
Neurosync —— JavaScript 本地离线 ORM 库

Neurosync 是一个 JavaScript ORM 库,支持离线和实时操作。没错,是 ORM,但并没有疯狂到直接连接到后台数据库。对 Neurosync 来说,数据库就是后端的 REST API,而 Neurosync 就是这个 API 的一个门面。

Neurosync 的生命周期非常简单:

  • 保存数据变更到本地存储

  • 发起 REST 请求

  • 如果请求成功则删除本地存储中的变更数据,标识为已保存,并发布到实时 API

  • 如果请求失败,因为应用本身是离线的,将等待应用在线并继续处理数据更改流程

  • 如果有待决的操作但是应用重启了,数据将会被恢复

一个简单的 TODO 应用示例代码:

var Todo = Neuro({   name: 'todo',   api: '/api/1.0/todo/',   fields: ['name', 'finished_at'],   timestamps: true,   comparator: ['-finished_at', '-created_at'], // finished go to bottom, most recently created are at the top   methods: {     finish: function(finished) {       this.$save('finished_at', finished ? Date.now() null);     }   },   dynamic: {     done: function() {       return !this.finished_at;     }   } });  var t0 = Todo.create({name: 'Download Neurosync'}); t0.$isSaved(); // true t0.finish( true ); t0.done; // true t0.$remove();  var t1 = new Todo({name: 'Use Neurosync'}); t1.$isSaved(); // false t1.id; // UUID t1.$save();  var t2 = Todo.boot({id: 34, name: 'Profit'}); // Todo data that already exists remotely t2.$isSaved(); // true t2.name = '???'; t2.$hasChanges(); // true  var t3 = Todo.fetch(45); // REST call if doesn't exist locally  Todo.all(); // [t1, t2, t3]  Todo.collect(t1, t2); // creates a collection of todos  var allRemote = Todo.fetchAll(function(all) {}); // call REST API  var f0 = Todo.find('name', 'Download Neurosync'); // first match var f1 = Todo.find({done: true});  var w0 = Todo.where('done', true); // all done todos var w1 = Todo.where({finished_at: null});  var g0 = Todo.get(34); // get cached version  var g1 = Todo.grab(34); // get cached version, otherwise call REST API var a0 = Todo.grabAll(function(all) {}); // get all cached, if none cached call REST API  Todo.ready(function() {}); // when it has been initialized locally and/or remotely (depends on options).  Todo.refresh(); // re-fetch from REST API  var search0 = Todo.search({done: true}); // sends a search to the REST API (POST by default)  var searchPaged0 = Todo.searchPaged({done: true, page_offset: 0, page_size: 20}); searchPaged0.$next();
原文  http://www.oschina.net/p/neurosync?fromerr=YrimlQXj