#JetBrains 六折贺新春!IntelliJ IDEA,PyCharm,WebStorm,PhpStorm 优惠!
Infinispan 7.2.0.Alpha1 发布,此版本主要是 atomic objects 和一些 bug 修复。
[ ISPN-5158 ] - Transaction rolled back but returns successful response
[ ISPN-5166 ] - During ST, previously removed entry was revived
[ ISPN-5173 ] - Cluster-wide RPCs not ForkChannel friendly
[ ISPN-5197 ] - JGroupsTransport.getViewId() returns too soon
[ ISPN-5198 ] - FuturesTest.testCombineWithCompletionErrors random failures
[ ISPN-5199 ] - TransportStackConfigurationIT failing
[ ISPN-5203 ] - Protostream annotation attributes that do not have a default value should be required
[ ISPN-5237 ] - Upgrade to protostream-3.0.1.Alpha1
[ ISPN-4393 ] - Separate Memcached and Hot Rod protocol decoders
[ ISPN-5196 ] - Unify FilterAndConverterDistTest and FilterAndConverterLocalTest
[ ISPN-5200 ] - Enhance performance of annotation driven marshallers by caching nested entity marshallers instead of always looking them up
[ ISPN-3695 ] - Atomic Object Factory
[ ISPN-5224 ] - Publish the server .zip distribution to maven
[ ISPN-5201 ] - Bump version, parsers and schemas to 7.2
此版本现已提供 下载 ,更多改进内容请看 这里 。
Thank you everyone for your involvement and contributions!
Infinispan 是个开源的数据网格平台。它公开了一个简单的数据结构(一个Cache)来存储对象。虽然可以在本地模式下运行Infinspan,但其真正的价值在于分布 式,在这种模式下,Infinispan可以将集群缓存起来并公开大容量的堆内存。这可比简单的复制强大的多,因为它会为每个结点分配固定数量的副本——服 务器故障的一种恢复手段——同时还提升了可伸缩性,这是由于存储每个结点所需的工作量是与集群大小息息相关的。