



这里要注意的是Symfony2.x 与Syfmony3.x有些差异。

Symfony3.x 最外层多了几个目录,如 var/ , bin/ , tests/ 等,有些东西它挪到外面来了,刚开始有些不习惯,慢慢就好了

所以我们的命令都是使用 php bin/console





$ sudo curl -LsS https://symfony.com/installer -o /usr/local/bin/symfony $ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/symfony


$ symfony new me-dudulu-proxy




我在 src/AppBundle 目录创建一个 Command/ 目录,这个目录是专门为命令行操作的而存在的,也就是当你使用 php app/consolephp bin/console 命令时它上面所显示的那一些命令。

$ php bin/console Symfony version 3.1.1 - app/dev/debug  Usage:   command [options] [arguments]  Options:   -h, --help            Display this help message   -q, --quiet           Do not output any message   -V, --version         Display this application version       --ansi            Force ANSI output       --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output   -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question   -e, --env=ENV         The Environment name. [default: "dev"]       --no-debug        Switches off debug mode.   -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug  Available commands:   help                                    Displays help for a command   list                                    Lists commands  app   app:crawl-wechat                        抓取微信文章   app:proxy                               通过代理请求   app:telnet                              验证代理ip是否可用  assets   assets:install                          Installs bundles web assets under a public web directory  cache   cache:clear                             Clears the cache   cache:warmup                            Warms up an empty cache  config   config:dump-reference                   Dumps the default configuration for an extension  debug   debug:config                            Dumps the current configuration for an extension   debug:container                         Displays current services for an application   debug:event-dispatcher                  Displays configured listeners for an application   debug:router                            Displays current routes for an application   debug:swiftmailer                       Displays current mailers for an application   debug:translation                       Displays translation messages information   debug:twig                              Shows a list of twig functions, filters, globals and tests  doctrine   doctrine:cache:clear-collection-region  Clear a second-level cache collection region.   doctrine:cache:clear-entity-region      Clear a second-level cache entity region.   doctrine:cache:clear-metadata           Clears all metadata cache for an entity manager   doctrine:cache:clear-query              Clears all query cache for an entity manager   doctrine:cache:clear-query-region       Clear a second-level cache query region.   doctrine:cache:clear-result             Clears result cache for an entity manager   doctrine:database:create                Creates the configured database   doctrine:database:drop                  Drops the configured database   doctrine:ensure-production-settings     Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment.   doctrine:generate:crud                  Generates a CRUD based on a Doctrine entity   doctrine:generate:entities              Generates entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information   doctrine:generate:entity                Generates a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle   doctrine:generate:form                  Generates a form type class based on a Doctrine entity   doctrine:mapping:convert                Convert mapping information between supported formats.   doctrine:mapping:import                 Imports mapping information from an existing database   doctrine:mapping:info   doctrine:query:dql                      Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line.   doctrine:query:sql                      Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line.   doctrine:schema:create                  Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to generate the database schema   doctrine:schema:drop                    Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to drop the current database schema   doctrine:schema:update                  Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata.   doctrine:schema:validate                Validate the mapping files.  generate   generate:bundle                         Generates a bundle   generate:command                        Generates a console command   generate:controller                     Generates a controller   generate:doctrine:crud                  Generates a CRUD based on a Doctrine entity   generate:doctrine:entities              Generates entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information   generate:doctrine:entity                Generates a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle   generate:doctrine:form                  Generates a form type class based on a Doctrine entity  lint   lint:twig                               Lints a template and outputs encountered errors   lint:yaml                               Lints a file and outputs encountered errors  orm   orm:convert:mapping                     Convert mapping information between supported formats.  router   router:match                            Helps debug routes by simulating a path info match  security   security:check                          Checks security issues in your project dependencies   security:encode-password                Encodes a password.  server   server:run                              Runs PHP built-in web server   server:start                            Starts PHP built-in web server in the background   server:status                           Outputs the status of the built-in web server for the given address   server:stop                             Stops PHP's built-in web server that was started with the server:start command  swiftmailer   swiftmailer:debug                       Displays current mailers for an application   swiftmailer:email:send                  Send simple email message   swiftmailer:spool:send                  Sends emails from the spool  translation   translation:update                      Updates the translation file


app   app:crawl-wechat                        抓取微信文章   app:proxy                               通过代理请求   app:telnet                              验证代理ip是否可用

这三个命令选项目分别会方法我的 src/AppBundle/Command 目录的三个文件,每个文件都对应了不同的功能。


我理解的是,当你敲下 php bin/console 命令的时候,程序会去找到 Command/ 目录下所有继承了 ContainerAwareCommand / 的所有类,并且当它实例代,并且注入一些需要的工具。


先在 src/AppBundle/Command/ 目录,创建一个 ProxyCommad.php 文件:

 namespace AppBundle/Command;  use Doctrine/Common/Persistence/ObjectManager; use Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Command/ContainerAwareCommand; use Symfony/Component/Console/Input/InputInterface; use Symfony/Component/Console/Output/OutputInterface;  /**  * Class ProxyCommand  * @package AppBundle/Command  */ class ProxyCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand {     /**      * @var ObjectManager      */     private $em;      /**      * {@inheritdoc}      */     protected function configure()     {         $this             ->setName('app:proxy')             ->setDescription('通过代理请求')             ->setHelp(<<<HELP 这个 <info>%command.name%</info> 命令暂不做其他参数及功能目前就这一个功能:    <info>php %command.full_name%</info>  HELP             );     }      /**      * @param InputInterface $input      * @param OutputInterface $output      * @return void      */     protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)     {         $this->em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();     }      /**      * @param InputInterface $input      * @param OutputInterface $output      * @return void      */     public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)     {          $output->writeln("Hello World!");     }  }




这里不需要 Options 所我我只配制了名称,描述及说明。如果需要参数的话,可以在下面加 addOptions() ,如:

     use Symfony/Component/Console/Input/InputOption;          $this             ->setName('app:crawl-wechat')             ->setDescription('抓取微信文章')             ->setHelp(<<<HELP 这个 <info>%command.name%</info> 命令暂不做其他参数及功能目前就这一个功能:    <info>php %command.full_name%</info>  HELP             )             ->addOption('crawl-category', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, '抓取微信分类');

InputOution 这个类里面有四个参数:

const VALUE_NONE = 1;  // 不接收参数 const VALUE_REQUIRED = 2; // 接收附加参数 const VALUE_OPTIONAL = 4; // 不知道,没试过 const VALUE_IS_ARRAY = 8; // 不知道没试过


配好上面这些东西后你可以试试: php bin/console 命令,如果没错的话,它应该会多了下面这一项:

app   app:proxy                               通过代理请求

执行命令: php bin/console app:proxy --help

$ php bin/console app:proxy --help Usage:   app:proxy  Options:   -h, --help            Display this help message   -q, --quiet           Do not output any message   -V, --version         Display this application version       --ansi            Force ANSI output       --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output   -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question   -e, --env=ENV         The Environment name. [default: "dev"]       --no-debug        Switches off debug mode.   -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug  Help:  这个 app:proxy 命令暂不做其他参数及功能目前就这一个功能:     php bin/console app:proxy 


$ php bin/console app:crawl-wechat --help Usage:   app:crawl-wechat [options]  Options:       --crawl-category  抓取微信分类   -h, --help            Display this help message   -q, --quiet           Do not output any message   -V, --version         Display this application version       --ansi            Force ANSI output       --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output   -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question   -e, --env=ENV         The Environment name. [default: "dev"]       --no-debug        Switches off debug mode.   -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug  Help:  这个 app:crawl-wechat 命令暂不做其他参数及功能目前就这一个功能:     php bin/console app:crawl-wechat


这个方法是为了初始化一些东西,比如这里我们需要用到DoctrineORM 也就是需要用到数据库,所以我们把doctrine给初始化进来了。


execute就是最终我们要执行的方法体了,它注入的两个参数 InputInterface $inputOutputInterface $output 从字上面也能知道它是啥意思,输入的参数及输出的参数。

然后你执行一下 php bin/console app:proxy 看它会不会输出"Hello World";



官方文档: How to Style a Console Command


$output->writeln(array(             '<info>Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet</>',             '<info>==========================</>',             '',         ));


  • fg 字体颜色
  • bg 背景颜色


  • 听说它能调用Controller?
  • 听说它它能模拟Form请求?
  • 听说它能模拟登录?
  • 听说它可以定义Services


原文  http://lattecake.com/post/20087