Emmet (previously known as Zen Coding ) is a web-developer’s toolkit that can greatly improve your HTML & CSS workflow:
Emmet (即之前著名的 Zen Coding ) 是一个网页开发者工具,可以大大地提高你的 HTML & CSS 开发效率。
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Demo</title> </head> <body> | </body> </html> ~~~ tooltip: Type CSS-like abbreviation type: ul#nav>li.item$*4>a{Item $} wait: 1000 tooltip: Run “Expand Abbreviation” action to expand it into HTML ::: “Expand Abbreviation” (Tab key) wait: 600 run: emmet.expand_abbreviation wait: 1000 tooltip: Traverse between important code points with “Next/Previous Edit Point” action ::: “Next Edit Point” (Ctrl-Alt-→) <br> “Previous Edit Point” (Ctrl-Alt-←) wait: 1000 run: {command: 'emmet.next_edit_point', times: 7} wait: 1000 tooltip: Select tags with “Match Tag Pair” action ::: “Match Pair” (Cmd-D) run: {command: 'emmet.match_pair_outward', times: 3} wait: 1000 moveTo: 102 tooltip: Select important parts with “Select Next/Previous Item” action ::: “Select Next Item” (Shift-Cmd-.) <br> “Select Previous Item” (Shift-Cmd-,) run: {command: 'emmet.select_next_item', times: 7, beforeDelay: 300} wait: 2000 moveTo: 95 wait: 1000 tooltip: Quickly comment full tag with “Toggle Comment” action ::: “Toggle Comment” (Cmd-/) run: {command: 'emmet.toggle_comment', times: 2, beforeDelay: 1000}
Basically, most text editors out there allow you to store and re-use commonly used code chunks, called “snippets” . While snippets are a good way to boost your productivity, all implementations have common pitfalls: you have to define the snippet first and you can’t extend them in runtime.
基本上当下大多数文本编辑器可以重用常用的代码块,称为“代码片断”( snippets )。代码片断是提高生产效率的好办法,不过所有的实现都有共同的缺陷:要先定义代码片断并且不能实时展开。
Emmet takes the snippets idea to a whole new level: you can type CSS-like expressions that can be dynamically parsed, and produce output depending on what you type in the abbreviation. Emmet is developed and optimised for web-developers whose workflow depends on HTML/XML and CSS, but can be used with programming languages too.
Emmet 将代码片断的思想提升到全新的高度:书写类似于 CSS 的表达式,然后实时解析展开。Emmet 是为了HTML/XML 与 CSS 而开发,也最适合用于它们,不过也能与编程语言一块使用。
Start learning Emmet with theabbreviation syntax and availableactions.
开始学习 Emmet:缩写 与功能。