








        录音功能生成的目标音频格式是PCM格式,对于PCM的定义,维基百科上是这么写到的:"Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is a method used to digitally represent sampled analog signals. It is the standard form of digital audio in computers, Compact Discs, digital telephony and other digital audio applications. In a PCM stream, the amplitude of the analog signal is sampled regularly at uniform intervals, and each sample is quantized to the nearest value within a range of digital steps.",大致意思是PCM是用来采样模拟信号的一种方法,是现在数字音频应用中数字音频的标准格式,而PCM采样的原理,是均匀间隔的将模拟信号的振幅量化成指定数据范围内最贴近的数值。

     if (recordVoice) {         audioRecord = new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC,                 Constant.RecordSampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO,                 pcmFormat.getAudioFormat(), audioRecordBufferSize);          try {             audioRecord.startRecording();         } catch (Exception e) {             NoRecordPermission();             continue;         }          BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream = FileFunction                 .GetBufferedOutputStreamFromFile(recordFileUrl);          while (recordVoice) {             int audioRecordReadDataSize =                     audioRecord.read(audioRecordBuffer, 0, audioRecordBufferSize);              if (audioRecordReadDataSize > 0) {                 calculateRealVolume(audioRecordBuffer, audioRecordReadDataSize);                 if (bufferedOutputStream != null) {                     try {                         byte[] outputByteArray = CommonFunction                                 .GetByteBuffer(audioRecordBuffer,                                         audioRecordReadDataSize, Variable.isBigEnding);                         bufferedOutputStream.write(outputByteArray);                     } catch (IOException e) {                         e.printStackTrace();                     }                 }             } else {                 NoRecordPermission();                 continue;             }         }          if (bufferedOutputStream != null) {             try {                 bufferedOutputStream.close();             } catch (Exception e) {                 LogFunction.error("关闭录音输出数据流异常", e);             }         }          audioRecord.stop();         audioRecord.release();         audioRecord = null;     }




     private boolean decodeMusicFile(String musicFileUrl, String decodeFileUrl, int startSecond,                                     int endSecond,                                     Handler handler,                                     DecodeOperateInterface decodeOperateInterface) {         int sampleRate = 0;         int channelCount = 0;          long duration = 0;          String mime = null;          MediaExtractor mediaExtractor = new MediaExtractor();         MediaFormat mediaFormat = null;         MediaCodec mediaCodec = null;          try {             mediaExtractor.setDataSource(musicFileUrl);         } catch (Exception e) {             LogFunction.error("设置解码音频文件路径错误", e);             return false;         }          mediaFormat = mediaExtractor.getTrackFormat(0);         sampleRate = mediaFormat.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE) ?                 mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE) : 44100;         channelCount = mediaFormat.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT) ?                 mediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT) : 1;         duration = mediaFormat.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_DURATION) ? mediaFormat.getLong                 (MediaFormat.KEY_DURATION)                 : 0;         mime = mediaFormat.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME) ? mediaFormat.getString(MediaFormat                 .KEY_MIME) : "";          LogFunction.log("歌曲信息",                 "Track info: mime:" + mime + " 采样率sampleRate:" + sampleRate + " channels:" +                         channelCount + " duration:" + duration);          if (CommonFunction.isEmpty(mime) || !mime.startsWith("audio/")) {             LogFunction.error("解码文件不是音频文件", "mime:" + mime);             return false;         }          if (mime.equals("audio/ffmpeg")) {             mime = "audio/mpeg";             mediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, mime);         }          try {             mediaCodec = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType(mime);              mediaCodec.configure(mediaFormat, null, null, 0);         } catch (Exception e) {             LogFunction.error("解码器configure出错", e);             return false;         }          getDecodeData(mediaExtractor, mediaCodec, decodeFileUrl, sampleRate, channelCount,                 startSecond,                 endSecond, handler, decodeOperateInterface);         return true;     }


     private void getDecodeData(MediaExtractor mediaExtractor, MediaCodec mediaCodec,                                String decodeFileUrl, int sampleRate,                                int channelCount, int startSecond, int endSecond,                                Handler handler,                                final DecodeOperateInterface decodeOperateInterface) {         boolean decodeInputEnd = false;         boolean decodeOutputEnd = false;          int sampleDataSize;         int inputBufferIndex;         int outputBufferIndex;         int byteNumber;          long decodeNoticeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();         long decodeTime;         long presentationTimeUs = 0;          final long timeOutUs = 100;         final long startMicroseconds = startSecond * 1000 * 1000;         final long endMicroseconds = endSecond * 1000 * 1000;          ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers;         ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers;          ByteBuffer sourceBuffer;         ByteBuffer targetBuffer;          MediaFormat outputFormat = mediaCodec.getOutputFormat();          MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo;          byteNumber =                 (outputFormat.containsKey("bit-width") ? outputFormat.getInteger("bit-width") :                         0) / 8;          mediaCodec.start();          inputBuffers = mediaCodec.getInputBuffers();         outputBuffers = mediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();          mediaExtractor.selectTrack(0);          bufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();          BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream = FileFunction                 .GetBufferedOutputStreamFromFile(decodeFileUrl);          while (!decodeOutputEnd) {             if (decodeInputEnd) {                 return;             }              decodeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();              if (decodeTime - decodeNoticeTime > Constant.OneSecond) {                 final int decodeProgress =                         (int) ((presentationTimeUs - startMicroseconds) * Constant                                 .NormalMaxProgress /                                 endMicroseconds);                  if (decodeProgress > 0) {                     handler.post(new Runnable() {                         @Override                         public void run() {                             decodeOperateInterface.updateDecodeProgress(decodeProgress);                         }                     });                 }                  decodeNoticeTime = decodeTime;             }              try {                 inputBufferIndex = mediaCodec.dequeueInputBuffer(timeOutUs);                  if (inputBufferIndex >= 0) {                     sourceBuffer = inputBuffers[inputBufferIndex];                      sampleDataSize = mediaExtractor.readSampleData(sourceBuffer, 0);                      if (sampleDataSize < 0) {                         decodeInputEnd = true;                         sampleDataSize = 0;                     } else {                         presentationTimeUs = mediaExtractor.getSampleTime();                     }                      mediaCodec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex, 0, sampleDataSize,                             presentationTimeUs,                             decodeInputEnd ? MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM : 0);                      if (!decodeInputEnd) {                         mediaExtractor.advance();                     }                 } else {                     LogFunction.error("inputBufferIndex", "" + inputBufferIndex);                 }                  // decode to PCM and push it to the AudioTrack player                 outputBufferIndex = mediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, timeOutUs);                  if (outputBufferIndex < 0) {                     switch (outputBufferIndex) {                         case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED:                             outputBuffers = mediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();                             LogFunction.error("MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED",                                     "[AudioDecoder]output buffers have changed.");                             break;                         case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED:                             outputFormat = mediaCodec.getOutputFormat();                              sampleRate = outputFormat.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE) ?                                     outputFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE) :                                     sampleRate;                             channelCount = outputFormat.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT) ?                                     outputFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT) :                                     channelCount;                             byteNumber = (outputFormat.containsKey("bit-width") ? outputFormat                                     .getInteger                                             ("bit-width") : 0) / 8;                              LogFunction.error("MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED",                                     "[AudioDecoder]output format has changed to " +                                             mediaCodec.getOutputFormat());                             break;                         default:                             LogFunction.error("error",                                     "[AudioDecoder] dequeueOutputBuffer returned " +                                             outputBufferIndex);                             break;                     }                     continue;                 }                  targetBuffer = outputBuffers[outputBufferIndex];                  byte[] sourceByteArray = new byte[bufferInfo.size];                  targetBuffer.get(sourceByteArray);                 targetBuffer.clear();                  mediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferIndex, false);                  if ((bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) {                     decodeOutputEnd = true;                 }                  if (sourceByteArray.length > 0 && bufferedOutputStream != null) {                     if (presentationTimeUs < startMicroseconds) {                         continue;                     }                      byte[] convertByteNumberByteArray = ConvertByteNumber(byteNumber, Constant                                     .RecordByteNumber,                             sourceByteArray);                      byte[] resultByteArray =                             ConvertChannelNumber(channelCount, Constant.RecordChannelNumber,                                     Constant.RecordByteNumber,                                     convertByteNumberByteArray);                      try {                         bufferedOutputStream.write(resultByteArray);                     } catch (Exception e) {                         LogFunction.error("输出解压音频数据异常", e);                     }                 }                  if (presentationTimeUs > endMicroseconds) {                     break;                 }             } catch (Exception e) {                 LogFunction.error("getDecodeData异常", e);             }         }          if (bufferedOutputStream != null) {             try {                 bufferedOutputStream.close();             } catch (IOException e) {                 LogFunction.error("关闭bufferedOutputStream异常", e);             }         }          if (sampleRate != Constant.RecordSampleRate) {             Resample(sampleRate, decodeFileUrl);         }          if (mediaCodec != null) {             mediaCodec.stop();             mediaCodec.release();         }          if (mediaExtractor != null) {             mediaExtractor.release();         }     }


格式 字节1 字节2 字节1 字节2
8位单声道 0声道 0声道 0声道 0声道
8位双声道 0声道(左) 1声道(右) 0声道(左) 1声道(右)
16位单声道 0声道(低字节) 0声道(高字节) 0声道(低字节) 0声道(高字节)
16位双声道 0声道(左,低字节) 0声道(左,高字节) 0声道(右,低字节) 0声道(右,高字节)


     private static byte[] ConvertByteNumber(int sourceByteNumber, int outputByteNumber, byte[]             sourceByteArray) {         if (sourceByteNumber == outputByteNumber) {             return sourceByteArray;         }          int sourceByteArrayLength = sourceByteArray.length;          byte[] byteArray;          switch (sourceByteNumber) {             case 1:                 switch (outputByteNumber) {                     case 2:                         byteArray = new byte[sourceByteArrayLength * 2];                          byte resultByte[];                          for (int index = 0; index < sourceByteArrayLength; index += 1) {                             resultByte = CommonFunction.GetBytes((short) (sourceByteArray[index]                                     * 256), Variable                                     .isBigEnding);                              byteArray[2 * index] = resultByte[0];                             byteArray[2 * index + 1] = resultByte[1];                         }                          return byteArray;                 }                 break;             case 2:                 switch (outputByteNumber) {                     case 1:                         int outputByteArrayLength = sourceByteArrayLength / 2;                          byteArray = new byte[outputByteArrayLength];                          for (int index = 0; index < outputByteArrayLength; index += 1) {                             byteArray[index] = (byte) (CommonFunction.GetShort(sourceByteArray[2                                             * index],                                     sourceByteArray[2 * index + 1], Variable.isBigEnding) / 256);                         }                          return byteArray;                 }                 break;         }          return sourceByteArray;     }


     private static byte[] ConvertChannelNumber(int sourceChannelCount, int outputChannelCount,                                                int byteNumber,                                                byte[] sourceByteArray) {         if (sourceChannelCount == outputChannelCount) {             return sourceByteArray;         }          switch (byteNumber) {             case 1:             case 2:                 break;             default:                 return sourceByteArray;         }          int sourceByteArrayLength = sourceByteArray.length;          byte[] byteArray;          switch (sourceChannelCount) {             case 1:                 switch (outputChannelCount) {                     case 2:                         byteArray = new byte[sourceByteArrayLength * 2];                          byte firstByte;                         byte secondByte;                          switch (byteNumber) {                             case 1:                                 for (int index = 0; index < sourceByteArrayLength; index += 1) {                                     firstByte = sourceByteArray[index];                                      byteArray[2 * index] = firstByte;                                     byteArray[2 * index + 1] = firstByte;                                 }                                 break;                             case 2:                                 for (int index = 0; index < sourceByteArrayLength; index += 2) {                                     firstByte = sourceByteArray[index];                                     secondByte = sourceByteArray[index + 1];                                      byteArray[2 * index] = firstByte;                                     byteArray[2 * index + 1] = secondByte;                                     byteArray[2 * index + 2] = firstByte;                                     byteArray[2 * index + 3] = secondByte;                                 }                                 break;                         }                          return byteArray;                 }                 break;             case 2:                 switch (outputChannelCount) {                     case 1:                         int outputByteArrayLength = sourceByteArrayLength / 2;                          byteArray = new byte[outputByteArrayLength];                          switch (byteNumber) {                             case 1:                                 for (int index = 0; index < outputByteArrayLength; index += 2) {                                     short averageNumber =                                             (short) ((short) sourceByteArray[2 * index] + (short)                                                     sourceByteArray[2 *                                                             index + 1]);                                     byteArray[index] = (byte) (averageNumber >> 1);                                 }                                 break;                             case 2:                                 for (int index = 0; index < outputByteArrayLength; index += 2) {                                     byte resultByte[] = CommonFunction.AverageShortByteArray                                             (sourceByteArray[2 * index],                                                     sourceByteArray[2 * index + 1],                                                     sourceByteArray[2 *                                                             index + 2],                                                     sourceByteArray[2 * index + 3], Variable                                                             .isBigEnding);                                      byteArray[index] = resultByte[0];                                     byteArray[index + 1] = resultByte[1];                                 }                                 break;                         }                          return byteArray;                 }                 break;         }          return sourceByteArray;     }


     private static void Resample(int sampleRate, String decodeFileUrl) {         String newDecodeFileUrl = decodeFileUrl + "new";          try {             FileInputStream fileInputStream =                     new FileInputStream(new File(decodeFileUrl));             FileOutputStream fileOutputStream =                     new FileOutputStream(new File(newDecodeFileUrl));              new SSRC(fileInputStream, fileOutputStream, sampleRate, Constant.RecordSampleRate,                     Constant.RecordByteNumber, Constant.RecordByteNumber, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE,                     0, 0, true);              fileInputStream.close();             fileOutputStream.close();              FileFunction.RenameFile(newDecodeFileUrl, decodeFileUrl);         } catch (IOException e) {             LogFunction.error("关闭bufferedOutputStream异常", e);         }     }

        为了修改采样率,在此使用了SSRC在Java端的实现,在网上可以搜到一份关于SSRC的介绍:"SSRC = Synchronous Sample Rate Converter,同步采样率转换,直白地说就是只能做整数倍频,不支持任意频率之间的转换,比如44.1KHz<->48KHz。",但不同的SSRC实现原理有所不同,我是用的是来自https://github.com/shibatch/SSRC在Java端的实现,简单读了此SSRC在Java端实现的源码,其代码实现中通过判别重采样前后采样率的最大公约数是否满足设定条件作为是否可重采样的依据,可以支持常见的非整数倍频率的采样率转化,如44.1khz<->48khz,但如果目标采样率是比较特殊的采样率如某一较大的质数,那就无法支持重采样。
        接着,此处潜在的第二个问题就是大小端存储。 对计算机体系结构有所了解的同学肯定了解"大小端"这个概念,大小端分别代表了多字节数据在内存中组织的两种不同顺序,如果对于"大小端"不是太了解,可以浏览http://blog.jobbole.com/102432/的阐述,在处理音频数据的方法中,我们可以看到"Variable.isBigEnding"这个参数,这个参数的含义就是当前平台是否使用大端编码,这里大家肯定会有疑问,内存中多字节数据的组织顺序为什么会影响我们对音频数据的处理,举个例子,如果我们在将采样点8位的音频数据转化为采样点16位,目前的做法是将原始数据乘以256,相当于每一个byte转化为short,同时short的高字节为原byte的内容,低字节为0,那现在问题来了,那就是高字节放到高地址还是低地址,这就和平台采用的大小端存储格式息息相关了,当然如果我们输出的数据类型是short那就不用关心,Java会帮我们处理掉,但我们输出的是byte数组,这就需要我们自己对数据进行处理了。



     public static void ComposeAudio(String firstAudioFilePath, String secondAudioFilePath,                                     String composeAudioFilePath, boolean deleteSource,                                     float firstAudioWeight, float secondAudioWeight,                                     int audioOffset,                                     final ComposeAudioInterface composeAudioInterface) {         boolean firstAudioFinish = false;         boolean secondAudioFinish = false;          byte[] firstAudioByteBuffer;         byte[] secondAudioByteBuffer;         byte[] mp3Buffer;          short resultShort;         short[] outputShortArray;          int index;         int firstAudioReadNumber;         int secondAudioReadNumber;         int outputShortArrayLength;         final int byteBufferSize = 1024;          firstAudioByteBuffer = new byte[byteBufferSize];         secondAudioByteBuffer = new byte[byteBufferSize];         mp3Buffer = new byte[(int) (7200 + (byteBufferSize * 1.25))];          outputShortArray = new short[byteBufferSize / 2];          Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());          FileInputStream firstAudioInputStream = FileFunction.GetFileInputStreamFromFile                 (firstAudioFilePath);         FileInputStream secondAudioInputStream = FileFunction.GetFileInputStreamFromFile                 (secondAudioFilePath);         FileOutputStream composeAudioOutputStream = FileFunction.GetFileOutputStreamFromFile                 (composeAudioFilePath);          LameUtil.init(Constant.RecordSampleRate, Constant.LameBehaviorChannelNumber,                 Constant.BehaviorSampleRate, Constant.LameBehaviorBitRate, Constant.LameMp3Quality);          try {             while (!firstAudioFinish && !secondAudioFinish) {                 index = 0;                  if (audioOffset < 0) {                     secondAudioReadNumber = secondAudioInputStream.read(secondAudioByteBuffer);                      outputShortArrayLength = secondAudioReadNumber / 2;                      for (; index < outputShortArrayLength; index++) {                         resultShort = CommonFunction.GetShort(secondAudioByteBuffer[index * 2],                                 secondAudioByteBuffer[index * 2 + 1], Variable.isBigEnding);                          outputShortArray[index] = (short) (resultShort * secondAudioWeight);                     }                      audioOffset += secondAudioReadNumber;                      if (secondAudioReadNumber < 0) {                         secondAudioFinish = true;                         break;                     }                      if (audioOffset >= 0) {                         break;                     }                 } else {                     firstAudioReadNumber = firstAudioInputStream.read(firstAudioByteBuffer);                      outputShortArrayLength = firstAudioReadNumber / 2;                      for (; index < outputShortArrayLength; index++) {                         resultShort = CommonFunction.GetShort(firstAudioByteBuffer[index * 2],                                 firstAudioByteBuffer[index * 2 + 1], Variable.isBigEnding);                          outputShortArray[index] = (short) (resultShort * firstAudioWeight);                     }                      audioOffset -= firstAudioReadNumber;                      if (firstAudioReadNumber < 0) {                         firstAudioFinish = true;                         break;                     }                      if (audioOffset <= 0) {                         break;                     }                 }                  if (outputShortArrayLength > 0) {                     int encodedSize = LameUtil.encode(outputShortArray, outputShortArray,                             outputShortArrayLength, mp3Buffer);                      if (encodedSize > 0) {                         composeAudioOutputStream.write(mp3Buffer, 0, encodedSize);                     }                 }             }              handler.post(new Runnable() {                 @Override                 public void run() {                     if (composeAudioInterface != null) {                         composeAudioInterface.updateComposeProgress(20);                     }                 }             });              while (!firstAudioFinish || !secondAudioFinish) {                 index = 0;                  firstAudioReadNumber = firstAudioInputStream.read(firstAudioByteBuffer);                 secondAudioReadNumber = secondAudioInputStream.read(secondAudioByteBuffer);                  int minAudioReadNumber = Math.min(firstAudioReadNumber, secondAudioReadNumber);                 int maxAudioReadNumber = Math.max(firstAudioReadNumber, secondAudioReadNumber);                  if (firstAudioReadNumber < 0) {                     firstAudioFinish = true;                 }                  if (secondAudioReadNumber < 0) {                     secondAudioFinish = true;                 }                  int halfMinAudioReadNumber = minAudioReadNumber / 2;                  outputShortArrayLength = maxAudioReadNumber / 2;                  for (; index < halfMinAudioReadNumber; index++) {                     resultShort = CommonFunction.WeightShort(firstAudioByteBuffer[index * 2],                             firstAudioByteBuffer[index * 2 + 1], secondAudioByteBuffer[index * 2],                             secondAudioByteBuffer[index * 2 + 1], firstAudioWeight,                             secondAudioWeight, Variable.isBigEnding);                      outputShortArray[index] = resultShort;                 }                  if (firstAudioReadNumber != secondAudioReadNumber) {                     if (firstAudioReadNumber > secondAudioReadNumber) {                         for (; index < outputShortArrayLength; index++) {                             resultShort = CommonFunction.GetShort(firstAudioByteBuffer[index * 2],                                     firstAudioByteBuffer[index * 2 + 1], Variable.isBigEnding);                              outputShortArray[index] = (short) (resultShort * firstAudioWeight);                         }                     } else {                         for (; index < outputShortArrayLength; index++) {                             resultShort = CommonFunction.GetShort(secondAudioByteBuffer[index * 2],                                     secondAudioByteBuffer[index * 2 + 1], Variable.isBigEnding);                              outputShortArray[index] = (short) (resultShort * secondAudioWeight);                         }                     }                 }                  if (outputShortArrayLength > 0) {                     int encodedSize = LameUtil.encode(outputShortArray, outputShortArray,                             outputShortArrayLength, mp3Buffer);                      if (encodedSize > 0) {                         composeAudioOutputStream.write(mp3Buffer, 0, encodedSize);                     }                 }             }         } catch (Exception e) {             LogFunction.error("ComposeAudio异常", e);              handler.post(new Runnable() {                 @Override                 public void run() {                     if (composeAudioInterface != null) {                         composeAudioInterface.composeFail();                     }                 }             });              return;         }          handler.post(new Runnable() {             @Override             public void run() {                 if (composeAudioInterface != null) {                     composeAudioInterface.updateComposeProgress(50);                 }             }         });          try {             final int flushResult = LameUtil.flush(mp3Buffer);              if (flushResult > 0) {                 composeAudioOutputStream.write(mp3Buffer, 0, flushResult);             }         } catch (Exception e) {             LogFunction.error("释放ComposeAudio LameUtil异常", e);         } finally {             try {                 composeAudioOutputStream.close();             } catch (Exception e) {                 LogFunction.error("关闭合成输出音频流异常", e);             }              LameUtil.close();         }          if (deleteSource) {             FileFunction.DeleteFile(firstAudioFilePath);             FileFunction.DeleteFile(secondAudioFilePath);         }          try {             firstAudioInputStream.close();             secondAudioInputStream.close();         } catch (IOException e) {             LogFunction.error("关闭合成输入音频流异常", e);         }          handler.post(new Runnable() {             @Override             public void run() {                 if (composeAudioInterface != null) {                     composeAudioInterface.composeSuccess();                 }             }         });     }

        ComposeAudio方法是此次的进行合成的具体代码实现,方法的传入参数中firstAudioFilePath, secondAudioFilePath是用以合成的音频文件地址,composeAudioFilePath用以指明合成后输出的MP3文件的存储地址,firstAudioWeight,secondAudioWeight分别用以指明合成的两个音频文件在合成过程中的音量权重,audioOffset用以指明第一个音频文件相对于第二个音频文件合成过程中的数据偏移,如为负数,则合成过程中先输出audioOffset个字节长度的第二个音频文件数据,如为正数,则合成过程中先输出audioOffset个字节长度的第一个音频文件数据,audioOffset在另一程度上也代表着时间的偏移,目前我们合成的两个音频文件参数为16位单通道44.1khz采样率,那么audioOffset如果为116/81*44100=88200字节,那么最终合成出的MP3文件中会先播放1s的第一个音频文件的音频接着再播放两个音频文件加和的音频。


        这篇博文就到这里结束了,本文所有代码已经托管到 https://github.com/CrazyZty/ComposeAudio,大家可以自由下载。


