就是我们所需要推出去的距离。


Unity超级角色控制器 - Part 2

  • 两帧演示了碰撞被检测,而后被处理


using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;   public static class DebugDraw {     public static void DrawMarker(Vector3 position, float size, Color color, float duration, bool depthTest = true)  {   Vector3 line1PosA = position + Vector3.up * size * 0.5f   Vector3 line1PosB = position - Vector3.up * size * 0.5f;       Vector3 line2PosA = position + Vector3.right * size * 0.5f;   Vector3 line2PosB = position - Vector3.right * size * 0.5f;       Vector3 line3PosA = position + Vector3.forward * size * 0.5f;   Vector3 line3PosB = position - Vector3.forward * size * 0.5f;       Debug.DrawLine(line1PosA, line1PosB, color, duration, depthTest);   Debug.DrawLine(line2PosA, line2PosB, color, duration, depthTest);   Debug.DrawLine(line3PosA, line3PosB, color, duration, depthTest);  } }


foreach (Collider col in Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, radius)) {  Vector3 contactPoint = col.ClosestPointOnBounds(transform.position);     DebugDraw.DrawMarker(contactPoint, 2.0f, Color.red, 0.0f, false);     Vector3 v = transform.position - contactPoint;     transform.position += Vector3.ClampMagnitude(v, Mathf.Clamp(radius - v.magnitude, 0, radius));     contact = true; }


Unity超级角色控制器 - Part 2



Unity超级角色控制器 - Part 2


先让我们从最简单的开始:球体碰撞。在场景中创建一个新的球体游戏对象。找到表面上的最近点需要好几步,每一步都比较简单。要知道哪个方向推出玩家,我们计算从我们为之到球体中心的方向。由于球体表面每个点距离球心都一样,我们只要正规化我们的向量,然后乘以半径以及local scale因子即可。


using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic;   public class SuperCharacterController : MonoBehaviour {     [SerializeField]  float radius = 0.5f;     private bool contact;     // Update is called once per frame  void Update () {       contact = false;       foreach (Collider col in Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, radius))   {    Vector3 contactPoint = Vector3.zero;         if (col is BoxCollider)    {     contactPoint = col.ClosestPointOnBounds(transform.position);    }    else if (col is SphereCollider)    {     contactPoint = ClosestPointOn((SphereCollider)col, transform.position);    }         DebugDraw.DrawMarker(contactPoint, 2.0f, Color.red, 0.0f, false);         Vector3 v = transform.position - contactPoint;         transform.position += Vector3.ClampMagnitude(v, Mathf.Clamp(radius - v.magnitude, 0, radius));         contact = true;   }  }     Vector3 ClosestPointOn(SphereCollider collider, Vector3 to)  {   Vector3 p;       p = to - collider.transform.position;   p.Normalize();       p *= collider.radius * collider.transform.localScale.x;   p += collider.transform.position;       return p;  }     void OnDrawGizmos()  {   Gizmos.color = contact ? Color.cyan : Color.yellow;   Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, radius);  } }


Unity超级角色控制器 - Part 2

  • 图像演示了如何通过球心与控制器位置之间的向量推算出最近点


Box Collider的扩展定义了局部大小x、y和z。为了将我们的点clamp到Box Collider内部,我们需要将作为从世界坐标系转换到Box Collider的局部坐标系。在完成之后,我们对位置clamp到包围盒内即可。最后,我们再将改点转换回世界坐标系。代码如下。

using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic;   public class SuperCharacterController : MonoBehaviour {    [SerializeField]  float radius = 0.5f;     private bool contact;     // Update is called once per frame  void Update () {       contact = false;       foreach (Collider col in Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, radius))   {    Vector3 contactPoint = Vector3.zero;         if (col is BoxCollider)    {     contactPoint = ClosestPointOn((BoxCollider)col, transform.position);    }    else if (col is SphereCollider)    {     contactPoint = ClosestPointOn((SphereCollider)col, transform.position);    }         DebugDraw.DrawMarker(contactPoint, 2.0f, Color.red, 0.0f, false);         Vector3 v = transform.position - contactPoint;         transform.position += Vector3.ClampMagnitude(v, Mathf.Clamp(radius - v.magnitude, 0, radius));         contact = true;   }  }     Vector3 ClosestPointOn(BoxCollider collider, Vector3 to)  {   if (collider.transform.rotation == Quaternion.identity)   {    return collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(to);   }       return closestPointOnOBB(collider, to);  }     Vector3 ClosestPointOn(SphereCollider collider, Vector3 to)  {   Vector3 p;       p = to - collider.transform.position;   p.Normalize();       p *= collider.radius * collider.transform.localScale.x;   p += collider.transform.position;       return p;  }     Vector3 closestPointOnOBB(BoxCollider collider, Vector3 to)  {   // Cache the collider transform   var ct = collider.transform;       // Firstly, transform the point into the space of the collider   var local = ct.InverseTransformPoint(to);       // Now, shift it to be in the center of the box   local -= collider.center;       // Inverse scale it by the colliders scale   var localNorm =   new Vector3(   Mathf.Clamp(local.x, -collider.size.x * 0.5f, collider.size.x * 0.5f),   Mathf.Clamp(local.y, -collider.size.y * 0.5f, collider.size.y * 0.5f),   Mathf.Clamp(local.z, -collider.size.z * 0.5f, collider.size.z * 0.5f)   );       // Now we undo our transformations   localNorm += collider.center;       // Return resulting point   return ct.TransformPoint(localNorm);  }     void OnDrawGizmos()  {   Gizmos.color = contact ? Color.cyan : Color.yellow;   Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, radius);  } }

你可能会注意到在主碰撞循环中做了一些修改,使得我们不管是轴对齐还是朝向的用ClosesPointOn就可以了。这里的大部分实现都参考自fholm的RPGController package。

Unity超级角色控制器 - Part 2



这篇文章主要的代码参考自fholm的 RPGController package 。其中的推出来自RPGMotor.cs,最近点来自RPGCollisions.cs。

转载标明原文链接: jjyy.guru/super-character-controller-part2

原文  http://jjyy.guru/super-character-controller-part2/