CREATE TABLE Departments ( Code INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name varchar(255) NOT NULL , Budget decimal NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE Employees ( SSN INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name varchar(255) NOT NULL , LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL , Department INTEGER NOT NULL , foreign key (department) references Departments(Code) ) ENGINE=INNODB; INSERT INTO Departments(Code,Name,Budget) VALUES(14,'IT',65000); INSERT INTO Departments(Code,Name,Budget) VALUES(37,'Accounting',15000); INSERT INTO Departments(Code,Name,Budget) VALUES(59,'Human Resources',240000); INSERT INTO Departments(Code,Name,Budget) VALUES(77,'Research',55000); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('123234877','Michael','Rogers',14); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('152934485','Anand','Manikutty',14); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('222364883','Carol','Smith',37); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('326587417','Joe','Stevens',37); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('332154719','Mary-Anne','Foster',14); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('332569843','George','ODonnell',77); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('546523478','John','Doe',59); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('631231482','David','Smith',77); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('654873219','Zacary','Efron',59); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('745685214','Eric','Goldsmith',59); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('845657245','Elizabeth','Doe',14); INSERT INTO Employees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('845657246','Kumar','Swamy',14);
CREATETABLEDepartments ( CodeINTEGER PRIMARYKEY, Namevarchar(255) NOT NULL , BudgetdecimalNOT NULL ); CREATETABLEEmployees ( SSNINTEGER PRIMARYKEY, Namevarchar(255) NOT NULL , LastNamevarchar(255) NOT NULL , DepartmentINTEGER NOT NULL , foreignkey (department) referencesDepartments(Code) ) ENGINE=INNODB; INSERTINTODepartments(Code,Name,Budget) VALUES(14,'IT',65000); INSERTINTODepartments(Code,Name,Budget) VALUES(37,'Accounting',15000); INSERTINTODepartments(Code,Name,Budget) VALUES(59,'Human Resources',240000); INSERTINTODepartments(Code,Name,Budget) VALUES(77,'Research',55000); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('123234877','Michael','Rogers',14); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('152934485','Anand','Manikutty',14); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('222364883','Carol','Smith',37); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('326587417','Joe','Stevens',37); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('332154719','Mary-Anne','Foster',14); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('332569843','George','ODonnell',77); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('546523478','John','Doe',59); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('631231482','David','Smith',77); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('654873219','Zacary','Efron',59); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('745685214','Eric','Goldsmith',59); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('845657245','Elizabeth','Doe',14); INSERTINTOEmployees(SSN,Name,LastName,Department) VALUES('845657246','Kumar','Swamy',14);
-- 2.1 Select the last name of all employees. select LastName from Employees;
-- 2.2 Select the last name of all employees, without duplicates. select distinct LastName from employees;
-- 2.3 Select all the data of employees whose last name is "Smith". select * from employees where lastname = 'Smith';
-- 2.4 Select all the data of employees whose last name is "Smith" or "Doe". select * from Employees where lastname in ('Smith', 'Doe'); select * from Employees where lastname = 'Smith' or lastname = 'Doe';
-- 2.5 Select all the data of employees that work in department 14. select * from Employees where department = 14;
-- 2.6 Select all the data of employees that work in department 37 or department 77. select * from employees where department = 37 or department = 77; select * from employees where department in (37, 77);
-- 2.7 Select all the data of employees whose last name begins with an "S". select * from employees where LastName like 'S%';
-- 2.8 Select the sum of all the departments' budgets. select sum(budget) from Departments;
select Name, sum(Budget) from Departments group by Name;
-- 2.9 Select the number of employees in each department (you only need to show the department code and the number of employees). select Department, count(*) from employees group by department;
SELECT Department, COUNT(*) FROM Employees GROUP BY Department;
-- 2.10 Select all the data of employees, including each employee's department's data. select a. , b. from employees a join departments b on a.department = b.code;
SELECT SSN, E.Name AS Name E, LastName, D.Name AS Name D, Department, Code, Budget FROM Employees E INNER JOIN Departments D ON E.Department = D.Code;
-- 2.11 Select the name and last name of each employee, along with the name and budget of the employee's department. select a.name, a.lastname, b.name Department_name, b.Budget from employees a join departments b on a.department = b.code;
/ Without labels / SELECT Employees.Name, LastName, Departments.Name AS DepartmentsName, Budget FROM Employees INNER JOIN Departments ON Employees.Department = Departments.Code;
/ With labels / SELECT E.Name, LastName, D.Name AS DepartmentsName, Budget FROM Employees E INNER JOIN Departments D ON E.Department = D.Code;
-- 2.12 Select the name and last name of employees working for departments with a budget greater than $60,000. select name, lastname from employees where department in ( select code from departments where Budget>60000 );
/ Without subquery / SELECT Employees.Name, LastName FROM Employees INNER JOIN Departments ON Employees.Department = Departments.Code AND Departments.Budget > 60000;
/ With subquery / SELECT Name, LastName FROM Employees WHERE Department IN (SELECT Code FROM Departments WHERE Budget > 60000);
-- 2.13 Select the departments with a budget larger than the average budget of all the departments. select * from departments where budget > ( select avg(budget) from departments );
SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE Budget > ( SELECT AVG(Budget) FROM Departments );
-- 2.14 -- Select the names of departments with more than two employees. select b.name from departments b where code in ( select department from employees group by department having count(*)>2 );
/ With subquery / SELECT Name FROM Departments WHERE Code IN ( SELECT Department FROM Employees GROUP BY Department HAVING COUNT(*) > 2 );
/ With UNION. This assumes that no two departments have the same name / SELECT Departments.Name FROM Employees INNER JOIN Departments ON Department = Code GROUP BY Departments.Name HAVING COUNT(*) > 2;
-- 2.15 -- Very Important -- Select the name and last name of employees working for departments with second lowest budget.
select name, lastname from employees where department =( select temp.code from (select * from departments order by budget limit 2) temp order by temp.budget desc limit 1 );
/ With subquery / SELECT e.Name, e.LastName FROM Employees e WHERE e.Department = ( SELECT sub.Code FROM (SELECT * FROM Departments d ORDER BY d.budget LIMIT 2) sub ORDER BY budget DESC LIMIT 1);
-- 2.16 -- Add a new department called "Quality Assurance", with a budget of $40,000 and departmental code 11. -- Add an employee called "Mary Moore" in that department, with SSN 847-21-9811. insert into departments values(11, 'Quality Assurnce', 40000); insert into employees values(847219811, 'Mary', 'Moore', 11);
-- 2.17 -- Reduce the budget of all departments by 10%. update departments set budget = 0.9 * budget;
-- 2.18 -- Reassign all employees from the Research department (code 77) to the IT department (code 14). update employees set department = 14 where department = 77;
-- 2.19 -- Delete from the table all employees in the IT department (code 14).
delete from employees where department = 14;
-- 2.20 -- Delete from the table all employees who work in departments with a budget greater than or equal to $60,000. delete from employees where department in ( select code from departments where budget>=60000 );
-- 2.21 -- Delete from the table all employees. delete from employees;
-- 2.1 Selectthelastnameofallemployees. selectLastNamefromEmployees; -- 2.2 Selectthelastnameofallemployees, withoutduplicates. selectdistinctLastNamefromemployees; -- 2.3 Selectallthedataofemployeeswhoselastnameis "Smith". select * fromemployeeswherelastname = 'Smith'; -- 2.4 Selectallthedataofemployeeswhoselastnameis "Smith" or "Doe". select * fromEmployeeswherelastnamein ('Smith', 'Doe'); select * fromEmployeeswherelastname = 'Smith' or lastname = 'Doe'; -- 2.5 Selectallthedataofemployeesthatworkin department 14. select * fromEmployeeswheredepartment = 14; -- 2.6 Selectallthedataofemployeesthatworkin department 37 or department 77. select * fromemployeeswheredepartment = 37 or department = 77; select * fromemployeeswheredepartmentin (37, 77); -- 2.7 Selectallthedataofemployeeswhoselastnamebeginswithan "S". select * fromemployeeswhereLastNamelike 'S%'; -- 2.8 Selectthesumofallthedepartments' budgets. select sum(budget) from Departments; select Name, sum(Budget) from Departments group by Name; -- 2.9 Select the number of employees in each department (you only need to show the department code and the number of employees). select Department, count(*) from employees group by department; SELECT Department, COUNT(*) FROM Employees GROUP BY Department; -- 2.10 Select all the data of employees, including each employee's department's data. select a.*, b.* from employees a join departments b on a.department = b.code; SELECT SSN, E.Name AS Name_E, LastName, D.Name AS Name_D, Department, Code, Budget FROM Employees E INNER JOIN Departments D ON E.Department = D.Code; -- 2.11 Select the name and last name of each employee, along with the name and budget of the employee's department. select a.name, a.lastname, b.nameDepartment_name, b.Budget fromemployees a joindepartments b on a.department = b.code; /* Without labels */ SELECTEmployees.Name, LastName, Departments.NameAS DepartmentsName, Budget FROMEmployeesINNERJOINDepartments ONEmployees.Department = Departments.Code; /* With labels */ SELECT E.Name, LastName, D.NameAS DepartmentsName, Budget FROMEmployees E INNERJOINDepartments D ON E.Department = D.Code; -- 2.12 Selectthenameand lastnameofemployeesworkingfor departmentswith a budgetgreaterthan $60,000. selectname, lastname fromemployees wheredepartmentin ( selectcodefromdepartmentswhereBudget>60000 ); /* Without subquery */ SELECTEmployees.Name, LastName FROMEmployeesINNERJOINDepartments ONEmployees.Department = Departments.Code AND Departments.Budget > 60000; /* With subquery */ SELECTName, LastNameFROMEmployees WHEREDepartmentIN (SELECTCodeFROMDepartmentsWHEREBudget > 60000); -- 2.13 Selectthedepartmentswith a budgetlargerthantheaveragebudgetofallthedepartments. select * fromdepartments wherebudget > ( selectavg(budget) fromdepartments ); SELECT * FROMDepartments WHEREBudget > ( SELECTAVG(Budget) FROMDepartments ); -- 2.14 -- Selectthenamesofdepartmentswithmorethantwoemployees. select b.name fromdepartments b wherecodein ( selectdepartment fromemployees groupbydepartment havingcount(*)>2 ); /* With subquery */ SELECTNameFROMDepartments WHERECodeIN ( SELECTDepartment FROMEmployees GROUPBYDepartment HAVINGCOUNT(*) > 2 ); /* With UNION. This assumes that no two departments have the same name */ SELECTDepartments.Name FROMEmployeesINNERJOINDepartments ONDepartment = Code GROUPBYDepartments.Name HAVINGCOUNT(*) > 2; -- 2.15 -- VeryImportant -- Selectthenameand lastnameofemployeesworkingfor departmentswithsecondlowestbudget. selectname, lastname fromemployees wheredepartment =( selecttemp.code from (select * fromdepartmentsorderbybudgetlimit 2) temp orderbytemp.budgetdesclimit 1 ); /* With subquery */ SELECT e.Name, e.LastName FROMEmployees e WHERE e.Department = ( SELECTsub.Code FROM (SELECT * FROMDepartments d ORDERBY d.budgetLIMIT 2) sub ORDERBYbudgetDESCLIMIT 1); -- 2.16 -- Add a new departmentcalled "Quality Assurance", with a budgetof $40,000 and departmentalcode 11. -- Addanemployeecalled "Mary Moore" in thatdepartment, withSSN 847-21-9811. insertintodepartmentsvalues(11, 'Quality Assurnce', 40000); insertintoemployeesvalues(847219811, 'Mary', 'Moore', 11); -- 2.17 -- Reducethebudgetofalldepartmentsby 10%. updatedepartments setbudget = 0.9 * budget; -- 2.18 -- ReassignallemployeesfromtheResearchdepartment (code 77) to theITdepartment (code 14). updateemployees setdepartment = 14 wheredepartment = 77; -- 2.19 -- Deletefromthetableallemployeesin theITdepartment (code 14). deletefromemployees wheredepartment = 14; -- 2.20 -- Deletefromthetableallemployeeswhoworkin departmentswith a budgetgreaterthanor equalto $60,000. deletefromemployees wheredepartmentin ( selectcode fromdepartments wherebudget>=60000 ); -- 2.21 -- Deletefromthetableallemployees. deletefromemployees;