
Centos搭建Kong API框架完整教程

这篇文章我们讲解 KongCentos 上的搭建,安装 Cassandra 数据库.

Centos搭建Kong API框架完整教程


Kong 是在客户端和(微)服务间转发API通信的API网关,通过插件扩展功能。Kong 有两个主要组件:

Kong Server :基于 nginx 的服务器,用来接收 API 请求。

Apache Cassandra :用来存储操作数据。

你可以通过增加更多 Kong Server 机器对 Kong 服务进行水平扩展,通过前置的负载均衡器向这些机器分发请求。根据文档描述,两个Cassandra节点就足以支撑绝大多数情况,但如果网络非常拥挤,可以考虑适当增加更多节点。

Github: Kong

官网: getkong


  1. 下载kong


    下载的文件 kong-0.7.0.el6.noarch.rpm


    rpm -ivh kong-0.7.0.el6.noarch.rpm
$ sudo yum install epel-release $ sudo yum install kong-0.7.0.*.noarch.rpm --nogpgcheck
>如果出现 > 错误:Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again > 可以通过执行<font color=“red”>`yum --disablerepo=epel -y update ca-certificates`</font> 完美解决 :beer:
  1. 启动

     [INFO] Kong 0.7.0 [INFO] Using configuration: /etc/kong/kong.yml [INFO] Setting working directory to /usr/local/kong [INFO] database...........cassandra keyspace=kong ssl=verify=false enabled=false replication_factor=1 contact_points=ec2-52-5-200-155.compute-1.amazonaws.com:34977 replication_strategy=SimpleStrategy timeout=5000 data_centers= [INFO] Database not initialized. Running migrations... [INFO] Migrating core on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] core migrated up to: 2015-01-12-175310_skeleton [INFO] core migrated up to: 2015-01-12-175310_init_schema [INFO] core migrated up to: 2015-11-23-817313_nodes [INFO] Migrating key-auth on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] key-auth migrated up to: 2015-07-31-172400_init_keyauth [INFO] Migrating rate-limiting on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] rate-limiting migrated up to: 2015-08-03-132400_init_ratelimiting [INFO] Migrating mashape-analytics on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] mashape-analytics migrated up to: 2015-12-03-161400_mashape-analytics-config [INFO] Migrating acl on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] acl migrated up to: 2015-08-25-841841_init_acl [INFO] Migrating oauth2 on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] oauth2 migrated up to: 2015-08-03-132400_init_oauth2 [INFO] oauth2 migrated up to: 2015-08-24-215800_cascade_delete_index [INFO] Migrating jwt on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] jwt migrated up to: 2015-06-09-jwt-auth [INFO] Migrating basic-auth on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] basic-auth migrated up to: 2015-08-03-132400_init_basicauth [INFO] Migrating response-ratelimiting on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] response-ratelimiting migrated up to: 2015-08-21_init_response-rate-limiting [INFO] Migrating hmac-auth on keyspace "kong" (cassandra) [INFO] hmac-auth migrated up to: 2015-09-16-132400_init_hmacauth [INFO] dnsmasq............address= dnsmasq=true port=8053 [INFO] Leaving cluster.. [INFO] nginx .............admin_api_listen= proxy_listen= proxy_listen_ssl= [OK] Started

安装 Cassandra

  1. 下载 Cassandra

    wget: http://mirrors.hust.edu.cn/apache/cassandra/3.3/apache-cassandra-3.3-bin.tar.gz
  2. 安装 Cassandra

    tar -zxvf apache-cassandra-3.3-bin.tar.gz cd bin/
    执行cassandra -f 后台启动 ./cassandra -f
> 在安装`cassandra`要升级`Python2.7`.  > 执行`./cqlsh` 测试是否安装成功 >    
Connected to Test Cluster at   [cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.2.5 | CQL spec 3.3.1 | Native protocol v4]   Use HELP for help.   cqlsh>
恭喜你:beer: 安装成功了 `9042`端口 > 执行`./cqlsh` 出现下面的错误,需要安装`python ssl`模块 >
   [root@host-133-130-99-25 bin]# ./cqlsh Traceback (most recent call last):   File "./cqlsh.py", line 152, in <module>     from cqlshlib import cql3handling, cqlhandling, pylexotron, sslhandling   File "/home/soft/apache-cassandra-2.2.5/bin/../pylib/cqlshlib/sslhandling.py", line 20, in <module>     import ssl   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 60, in <module>     import _ssl             # if we can't import it, let the error propagate ImportError: No module named _ssl    ```       参考:       [python安装完毕后,提示找不到ssl模块的解决步骤](http://www.cnblogs.com/yuechaotian/archive/2013/06/03/3115472.html)        [CentOS yum安装或升级Python到2.7.5教程](http://www.111cn.net/sys/CentOS/53297.htm)        #### 配置Configure Cassandra  编辑`/etc/kong/kong.yml`文件  ```shell Replace this in /etc/kong/kong.yml and continue installing Kong or onto the quickstart guide!  database: cassandra cassandra:   contact_points:     - ""

Kong添加Rest Api

  1. 添加api

    $ curl -i -X POST /  --url http://localhost:8001/apis/ /  --data 'name=mockbin' / //自己的api name  --data 'upstream_url=http://mockbin.com/' / //API地址  --data 'request_host=mockbin.com'  //API地址

    成功 显示

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json Connection: keep-alive  {   “request_host”: “mockbin.com”,   “upstream_url”: “http://mockbin.com/“,   “id”: “2eec1cb2-7093-411a-c14e-42e67142d2c4”,   “created_at”: 1428456369000,   “name”: “mockbin” }
$ curl -i -X GET /   --url http://localhost:8000/ /  --header 'Host: mockbin.com'
<font color=“red”>`:8000`</font> 端口代理
  1. 测试

    访问 http://localhost:8000/ 就可以访问到自己的API了。

  2. Nginx配置SSL

     ssl on; ssl_certificate  /*.crt; ssl_certificate_key /*.key; ssl_session_timeout 5m; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:-RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:!EXP; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

Kong API添加插件

  1. 添加 key-auth 插件 配置apikey

    执行命令: mockbin -> api 名称

    curl -i -X POST /   --url http://localhost:8001/apis/mockbin/plugins/ /   --data 'name=key-auth'
 HTTP/1.1 201 Created  Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 08:07:51 GMT  Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8  Transfer-Encoding: chunked  Connection: keep-alive  Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *  Server: kong/0.7.0   {"api_id":"413fc8b3-4c45-43eb-a3c1-17f9325d5527","id":"4706cc84- b97a-48c4-90eb-e8ec8491d3d7","created_at": 1457424471000,"enabled":true,"name":"key-auth","config":{"key_names": ["apikey"],"hide_credentials"  ```   OK,成功添加`key-auth`插件   2. API 配置访问权限    执行命令: `username=Slj` -> `Slj`用户    ```shell  --接口添加用户控制  curl -i -X POST /    --url http://localhost:8001/consumers/ /   --data "username=Slj"
curl -i -X POST /   --url http://localhost:8001/consumers/Slj/key-auth/ /   --data 'key=9eGpzqh4U3qMMuSk'
:beer:第一个插件安装成功了, 我们测试一下吧
  1. 测试API 访问权限

    Headers 中添加 apikey

    Centos搭建Kong API框架完整教程

    apikey 是我们上面添加的值,:beer:我们愉快的获得到了数据。

改变一下`apikey`值,看看什么效果 ![](https://dn-itjhcdn.qbox.me/kong%202.jpg)  :joy:出错了,那么恭喜你,`Kong`的插件起效果了。 
原文  http://itjhdev.github.io/2016/03/09/centos-kong-api/