In [2]:
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def read(fp): df = (pd.read_csv(fp) .rename(columns=str.lower) .drop('unnamed: 36', axis=1) .pipe(extract_city_name) .pipe(time_to_datetime, ['dep_time', 'arr_time', 'crs_arr_time', 'crs_dep_time']) .assign(fl_date=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x['fl_date']), dest=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['dest']), origin=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['origin']), tail_num=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['tail_num']), unique_carrier=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['unique_carrier']), cancellation_code=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['cancellation_code']))) return df def extract_city_name(df): ''' Chicago, IL -> Chicago for origin_city_name and dest_city_name ''' cols = ['origin_city_name', 'dest_city_name'] city = df[cols].apply(lambda x: x.str.extract("(.*), /w{2}", expand=False)) df = df.copy() df[['origin_city_name', 'dest_city_name']] = city return df def time_to_datetime(df, columns): ''' Combine all time items into datetimes. 2014-01-01,0914 -> 2014-01-01 09:14:00 ''' df = df.copy() def converter(col): timepart = (col.astype(str) .str.replace('/.0$', '') # NaNs force float dtype .str.pad(4, fillchar='0')) return pd.to_datetime(df['fl_date'] + ' ' + timepart.str.slice(0, 2) + ':' + timepart.str.slice(2, 4), errors='coerce') return datetime_part df[columns] = df[columns].apply(converter) return df df = read("878167309_T_ONTIME.csv") df.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 471949 entries, 0 to 471948 Data columns (total 36 columns): fl_date 471949 non-null datetime64[ns] unique_carrier 471949 non-null category airline_id 471949 non-null int64 tail_num 467903 non-null category fl_num 471949 non-null int64 origin_airport_id 471949 non-null int64 origin_airport_seq_id 471949 non-null int64 origin_city_market_id 471949 non-null int64 origin 471949 non-null category origin_city_name 471949 non-null object origin_state_nm 471949 non-null object dest_airport_id 471949 non-null int64 dest_airport_seq_id 471949 non-null int64 dest_city_market_id 471949 non-null int64 dest 471949 non-null category dest_city_name 471949 non-null object dest_state_nm 471949 non-null object crs_dep_time 471949 non-null datetime64[ns] dep_time 441586 non-null datetime64[ns] dep_delay 441622 non-null float64 taxi_out 441266 non-null float64 wheels_off 441266 non-null float64 wheels_on 440453 non-null float64 taxi_in 440453 non-null float64 crs_arr_time 471949 non-null datetime64[ns] arr_time 440302 non-null datetime64[ns] arr_delay 439620 non-null float64 cancelled 471949 non-null float64 cancellation_code 30852 non-null category diverted 471949 non-null float64 distance 471949 non-null float64 carrier_delay 119994 non-null float64 weather_delay 119994 non-null float64 nas_delay 119994 non-null float64 security_delay 119994 non-null float64 late_aircraft_delay 119994 non-null float64 dtypes: category(5), datetime64[ns](5), float64(14), int64(8), object(4) memory usage: 115.3+ MB
我最喜欢的示例来自 Jeff Allen ,比较以下这两段功能相同但风格迥异的代码:
tumble_after( broke( fell_down( fetch(went_up(jack_jill, "hill"), "water"), jack), "crown"), "jill" )
jack_jill %>% went_up("hill") %>% fetch("water") %>% fell_down("jack") %>% broke("crown") %>% tumble_after("jill")
对比上述两种风格的代码,你会发现即使你不知道 R 语言中管道符号 %>%
on_hill = went_up(jack_jill, 'hill') with_water = fetch(on_hill, 'water') fallen = fell_down(with_water, 'jack') broken = broke(fallen, 'jack') after = tmple_after(broken, 'jill')
我非常不喜欢这个风格的代码,因为我需要花费很多时间来思考如何对变量进行命名。这是非常令人困扰的事情,因为我们根本不关心 on_hill
上述代码的第四种实现方法是可行的,假设你拥有一个 JackAndJill
对象并且你可以自定义一些方法。那么你可以实现类似于 R 语言中的管道功能:
jack_jill = JackAndJill() (jack_jill.went_up('hill') .fetch('water') .fell_down('jack') .broke('crown') .tumble_after('jill') )
但是这种方法的问题在于如果的数据不是 ndarray
或者 DataFrame
或者 DataArray
,那么上述的方法就不存在了。而且我们很难对 DataFrame 的子类进行拓展从而来适应自定义的方法。同时,你所创建的从 DataFrame 中继承的子类可能仅适用于你自己的代码,无法和其他方法进行交互操作,因此你的代码将会非常零散。
或者你可以往 pandas 的项目中提交新的 pull request,从而实现自己的方法。但是你需要说服该项目的维护者,你的新方法值得加入到该项目中并维护之。而且 DataFrame
目前已经拥有超过 250 种的方法,因此我们不愿意增加更多的方法。
jack_jill = pd.DataFrame() (jack_jill.pipe(went_up, 'hill') .pipe(fetch, 'water') .pipe(fell_down, 'jack') .pipe(broke, 'crown') .pipe(tumble_after, 'jill') )
的第一个参数是 DataFrame,我们只需要指明后续的参数即可。
过长的链式代码的缺点是调试比较麻烦。由于没有生成中间变量值,所以如果代码出问题了,我们无法直接定位出问题在哪。Python 中的生成器也有类似的问题,借助生成器机制我们可以降低计算机内存消耗,但是此时我们比较难调试程序。
对于规模较大的工作流程,你可能需要借助 pandas 的其他功能,比如 Airflow 或者 Luigi。
对于需要重复运行的中等规模 ETL 工作流程,我将借助装饰器来审查 DataFrame 每个工作步骤所产生的属性日志。
from functools import wraps import logging def log_shape(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): result = func(*args, **kwargs) logging.info("%s,%s" % (func.__name__, result.shape)) return result return wrapper def log_dtypes(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): result = func(*args, **kwargs) logging.info("%s,%s" % (func.__name__, result.dtypes)) return result return wrapper @log_shape @log_dtypes def load(fp): df = pd.read_csv(fp, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) @log_shape @log_dtypes def update_events(df, new_events): df.loc[new_events.index, 'foo'] = new_events return df
借助我之前制作的一个用于验证管道中数据集有效性的软件库 engarde
大多数 pandas 的方法都有一个默认值为 False
的关键词 inplace
。通常来说,你不应该做 inplace 运算。
首先,如果你喜欢用链式规则来写代码的话,你肯定不会用 inplace 运算,因为这会导致最终返回的结果是 None
其次,我怀疑存在一个适合 inplace 运算的构思模型。也就是说,最终结果并不会被分配到额外的存储器中。但实际上这可能是不真实的,pandas 中还存在许多下述用法:
def dataframe_method(self, inplace=False) data = self if inplace else self.copy() # result = ... if inplace: self._update_inplace(result) else: return result
最后,类似于 ibis 或者 dask 这种类型的项目 inplace 运算并没有任何意义,因为此时你需要处理表达式或者建立可执行的 DAG 任务,而不仅仅是处理数据而已。
In [132]:
sns.set(style='white', context='talk')
In [133]:
import statsmodels.api as sm
In [162]:
flights = (df[['fl_date', 'tail_num', 'dep_time', 'dep_delay', 'distance']] .dropna() .sort_values('dep_time') .assign(turn = lambda x: x.groupby(['fl_date', 'tail_num']) .dep_time .transform('rank').astype(int))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) sns.boxplot(x='turn', y='dep_delay', data=flights, ax=ax) sns.despine() plt.savefig('images/mc_turn.svg', transparent=True)
In [180]:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) (df[['fl_date', 'tail_num', 'dep_time', 'dep_delay', 'distance']] .dropna() .assign(hour=lambda x: x.dep_time.dt.hour) .query('5 < dep_delay < 600') .pipe((sns.boxplot, 'data'), 'hour', 'dep_delay')) sns.despine() plt.savefig('images/delay_by_hour.svg', transparent=True)
In [164]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) sns.boxplot(x='hour', y='dep_delay', data=flights[flights.dep_delay < 600], ax=ax) sns.despine() plt.savefig('images/mc_no_days.svg', transparent=True)
In [166]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) sns.boxplot(x='hour', y='dep_delay', data=flights.query('5 < dep_delay < 600'), ax=ax) sns.despine() plt.savefig('images/mc_delays.svg', transparent=True)
In [175]:
# Groupby.agg accepts dict of {column: {ouput_name: agg_func}} air = (df.groupby(['origin', 'dest']) .agg({'dep_delay': {'dep_mean': 'mean', 'dep_count': 'count'}, 'arr_delay': {'arr_mean': 'mean', 'arr_count': 'count'}})) air.columns = air.columns.droplevel()
In [171]:
air[air.arr_count > 50].sort_values('dep_mean', ascending=False).head(10)
arr_mean | arr_count | dep_count | dep_mean | ||
origin | dest | ||||
MDW | MSY | 47.740741 | 54 | 54 | 55.111111 |
ORD | HSV | 56.578125 | 64 | 65 | 52.800000 |
IAD | EWR | 47.887500 | 80 | 81 | 52.333333 |
JFK | ATL | 49.647887 | 142 | 142 | 51.464789 |
CMH | MIA | 54.000000 | 61 | 61 | 51.344262 |
FLL | BOS | 40.033784 | 148 | 148 | 51.033784 |
IAD | CLT | 51.111111 | 54 | 54 | 50.888889 |
MDW | BDL | 45.807692 | 52 | 52 | 50.442308 |
SJU | BOS | 32.081081 | 111 | 112 | 49.660714 |
PBI | BWI | 40.655172 | 87 | 87 | 49.643678 |
In [174]:
airlines = df.groupby('unique_carrier').dep_delay.agg(['mean', 'count']) airlines['mean'].sort_values().plot.barh() sns.despine()
B6 是美国捷蓝航空公司。
I wanted to try out scikit-learn's new Gaussian Process module so here's a pretty picture.
In [192]:
<table border="0" class="dataframe"> <thead> <tr style="text-align: right;"> <th></th> <th>count</th> <th>delay</th> <th>dist</th> </tr> <tr> <th>tail_num</th> <th></th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th>D942DN</th> <td>120</td> <td>9.232143</td> <td>829.783333</td> </tr> <tr> <th>N001AA</th> <td>139</td> <td>13.818182</td> <td>616.043165</td> </tr> <tr> <th>N002AA</th> <td>135</td> <td>9.570370</td> <td>570.377778</td> </tr> <tr> <th>N003AA</th> <td>125</td> <td>5.722689</td> <td>641.184000</td> </tr> <tr> <th>N004AA</th> <td>138</td> <td>2.037879</td> <td>630.391304</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
In [190]:
planes = df.assign(year=df.fl_date.dt.year).groupby("tail_num") delay = (planes.agg({"year": "count", "distance": "mean", "arr_delay": "mean"}) .rename(columns={"distance": "dist", "arr_delay": "delay", "year": "count"}) .query("count > 20 & dist < 2000")) delay.head()
count | delay | dist | |
tail_num | |||
D942DN | 120 | 9.232143 | 829.783333 |
N001AA | 139 | 13.818182 | 616.043165 |
N002AA | 135 | 9.570370 | 570.377778 |
N003AA | 125 | 5.722689 | 641.184000 |
N004AA | 138 | 2.037879 | 630.391304 |
In [253]:
X = delay['dist'] y = delay['delay']
In [254]:
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF, WhiteKernel kernel = (1.0 * RBF(length_scale=10.0, length_scale_bounds=(1e2, 1e4)) + WhiteKernel(noise_level=.5, noise_level_bounds=(1e-1, 1e+5))) gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, alpha=0.0).fit(X.reshape(-1, 1), y) X_ = np.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), 1000) y_mean, y_cov = gp.predict(X_[:, np.newaxis], return_cov=True)
In [255]:
%matplotlib inline sns.set(style='white', context='talk')
In [256]:
ax = delay.plot(kind='scatter', x='dist', y = 'delay', figsize=(12, 6), color='k', alpha=.25, s=delay['count'] / 10) ax.plot(X_, y_mean, lw=2, zorder=9) ax.fill_between(X_, y_mean - np.sqrt(np.diag(y_cov)), y_mean + np.sqrt(np.diag(y_cov)), alpha=0.25) sizes = (delay['count'] / 10).round(0) for area in np.linspace(sizes.min(), sizes.max(), 3).astype(int): plt.scatter([], [], c='k', alpha=0.7, s=area, label=str(area * 10) + ' flights') plt.legend(scatterpoints=1, frameon=False, labelspacing=1) ax.set_xlim(0, 2100) ax.set_ylim(-20, 65) sns.despine() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("images/mc_flights.svg", transparent=True) plt.savefig("images/mc_flights.png")
原文链接: http://tomaugspurger.github.io/method-chaining.html
原文作者:Tom Augspurger