
每日一博 | Apple Pay 测试开发心得




的开发. 今天面试的一个iOS开发, 我说ApplePay和3D-Touch, 那货竟然一愣一愣的... 看来还是有很多人不太会的, 分享一下吧, 让更多的人学习.

不试不知道, 一试吓一跳, ApplePay开发竟然这么简单....

苹果ApplePay开发文档 对于这种新技术, 最靠谱的就是苹果的开发文档了, 对染全是英文的, 但是看多了自然就能看懂了, 作为一名iOS程序猿, 我认为好好养成读苹果官方文档这个习惯还是不错的.

第一步: 配置环境

Applepay配置环境 苹果官方写的这么详细, 我就不写了, 按照步骤一步一步来就行了.

配置环境的过程就这么简单, 但是一步也不能少, 必须全部配置完.

第二步: 上代码

Apple Pay,是苹果公司在2014苹果秋季新品发布会上发布的一种基于NFC的手机支付功能,于2014年10月20日在美国正式上线。

2014年秋季applepay面世, 2016.2.18 ApplePay正式登陆中国, 说这些废话是想表达, ApplePay是个新东西, 所以它一定不会太难 ! 另外 苹果官方文档上面, 对代码部分也有很详细的教程.

以下代码就是唤出苹果支付的控制器, 可唤出控制器之前进行一些基本的设置. 详情请看注释, 也是很简单的, 我们可以通过代码设置是否展示收货地址, 发票地址抬头等信息, 也可以设置默认的联系人, 付款信息等.

自己可以根据自己项目需要进行设置. 代理方法中的


将在用户授权成功后调用, 授权成功之后我们可以通过代理方法参数中的




(用于去请求银联支付), 发票抬头, 收货地址, 收货人等等信息. 这些信息也可以通过



``` - (IBAction)openApplePay:(UIButton *)sender { NSLog(@"打开苹果支付");

//1. // Determine whether this device can process payment requests. // YES if the device is generally capable of making in-app payments. // NO if the device cannot make in-app payments or if the user is restricted from authorizing payments. if (![PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController canMakePayments]) {     NSLog(@"设备不支持ApplePay");     return; }  //2. // Determine whether this device can process payment requests using specific payment network brands. // Your application should confirm that the user can make payments before attempting to authorize a payment. // Your application may also want to alter its appearance or behavior when the user is not allowed // to make payments. // YES if the user can authorize payments on this device using one of the payment networks supported // by the merchant. // NO if the user cannot authorize payments on these networks or if the user is restricted from if (![PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController canMakePaymentsUsingNetworks:@[PKPaymentNetworkChinaUnionPay, PKPaymentNetworkVisa]]) {     NSLog(@"不支持银联和visa");     [[[PKPassLibrary alloc] init] openPaymentSetup]; //不支持指定的卡片, 去打开设置添加卡片     return; }  NSLog(@"进行支付...");  // *创建支付请求 PKPaymentRequest *payRequest = [[PKPaymentRequest alloc] init]; // *设置商户id payRequest.merchantIdentifier = @"merchant.com.walden.Applepay"; // *设置国家代码 payRequest.countryCode = @"CN"; // *设置支持的卡片类型 payRequest.supportedNetworks = @[PKPaymentNetworkChinaUnionPay, PKPaymentNetworkVisa]; // *设置商户支付标准 payRequest.merchantCapabilities = PKMerchantCapability3DS; // *设置货币单位 payRequest.currencyCode = @"CNY"; // *设置商品 PKPaymentSummaryItem *item1 = [PKPaymentSummaryItem summaryItemWithLabel:@"茅台" amount:[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"859.3"] type:PKPaymentSummaryItemTypeFinal]; PKPaymentSummaryItem *allItem = [PKPaymentSummaryItem summaryItemWithLabel:@"小蜜蜂公司" amount:[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"858.3"]]; payRequest.paymentSummaryItems = @[item1, allItem];  // billing 收据, 设置收据/发票必填内容 payRequest.requiredBillingAddressFields = PKAddressFieldAll;  // shipping 邮寄,运送, 设置邮寄地址必填选项 payRequest.requiredShippingAddressFields = PKAddressFieldAll;  PKShippingMethod *shippingMethod1 = [PKShippingMethod summaryItemWithLabel:@"EMS快递" amount:[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"8"]]; shippingMethod1.identifier = @"ems"; shippingMethod1.detail = @"24小时内送达";  PKShippingMethod *shippingMethod2 = [PKShippingMethod summaryItemWithLabel:@"圆通快递" amount:[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"9.9"]]; shippingMethod2.identifier = @"yuantong"; shippingMethod2.detail = @"环线内免费送";  payRequest.shippingMethods = @[shippingMethod1, shippingMethod2];   //If you have up-to-date billing and shipping contact information, you can set those on the payment request. Apple Pay uses this information by default; however, the user can still choose other contact information as part of the payment authorization process. // This Will be the defualt information PKContact *contact = [[PKContact alloc] init]; NSPersonNameComponents *name = [[NSPersonNameComponents alloc] init]; name.givenName = @"为"; name.familyName = @"东方";  contact.name = name;  CNMutablePostalAddress *address = [[CNMutablePostalAddress alloc] init]; address.street = @"不知道 Laurel Street"; address.city = @"上海Atlanta"; address.state = @"GA"; address.postalCode = @"30303";  contact.postalAddress = address;  payRequest.billingContact = contact; payRequest.shippingContact = contact;   // 创建支付的控制器, 并madal出来这个控制器 PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController *payVC = [[PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController alloc] initWithPaymentRequest:payRequest]; payVC.delegate = self; [self presentViewController:payVC animated:YES completion:nil];   //PKPaymentButton


pragma mark - PKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate-------------

// 授权支付后调用这个方法, 能够拿到授权码, 可以去服务器进行支付 - (void)paymentAuthorizationViewController:(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController )controller didAuthorizePayment:(PKPayment )payment completion:(void (^)(PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus))completion { NSLog(@"%s", func ); // 把支付信息发送给服务器进行处理

// 根据服务器返回的支付成功与否  进行不同的显示(调用block传不同的枚举) completion(PKPaymentAuthorizationStatusSuccess);


// 支付成功或者失败之后, 调用这个方法会取消弹出的控制器 - (void)paymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish:(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController *)controller { NSLog(@"%s", func ); [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil]; } ```

原文  http://my.oschina.net/whforever/blog/646873?fromerr=j0zofoQB