
phpMyAdmin 4.3.10 发布,MySQL 管理工具

#JetBrains 六折贺新春!IntelliJ IDEA,PyCharm,WebStorm,PhpStorm 优惠!

phpMyAdmin 4.3.10 发布,此版本是个 bug 修复版本:

- bug       Undefined index navwork

- bug #4744 Opening console scroll down the page

- bug       Remove extra column heading in view structure page

- bug       Add missing confirmation when deleting central columns

- bug       Undefined index DisableIS

- bug #4763 Database export with more than 512 tables fails

- bug #4769 Previously set column aliases are destroyed if returned to the same table

- bug #4752 Incorrect page after creating table

- bug #4771 Central Columns not working, showing error


phpMyAdmin 4.3.10 发布,MySQL 管理工具
