1、下载安装包;( )
9、安装mongoose模块(mongoose官网 )
npminstallmongoose --save
var mongoose = require('mongoose'); exports.index = function(req, res){ var db = mongoose.createConnection('localhost', 'test'); var schema = mongoose.Schema({ name: 'string' }); var User = db.model('User', schema); var user = new User({ name: 'tom' }); { if(err) // ... res.end(); }); User.find({'name':'tom'}, function(err, docs) { res.render('index', { title: docs}); }); };
netstop MongoDB scdelete MongoDB
npminstallnedb --save
// 加载模块 const nedb = require('nedb'); // 实例化连接对象(不带参数默认为内存数据库) const db = new nedb({ filename: '/data/save.db', autoload: true }); // 插入单项 db.insert({ name: 'tom' }, (err, ret) => {}); // 插入多项 db.insert( [ { name: 'tom' }, { name: 'jerry' } ] , (err, ret) => {}); // 查询单项 db.findOne({ name: 'tom' }, (err, ret) => {}); // 查询多项 db.find({ name: { $in: ['tom', 'jerry'] } }) .sort({ _id: -1 }) .exec((err, ret) => {}); // 更新单项 db.update({ _id: '1' }, { $set: { name: 'kitty' } }, (err, ret) => {}); // 更新多项 db.update({}, { $set: { name: 'kitty' } }, { multi: true }, (err, ret) => {}); // 删除单项 db.remove({ _id: '1' }, (err, ret) => {}) // 删除多项 db.remove({ name: 'kitty' }, { multi: true }, (err, ret) => {});
3、严格区分大小写,比如查询 db.find({"name":"tom"})和 db.find({"Name":"tom"}) 并不是用的同一字段做的条件;
NoSQL意味着Not only SQL。面对超大规模和高并发的SNS(社交网络服务)类型的web2.0纯动态网站,传统的关系型数据库显得有些力不从心,比如表的横向扩展等。NoSQL数据库作为传统关系型数据库的有效补充,在特定的场景下可以发挥出难以想象的高效率和高性能。主流的非关系型数据库分为键值存储数据库(Memcached、Redis等),列存储数据库(HBase等),图形数据库(Neo4j等),面向文档数据库(MongoDB、CouchDB等)。
就客户管理系统来说,假如刚开始使用关系型数据库建一个联系人的表,表字段有主键id、姓名name、电话telephone、邮箱email、地址address。那么问题来了,现在有联系人有三个电话号码(住宅座机、移动电话、工作电话)需要输入,这时就要考虑单独创建一个telephone表,这样就不受限制了,也让我们的数据标准化了。新建telephone表结构:联系人contact_id、号码类型name、号码num。email与address也存在同样的问题,address的情况更加复杂,这里不再展开。对关系型数据库来说, Schema是固定不变的 ,而我们事先是不能预测所有字段的,比如刚才的联系人表,很快我们会发现当前字段不能满足,比如要添加性别gender、年龄age、生日birthday等字段,那么最后就导致需要加一个otherdata表。 数据又是碎片化的 ,当查询一个联系人时,如果该联系人有3个电话号码、2个email地址和5个地址,那么SQL查询需要检查所有表,并将产生325=30条结果,使得全文搜索很困难。
[ { name: "tom", telephone: { home: "123456", mobile: "123456789", work: "1234567890" }, ... }, ... ]
① filename(可选): 数据存储文件路径。如果为空,数据将会自动存储在内存中。注意路径不能以“~”结尾。
② inMemoryOnly(可选,默认false): 数据存储方式。是否只存在于内存中。
③ loadDatabase: 将数据加载到内存中。
④ timestampData(可选,默认false): 自动生成时间戳,字段为createdAt和updateAt,用来记录文档插入和更新操作的时间点。
⑤ autoload(可选,默认false): 如果使用autoload,当数据存储被创建时,数据将自动从文件中加载到内存,不必去调用loadDatabase。注意所有命令操作只有在数据加载完成后才会被执行。
⑥ onload(可选): 在数据加载完成后被调用,也就是在loadDatabase方法调用后触发。该方法有一个error参数,如果试用了autoload,而且没有定义该方法,在数据加载过程中出错将默认会抛出该错误。
⑦ afterSerialization(可选): 在数据被序列化成字符串之后和被写入磁盘前,可以使用该方法对数据进行转换。比如可以做一些数据加密工作。该方法入参为一个字符串(绝对不能含有字符“/n”,否则数据会丢失),返回转换后的字符串。
⑧ beforeDeserialization(可选): 与afterSerialization相反。两个必须成对出现,否则会引起数据丢失,可以理解为一个加密解密的过程。
⑨ corruptAlertThreshold(可选): 默认10%,取值在0-1之间。如果数据文件损坏率超过这个百分比,NeDB将不会启动。取0,意味着不能容忍任何数据损坏;取1,意味着忽略数据损坏问题。
⑩ compareStrings(可选): compareStrings(a, b)比较两个字符串,返回-1、0或者1。如果被定义,将会覆盖默认的字符串比较方法,用来兼容默认方法不能比较非US字符的缺点。
注:如果使用本地存储,而且没有配置autoload参数,需要手动调用loadDatabase方法,所有操作(insert, find, update, remove)在该方法被调用前都不会执行。还有就是,如果loadDatabase失败,所有命令也将不会执行。
// 示例 1: 内存数据库(没有必要调用loadDatabase方法) var Datastore = require('nedb'), db = new Datastore(); // 示例 2: 本地存储需要手动调用loadDatabase方法 var Datastore = require('nedb'), db = new Datastore({ filename: 'path/to/datafile' }); db.loadDatabase(function (err) { // 回调函数(可选) // Now commands will be executed }); // 示例 3: 带有autoload配置项的本地存储 var Datastore = require('nedb'), db = new Datastore({ filename: 'path/to/datafile', autoload: true }); // You can issue commands right away // 示例 4: 创建多个数据存储 db = {}; db.users = new Datastore('path/to/users.db'); db.robots = new Datastore('path/to/robots.db'); // 如果不配置autoload,需要加载数据库(该方法是异步的) db.users.loadDatabase(); db.robots.loadDatabase();
doc: 支持String, Number, Boolean, Date, null, array以及object类型。如果该字段是undefined类型,将不会被保存,这里和MongoDB处理方式有点不同,MongoDB会将undefined转换为null进行存储。字段名称不能以"$"开始,也不能包含"."。
callback(可选): 回调函数,包含参数err以及newDoc,err是报错,newDoc是新插入的文档,包含它的_id字段。
var doc = { hello: 'world' , n: 5 , today: new Date() , nedbIsAwesome: true , notthere: null , notToBeSaved: undefined // 该字段不会被保存 , fruits: [ 'apple', 'orange', 'pear' ] , infos: { name: 'nedb' } }; db.insert(doc, function (err, newDoc) { // Callback is optional // newDoc is the newly inserted document, including its _id // newDoc has no key called notToBeSaved since its value was undefined }); // 使用array,实现批量插入。一旦其中一个操作失败,所有改变将会回滚。 db.insert([{ a: 5 }, { a: 42 }], function (err, newDocs) { // Two documents were inserted in the database // newDocs is an array with these documents, augmented with their _id }); // 如果a字段有唯一性约束,该操作将会执行失败。 db.insert([{ a: 5 }, { a: 42 }, { a: 5 }], function (err) { // err is a 'uniqueViolated' error // The database was not modified });
query: object类型,查询条件。支持使用比较运算符($lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in, $nin, $ne), 逻辑运算符($or, $and, $not, $where), 正则表达式进行查询。
callback(可选): 回调函数,包含参数err以及docs,err是报错,docs是查询到的文档集。
// 数据存储集合 // { _id: 'id1', planet: 'Mars', system: 'solar', inhabited: false, satellites: ['Phobos', 'Deimos'] } // { _id: 'id2', planet: 'Earth', system: 'solar', inhabited: true, humans: { genders: 2, eyes: true } } // { _id: 'id3', planet: 'Jupiter', system: 'solar', inhabited: false } // { _id: 'id4', planet: 'Omicron Persei 8', system: 'futurama', inhabited: true, humans: { genders: 7 } } // { _id: 'id5', completeData: { planets: [ { name: 'Earth', number: 3 }, { name: 'Mars', number: 2 }, { name: 'Pluton', number: 9 } ] } } // 示例1: 基本查询。可以使用正则表达式匹配字符串。使用“.”匹配对象或者数组里面的元素。 // 单字段查询 db.find({ system: 'solar' }, function (err, docs) { // docs is an array containing documents Mars, Earth, Jupiter // If no document is found, docs is equal to [] }); // 正则表达式查询 db.find({ planet: /ar/ }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Mars and Earth }); // 多条件查询 db.find({ system: 'solar', inhabited: true }, function (err, docs) { // docs is an array containing document Earth only }); // 根据对象属性查询 db.find({ "humans.genders": 2 }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Earth }); // 根据数组对象属性查询 db.find({ "": "Mars" }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains document 5 }); db.find({ "": "Jupiter" }, function (err, docs) { // docs is empty }); db.find({ "": "Earth" }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains document 5 // If we had tested against "Mars" docs would be empty because we are matching against a specific array element }); // 对象深度比较查询,不要与"."使用混淆 db.find({ humans: { genders: 2 } }, function (err, docs) { // docs is empty, because { genders: 2 } is not equal to { genders: 2, eyes: true } }); // 查询所有结果集 db.find({}, function (err, docs) { }); // 查询某一个文档 db.findOne({ _id: 'id1' }, function (err, doc) { // doc is the document Mars // If no document is found, doc is null }); // 示例2: {field: {$op: value}} ($op代表任意比较运算符) // $lt, $lte: 小于,小于等于 // $gt, $gte: 大于,大于等于 // $in: 属于 // $ne, $nin: 不等于,不属于 // $exists: 取值为true或者false,用于检测文档是否具有某一字段 // $regex: 检测字符串是否与正则表达式相匹配 // $lt, $lte, $gt and $gte 只能用于数字和字符串类型 db.find({ "humans.genders": { $gt: 5 } }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Omicron Persei 8, whose humans have more than 5 genders (7). }); // 当进行字符串比较的时候,将使用字典序。 db.find({ planet: { $gt: 'Mercury' }}, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Omicron Persei 8 }) // Using $in. $nin is used in the same way db.find({ planet: { $in: ['Earth', 'Jupiter'] }}, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Earth and Jupiter }); // Using $exists db.find({ satellites: { $exists: true } }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains only Mars }); // Using $regex with another operator db.find({ planet: { $regex: /ar/, $nin: ['Jupiter', 'Earth'] } }, function (err, docs) { // docs only contains Mars because Earth was excluded from the match by $nin }); // 示例3: 当文档中有一个字段是数组,NeDB将首先判断查询值是否为数组,如果是数组的话将执行精确查找,然后再去判断是否存在数组比较方法(现在只支持$size和$elemMatch)。如果都没有,将会对所有元素进行查询。 // $size: 匹配数组的大小 // $elemMatch: 匹配至少一个数组元素 // 精确查找 db.find({ satellites: ['Phobos', 'Deimos'] }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Mars }) db.find({ satellites: ['Deimos', 'Phobos'] }, function (err, docs) { // docs is empty }) // 使用数组比较方法 // $elemMatch 运算符将匹配数组中满足所有条件的元素 db.find({ completeData: { planets: { $elemMatch: { name: 'Earth', number: 3 } } } }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains documents with id 5 (completeData) }); db.find({ completeData: { planets: { $elemMatch: { name: 'Earth', number: 5 } } } }, function (err, docs) { // docs is empty }); // 在$elemMatch中使用比较运算符 db.find({ completeData: { planets: { $elemMatch: { name: 'Earth', number: { $gt: 2 } } } } }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains documents with id 5 (completeData) }); // 注意不能使用嵌套的运算符, e.g. { $size: { $lt: 5 } } 将会抛出异常 db.find({ satellites: { $size: 2 } }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Mars }); db.find({ satellites: { $size: 1 } }, function (err, docs) { // docs is empty }); // If a document's field is an array, matching it means matching any element of the array db.find({ satellites: 'Phobos' }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Mars. Result would have been the same if query had been { satellites: 'Deimos' } }); // This also works for queries that use comparison operators db.find({ satellites: { $lt: 'Amos' } }, function (err, docs) { // docs is empty since Phobos and Deimos are after Amos in lexicographical order }); // This also works with the $in and $nin operator db.find({ satellites: { $in: ['Moon', 'Deimos'] } }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Mars (the Earth document is not complete!) }); // 示例4: 逻辑运算符 $or, $and, $not, $where // $or, $and: 并集,交集 { $op: [query1, query2, ...] } // $not: 取非 { $not: query } // $where: 条件 { $where: function () { /* object is "this", return a boolean */ } } db.find({ $or: [{ planet: 'Earth' }, { planet: 'Mars' }] }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Earth and Mars }); db.find({ $not: { planet: 'Earth' } }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Mars, Jupiter, Omicron Persei 8 }); db.find({ $where: function () { return Object.keys(this) > 6; } }, function (err, docs) { // docs with more than 6 properties }); // You can mix normal queries, comparison queries and logical operators db.find({ $or: [{ planet: 'Earth' }, { planet: 'Mars' }], inhabited: true }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Earth }); // 示例5: Projections // 在第二个参数传入projections对象,来规定返回字段。比如: {a:1, b:1}指定只返回a和b字段,{a:0, b:0}指定省略a和b这两个字段。 // _id默认返回,不需要返回设置_id: 0 // Same database as above // Keeping only the given fields db.find({ planet: 'Mars' }, { planet: 1, system: 1 }, function (err, docs) { // docs is [{ planet: 'Mars', system: 'solar', _id: 'id1' }] }); // Keeping only the given fields but removing _id db.find({ planet: 'Mars' }, { planet: 1, system: 1, _id: 0 }, function (err, docs) { // docs is [{ planet: 'Mars', system: 'solar' }] }); // Omitting only the given fields and removing _id db.find({ planet: 'Mars' }, { planet: 0, system: 0, _id: 0 }, function (err, docs) { // docs is [{ inhabited: false, satellites: ['Phobos', 'Deimos'] }] }); // Failure: using both modes at the same time db.find({ planet: 'Mars' }, { planet: 0, system: 1 }, function (err, docs) { // err is the error message, docs is undefined }); // You can also use it in a Cursor way but this syntax is not compatible with MongoDB db.find({ planet: 'Mars' }).projection({ planet: 1, system: 1 }).exec(function (err, docs) { // docs is [{ planet: 'Mars', system: 'solar', _id: 'id1' }] }); // Project on a nested document db.findOne({ planet: 'Earth' }).projection({ planet: 1, 'humans.genders': 1 }).exec(function (err, doc) { // doc is { planet: 'Earth', _id: 'id2', humans: { genders: 2 } } }); // 示例6:排序和分页 // 文档集 // doc1 = { _id: 'id1', planet: 'Mars', system: 'solar', inhabited: false, satellites: ['Phobos', 'Deimos'] } // doc2 = { _id: 'id2', planet: 'Earth', system: 'solar', inhabited: true, humans: { genders: 2, eyes: true } } // doc3 = { _id: 'id3', planet: 'Jupiter', system: 'solar', inhabited: false } // doc4 = { _id: 'id4', planet: 'Omicron Persei 8', system: 'futurama', inhabited: true, humans: { genders: 7 } } // No query used means all results are returned (before the Cursor modifiers) db.find({}).sort({ planet: 1 }).skip(1).limit(2).exec(function (err, docs) { // docs is [doc3, doc1] }); // You can sort in reverse order like this db.find({ system: 'solar' }).sort({ planet: -1 }).exec(function (err, docs) { // docs is [doc1, doc3, doc2] }); // You can sort on one field, then another, and so on like this: db.find({}).sort({ firstField: 1, secondField: -1 }) ... // You understand how this works!
query: 与find和findOne中query参数的用法一致
update: 指定文档更改规则。该参数可以是一个新的文档,也可以是一套修饰符,两者不能同时使用。使用修饰符时,如果需要更改的字段不存在,将会自动创建。可用的修饰符有$set(改变字段值), $unset(删除某一字段), $inc(增加某一字段), $min/$max(改变字段值,传入值需要小于/大于当前值), 还有一些用在数组上的修饰符,$push, $pop, $addTopSet, $pull, $each, $slice,具体用法如下示例。
options: object类型。muti(默认false),是否允许修改多条文档;upsert(默认为false),如果query没有匹配到结果集,有两种情况需要考虑,一个是update是一个简单的对象(不包含任何修饰符),另一种情况是带有修饰符,对第一种情况会直接将该文档插入,对第二种情况会将通过修饰符更改后的文档插入;
callback(可选): 参数(err, numAffected, affectedDocuments, upsert)。numAffected:被影响的文档个数;affectedDocuments:更新后的文档。
// 文档集 // { _id: 'id1', planet: 'Mars', system: 'solar', inhabited: false } // { _id: 'id2', planet: 'Earth', system: 'solar', inhabited: true } // { _id: 'id3', planet: 'Jupiter', system: 'solar', inhabited: false } // { _id: 'id4', planet: 'Omicron Persia 8', system: 'futurama', inhabited: true } // 用一个文档替换另一个文档 db.update({ planet: 'Jupiter' }, { planet: 'Pluton'}, {}, function (err, numReplaced) { // numReplaced = 1 // The doc #3 has been replaced by { _id: 'id3', planet: 'Pluton' } // Note that the _id is kept unchanged, and the document has been replaced // (the 'system' and inhabited fields are not here anymore) }); // 设定一个已存字段的值 db.update({ system: 'solar' }, { $set: { system: 'solar system' } }, { multi: true }, function (err, numReplaced) { // numReplaced = 3 // Field 'system' on Mars, Earth, Jupiter now has value 'solar system' }); // 设定一个不存在字段的值 db.update({ planet: 'Mars' }, { $set: { "data.satellites": 2, "": true } }, {}, function () { // Mars document now is { _id: 'id1', system: 'solar', inhabited: false // , data: { satellites: 2, red: true } // } // Not that to set fields in subdocuments, you HAVE to use dot-notation // Using object-notation will just replace the top-level field db.update({ planet: 'Mars' }, { $set: { data: { satellites: 3 } } }, {}, function () { // Mars document now is { _id: 'id1', system: 'solar', inhabited: false // , data: { satellites: 3 } // } // You lost the "" field which is probably not the intended behavior }); }); // 删除一个字段 db.update({ planet: 'Mars' }, { $unset: { planet: true } }, {}, function () { // Now the document for Mars doesn't contain the planet field // You can unset nested fields with the dot notation of course }); // 设置upsert db.update({ planet: 'Pluton' }, { planet: 'Pluton', inhabited: false }, { upsert: true }, function (err, numReplaced, upsert) { // numReplaced = 1, upsert = { _id: 'id5', planet: 'Pluton', inhabited: false } // A new document { _id: 'id5', planet: 'Pluton', inhabited: false } has been added to the collection }); // If you upsert with a modifier, the upserted doc is the query modified by the modifier // This is simpler than it sounds :) db.update({ planet: 'Pluton' }, { $inc: { distance: 38 } }, { upsert: true }, function () { // A new document { _id: 'id5', planet: 'Pluton', distance: 38 } has been added to the collection }); // If we insert a new document { _id: 'id6', fruits: ['apple', 'orange', 'pear'] } in the collection, // let's see how we can modify the array field atomically // $push inserts new elements at the end of the array db.update({ _id: 'id6' }, { $push: { fruits: 'banana' } }, {}, function () { // Now the fruits array is ['apple', 'orange', 'pear', 'banana'] }); // $pop removes an element from the end (if used with 1) or the front (if used with -1) of the array db.update({ _id: 'id6' }, { $pop: { fruits: 1 } }, {}, function () { // Now the fruits array is ['apple', 'orange'] // With { $pop: { fruits: -1 } }, it would have been ['orange', 'pear'] }); // $addToSet adds an element to an array only if it isn't already in it // Equality is deep-checked (i.e. $addToSet will not insert an object in an array already containing the same object) // Note that it doesn't check whether the array contained duplicates before or not db.update({ _id: 'id6' }, { $addToSet: { fruits: 'apple' } }, {}, function () { // The fruits array didn't change // If we had used a fruit not in the array, e.g. 'banana', it would have been added to the array }); // $pull removes all values matching a value or even any NeDB query from the array db.update({ _id: 'id6' }, { $pull: { fruits: 'apple' } }, {}, function () { // Now the fruits array is ['orange', 'pear'] }); db.update({ _id: 'id6' }, { $pull: { fruits: $in: ['apple', 'pear'] } }, {}, function () { // Now the fruits array is ['orange'] }); // $each can be used to $push or $addToSet multiple values at once // This example works the same way with $addToSet db.update({ _id: 'id6' }, { $push: { fruits: { $each: ['banana', 'orange'] } } }, {}, function () { // Now the fruits array is ['apple', 'orange', 'pear', 'banana', 'orange'] }); // $slice can be used in cunjunction with $push and $each to limit the size of the resulting array. // A value of 0 will update the array to an empty array. A positive value n will keep only the n first elements // A negative value -n will keep only the last n elements. // If $slice is specified but not $each, $each is set to [] db.update({ _id: 'id6' }, { $push: { fruits: { $each: ['banana'], $slice: 2 } } }, {}, function () { // Now the fruits array is ['apple', 'orange'] }); // $min/$max to update only if provided value is less/greater than current value // Let's say the database contains this document // doc = { _id: 'id', name: 'Name', value: 5 } db.update({ _id: 'id1' }, { $min: { value: 2 } }, {}, function () { // The document will be updated to { _id: 'id', name: 'Name', value: 2 } }); db.update({ _id: 'id1' }, { $min: { value: 8 } }, {}, function () { // The document will not be modified });
query: 与find和findOne中query参数的用法一致
options: 只有一个可用。muti(默认false),允许删除多个文档。
callback: 可选,参数: err, numRemoved
// 文档集 // { _id: 'id1', planet: 'Mars', system: 'solar', inhabited: false } // { _id: 'id2', planet: 'Earth', system: 'solar', inhabited: true } // { _id: 'id3', planet: 'Jupiter', system: 'solar', inhabited: false } // { _id: 'id4', planet: 'Omicron Persia 8', system: 'futurama', inhabited: true } // 删除一条记录 // options set to {} since the default for multi is false db.remove({ _id: 'id2' }, {}, function (err, numRemoved) { // numRemoved = 1 }); // 删除多条记录 db.remove({ system: 'solar' }, { multi: true }, function (err, numRemoved) { // numRemoved = 3 // All planets from the solar system were removed }); // 删除所有记录 db.remove({}, { multi: true }, function (err, numRemoved) { });
NeDB支持索引。索引可以提高查询速度以及保证字段的唯一性。索引可以用在任何字段,包括嵌套很深的字段。目前,索引只能用来加速基本查询以及使用$in, $lt, $lte, $gt 和 $gte运算符的查询,如上find接口中示例所示。保证索引不为数组对象。方法可以在任何时候被调用,推荐在应用启动时就调用(该方法是同步的,为1000个文档添加索引仅需35ms)。
fieldName(必须): 索引字段,使用“.”给嵌套的字段加索引。
unique(可选,默认false): 字段唯一性约束。注意:唯一性约束会增加为两个文档中没有定义的字段添加索引的错误。
sparse(可选,默认false): 不能为没有定义的字段加索引。如果接受给多个文档中没有定义的字段添加索引,给需要该配置参数与unique一起使用。
expireAfterSeconds(可选,秒数): TTL索引,设置自动过期时间。
删除索引: db.removeIndex(fieldName, cb)
db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'somefield' }, function (err) { // If there was an error, err is not null }); // 对索引设置唯一性约束 db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'somefield', unique: true }, function (err) { }); // Using a sparse unique index db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'somefield', unique: true, sparse: true }, function (err) { }); // 使用唯一性约束制造错误,查看err的格式 db.insert({ somefield: 'nedb' }, function (err) { // err is null db.insert({ somefield: 'nedb' }, function (err) { // err is { errorType: 'uniqueViolated' // , key: 'name' // , message: 'Unique constraint violated for key name' } }); }); // 移除somefield字段的索引 db.removeIndex('somefield', function (err) { }); // Example of using expireAfterSeconds to remove documents 1 hour // after their creation (db's timestampData option is true here) db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'createdAt', expireAfterSeconds: 3600 }, function (err) { }); // You can also use the option to set an expiration date like so db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'expirationDate', expireAfterSeconds: 0 }, function (err) { // Now all documents will expire when system time reaches the date in their // expirationDate field });
// Count all planets in the solar system db.count({ system: 'solar' }, function (err, count) { // count equals to 3 }); // Count all documents in the datastore db.count({}, function (err, count) { // count equals to 4 });
Insert: 5950 ops
Find: 25440 ops
Update: 4490 ops
Remove: 6620 ops