
GitKit.js:纯 JavaScript 实现的 Git


GitKit.js:纯 JavaScript 实现的 Git GitKit.js:纯 JavaScript 实现的 Git

Pure JavaScript implementation of Git backed by immutable models and promises.

The goal is to provide both a low and high level API for manipulating Git repositories: read files, commit changes, edit working index, clone, push, fetch, etc.

This library can work both in the browser and Node.js.


$ npm install gitkit 


API Basics

State of the Git repository is represented as a single immutable Repository object. Read and write access to the repository is done using a FS driver, the implementation of the fs depends on the plaftrom ( NativeFS for Node.js/Native, LocalStorageFS or MemoryFS for the browser).

var GitKit = require('gitkit'); var NativeFS = require('gitkit/lib/fs/native');  // Prepare the filesystem var fs = NativeFS(process.cwd());  // Create a repository instance var repo = GitKit.Repository.createWithFS(fs, isBare);

Clone a remote repository

// Create a transport instance for the GitHub repository var transport = new GitKit.HTTPTransport('https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook.git');  GitKit.TransferUtils.clone(repo, transport) .then(function(newRepo) {     // Clone succeed! }, function(err) {     // Clone failed })

List branches

GitKit.BranchUtils.list returns a promise listing branches as a list of strings.

GitKit.BranchUtils.list(repo)     .then(function(branches) { ... })

Get current branch

GitKit.BranchUtils.getCurrent returns a promise resolved with the name of the current active branch.

GitKit.BranchUtils.getCurrent(repo)     .then(function(branch) { ... })

List files in repository

GitKit.WorkingIndex provides a set of methods to work with the working index.

GitKit.WorkingIndex.readFromRepo(repo)     .then(function(workingIndex) {         var entries = workingIndex.getEntries();     });

List changes not staged for commit

GitKit.ChangesUtils provides a set of methods to work with pending changes.

GitKit.ChangesUtils.list(repo)     .then(function(changes) { ... });

Commit changes

var author = GitKit.Person.create('Bob', 'bob@gmail.com'); var message = 'My First commit';  GitKit.CommitUtils.createForChanges(repo, author, message, changes)     .then(function(newRepo) { ... });

More example and documentation coming soon!

I'll publish a better documentation for this library soon.


To the people pointing me in the right directions like:

  • Stefan Saasen
  • Chris Dickinson


GitKit.js isApache-licensed.

原文  https://github.com/SamyPesse/gitkit-js