阿姆达尔定律(英语:Amdahl's law,Amdahl's argument),一个计算机科学界的经验法则,因吉恩·阿姆达尔(Gene Amdahl)而得名。它代表了处理器平行运算之后效率提升的能力。
并行计算中的 加速比 是用 并行前的执行速度 和 并行后的执行速度 之比来表示的,它表示了在并行化之后的效率提升情况。
阿姆达尔定律是固定负载(计算总量不变时)时的量化标准。可用公式:$/frac{W_s + W_p}{W_s + /frac{W_p}{p}}$ 来表示。式中 $W_s$ , $W_p$ 分别表示问题规模的串行分量(问题中不能并行化的那一部分)和并行分量,p表示处理器数量。
只要注意到当 $p/to /infty$ 时,上式的极限是 $/frac{W}{W_s}$,其中,${W}={W_s}+{W_p}$。这意味着无论我们如何增大处理器数目,加速比是无法高于这个数的。
S_/text{latency}(s) = /frac{1}{1 - p + /frac{p}{s}}
- S latency is the theoretical speedup in latency of the execution of the whole task;
- s is the speedup in latency of the execution of the part of the task that benefits from the improvement of the resources of the system;
- p is the percentage of the execution time of the whole task concerning the part that benefits from the improvement of the resources of the system before the improvement.
- 1-p is the percentage of the execution time of the whole task concerning the part that doesn't benefit from the improvement of the resources of the system before the improvement.
- S latency 代表理论上的加速比
- s 为并行处理结点个数
- p 为并行计算部分所占比例
- 1-p 为串行计算部分所占比例
这样,当p=1时,最大加速比p=s;当p=0时,最小加速比S=1;当s→∞时,极限加速比S→ 1/(1-p),这也就是加速比的上限。例如,若加速前并行代码执行时间占整个代码的执行时间的75%(p=0.75),则加速后并行处理的总体性能的提升不可能超过原先的4倍。
Amdahl’s law表明在问题的可并行部分占比不大时,增加处理机的数量并不能显著地加快解决问题的时间。
阿姆达尔定律的结论让人沮丧,但到了20世纪80年代晚期,Sandia国家实验室的科学家们在对具有1024个处理器的超立方体结构上观察到了3个实际应用程序随着处理器的增加发生线性加速的现象,科学家John L. Gustafson基于此实验数据在1988年提出了一个新的计算加速系数的公式:
S_/text{latency}(s) = 1 - p + sp
- S latency is the theoretical speedup in latency of the execution of the whole task;
- s is the speedup in latency of the execution of the part of the task that benefits from the improvement of the resources of the system;
- p is the percentage of the execution workload of the whole task concerning the part that benefits from the improvement of the resources of the system before the improvement.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amdahl's_law
- http://www.manio.org/cn/progress-and-thoughts-of-amdahls-law/
- http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-concurrency/amdahls-law.html
- http://djt.qq.com/article/view/121
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustafson's_law
原文 http://colobu.com/2016/04/14/Amdahl-s-Law/