
Spring Cloud 1.0.0.RC3 发布


Spring Cloud 为开发者提供了在分布式系统(如配置管理、服务发现、断路器、智能路由、微代理、控制总线、一次性 Token、全局锁、决策竞选、分布式会话和集群状态)操作的开发工具。使用 Spring Cloud 开发者可以快速实现上述这些模式。

Spring Cloud 1.0.0.RC3 发布,此版本现已提供在: https://repo.spring.io/libs-milestone-local ,这应该是最后一个 RC 版本,下一个版本就是 1.0.0 正式版。此版本相比 1.0.0.RC2 更新内容如下:

  • Refactored the Feign support to look a bit more like Spring Data (so @EnableFeignClients instead of @FeignClientScan ).

  • Support for multipart/form-data in the Zuul proxy

  • Support for including and excluding remote services in the automatic route registration in Zuul

  • Support for declarative Ribbon retry in Zuul

  • Cleaned up of a lot of dependencies. If you use the spring-cloud-starters you should get a nice consistent experience of adding and subtracting features. Gradle users need to use the dependency management plugin for the same experience.

  • Added small, bite-sized sample projects for integration testing of classpath isolation issues.

更多内容请看 发行说明 。
