本文链接: http://zyden.vicp.cc/zyspreadbutton/
github地址: https://github.com/liuzhiyi1992/SpreadButton
A Button spread its sub path buttons like the flower or sickle(two spread mode) if you click it, once again, close.And you can also change the SpreadPositionMode between FixedMode & TouchBorderMode, while one like the marbleBall fixed on the wall, another one like the AssistiveTouch is iphone。
两种展开模式(SpreadMode):镰刀模式 & 花朵模式
两种位置模式(SpreadPositionMode):锁定模式 & 粘连边缘模式,在粘连边缘模式下,根据主体按钮的位置,会实时更新展开模式
粘连边缘模式下 不同展开模式位置指示图:
- animationDuring: assign the ‘animationDuring’ can also change ‘animationDuringSpread’ & ‘animationDuringClose’,default is 0.2
- coverAlpha
- coverColor
- mode: case SpreadModeSickleSpread case SpreadModeFlowerSpread
- radius: spread Radius
- direction: case SpreadDirectionTop case SpreadDirectionBottom case SpreadDirectionLeft case SpreadDirectionRight case SpreadDirectionLeftUp case SpreadDirectionLeftDown case SpreadDirectionRightUp case SpreadDirectionRightDown
- touchBorderMargin: margin border in SpreadPositionModeTouchBorder
- buttonWillSpreadBlock
- buttonDidSpreadBlock
- buttonWillCloseBlock
- buttonDidCloseBlock
private static:---you can edit the default in the source---
- private static let sickleSpreadAngleDefault: CGFloat = 90.0
- private static let flowerSpreadAngleDefault: CGFloat = 120.0
- private static let spredaDirectionDefault: SpreadDirection = .SpreadDirectionTop
- private static let spreadRadiusDefault: CGFloat = 100.0
- private static let coverAlphaDefault: CGFloat = 0.1
- private static let touchBorderMarginDefault: CGFloat = 10.0
- private static let touchBorderAnimationDuringDefault = 0.5
- private static let animationDuringDefault = 0.2
pod 'SpreadButton'
let your project include SpreadButton.swift & SpreadSubButton.swiftoc项目需要在bridge头文件里import他们
let spreadButton = SpreadButton(image: UIImage(named: "powerButton"), highlightImage: UIImage(named: "powerButton_highlight"), position: CGPointMake(40, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height - 40))
let btn1 = SpreadSubButton(backgroundImage: UIImage(named: "clock"), highlightImage: UIImage(named: "clock_highlight")) { (index, sender) -> Void in print("first button be clicked!!!") } let btn2 = SpreadSubButton(backgroundImage: UIImage(named: "pencil"), highlightImage: UIImage(named: "pencil_highlight")) { (index, sender) -> Void in print("second button be clicked!!!") } //像这样你可以创建更多
spreadButton?.setSubButtons([btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5])
spreadButton?.mode = SpreadMode.SpreadModeSickleSpread spreadButton?.direction = SpreadDirection.SpreadDirectionRightUp spreadButton?.positionMode = SpreadPositionMode.SpreadPositionModeFixed /* and you can assign a newValue to change the default spreadButton?.animationDuring = 0.2 spreadButton?.animationDuringClose = 0.25 spreadButton?.radius = 180 spreadButton?.coverAlpha = 0.3 spreadButton?.coverColor = UIColor.yellowColor() spreadButton?.touchBorderMargin = 10.0 */
spreadButton?.buttonWillSpreadBlock = { print(CGRectGetMaxY($0.frame)) } spreadButton?.buttonDidSpreadBlock = { _ in print("did spread") } spreadButton?.buttonWillCloseBlock = { _ in print("will closed") } spreadButton?.buttonDidCloseBlock = { _ in print("did closed") }
if spreadButton != nil { self.view.addSubview(spreadButton!) }
SpreadButton is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.