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python提供了python DB API用来统一操作数据库,使访问数据库的接口规范化,在没有python DB API之前,接口程序十分混乱,不同的数据库需要不同的操作接口,所以这个接口提供了极大的方便。在具体操作的时候,我们需要操作数据库以及其他逻辑的python代码,数据库连接对象connection来建立连接,数据库交互对象cursor来“运送”数据,一个健壮的系统必不可少的便是数据库异常类Exceptions。整个访问数据库流程如下图:
在银行转账系统中,需要考虑如下需求:比如A给B转账,当A账户上减少了M钱时,必须在B账户上多了M钱,不能A减了B没加,也不能B加了A还没有减,当然账户必须是有效的,M钱的金额肯定要大于A账户上的金额。所以在具体设计的时候,需要将A账户的金钱减少和B账户的金钱增加作为一个事务,要么同时成功,要么一起失败。按照这个需求,书写代码,详细代码见 github ,代码复制和数据库如下,有两个账户,分别拥有金钱110和10,在运行代码的时候在参数栏输入1,2,100(source_acctid, target_acctid, tranfer_money)。
#coding:utf-8 import sys import MySQLdb class TransferMoney(): def __init__(self, conn): self.conn = conn def transfer(self, src, target, money): try: self.check_acct_available(src) self.check_acct_available(target) self.has_enough_money(src, money) self.reduce_money(src, money) self.add_money(target, money) self.conn.commit() except Exception as e: print e self.conn.rollback() def reduce_money(self, src, money): cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: sql = "update account set money = money - %s where acctid = %s" %(money, src) cursor.execute(sql) print "reduce_money: " + sql #rs = cursor.fetchall() if cursor.rowcount != 1: raise Exception("the account reduce money fail") finally: cursor.close() def add_money(self, target, money): cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: sql = "update account set money = money + %s where acctid = %s" %(money, target) cursor.execute(sql) print "add_money: " + sql #rs = cursor.fetchall() if cursor.rowcount != 1: raise Exception("the account add money fail") finally: cursor.close() def check_acct_available(self, accit): cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: sql = "select * from account where acctid = %s" %accit cursor.execute(sql) print "check_acct_available: " + sql rs = cursor.fetchall() if len(rs) != 1: raise Exception("the account %s is not exist" %accit) finally: cursor.close() def has_enough_money(self, src, money): cursor = self.conn.cursor() try: sql = "select * from account where acctid = %s and money >= %s " %(src, money) cursor.execute(sql) print "has_enough_money: " + sql rs = cursor.fetchall() if len(rs) != 1: raise Exception("the account does not have enough money") finally: cursor.close() if __name__ == "__main__": source_acctid = sys.argv[1] target_acctid = sys.argv[2] money = sys.argv[3] conn = MySQLdb.connect( host = "", user = '******', passwd = '******', port = 3306, db = '******' ) tr_money = TransferMoney(conn) try: tr_money.transfer(source_acctid, target_acctid, money) except Exception as e: print e finally: conn.close()