
[iOS] ISTimeline:简单、实用的时间轴视图组件库


ISTimeline is a simple timeline view written in Swift 2.2

[iOS] ISTimeline:简单、实用的时间轴视图组件库


  • iOS 8.0 or higher
  • Swift 2.2


We recommend to use CocoaPods :

pod 'ISTimeline', '~> 0.0.3' 

Or just drop the files ISPoint.swift and ISTimeline.swift into your project.



import ISTimeline


We recommend to use the timeline view in your storyboard. Just add a plain view and set the custom class and the module property to ISTimeline .

[iOS] ISTimeline:简单、实用的时间轴视图组件库

Or add the view programmatically:

let frame = CGRectMake(0, 20, 300, 400)  let timeline = ISTimeline(frame: frame) timeline.backgroundColor = .whiteColor()  self.view.addSubview(timeline)


Each bubble is represented by an ISPoint object in the points array. ISPoints has several properties:

var title:String shown in the bubble

var description:String? shown below the bubble

var pointColor:UIColor the color of each point in the line

var lineColor:UIColor the color of the line after a point

var touchUpInside:Optional<(point:ISPoint) -> Void> a callback, which is triggered after a touch inside a bubble

var fill:Bool fills the point in the line (default: false )

Example point:

let point = ISPoint(title: "my title") point.description = "my awesome description" point.lineColor = .redColor() point.fill = true


The designated initializer is:

ISPoint(title:String, description:String, pointColor:UIColor, lineColor:UIColor, touchUpInside:Optional<(point:ISPoint) -> Void>, fill:Bool)

You also can use one the convenience initializers:

ISPoint(title:String, description:String, touchUpInside:Optional<(point:ISPoint) -> Void>)
ISPoint(title:String, touchUpInside:Optional<(point:ISPoint) -> Void>)

Or even this one:


Touch events

To get touch events you just have to set a callback closure to the property point.touchUpInside . It is triggered after a touch up inside a bubble.

point.touchUpInside =   { (point:ISPoint) in     // do something }

Add points to the timeline

To add points to the timeline you can simple create and set your points array to the property timeline.points or you can append each point one after the other.

let myPoints = [   ISPoint(title: "first"),   ISPoint(title: "second"),   ISPoint(title: "third") ] timeline.points = myPoints

Append points:

timeline.points.append(ISPoint(title: "fourth"))


You can customize the following timeline colors:

var bubbleColor:UIColor color of every bubble (default .init(red: 0.75, green: 0.75, blue: 0.75, alpha: 1.0) )

var titleColor:UIColor color of the title in the bubble (default .whiteColor() )

var descriptionColor:UIColor color the description text (default .grayColor() )

Points can be colored as described above.

Line width and point radius

Some common parameters can be adjusted:

var pointDiameter:CGFloat diameter of a point in the line (default 6.0 )

var lineWidth:CGFloat the thickness of the line (default 2.0 )

var bubbleRadius:CGFloat the radius of the bubble corners (default 2.0 )

Bubble arrows

With the flag var bubbleArrows:Bool it is possible to remove all arrows (default true ).

With arrows:

[iOS] ISTimeline:简单、实用的时间轴视图组件库

And without arrows:

[iOS] ISTimeline:简单、实用的时间轴视图组件库


You can add some padding by setting the content insets. This currently can only be done programmatically.

timeline.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0)

Clip subviews

Per default, the timeline clips all subviews to its bounds. If you would like to change this behavior just set it to false .

timeline.clipsToBounds = false

Working example

let timeline = ISTimeline(frame: frame) timeline.backgroundColor = .whiteColor() timeline.bubbleColor = .init(red: 0.95, green: 0.95, blue: 0.95, alpha: 1.0) timeline.titleColor = .blackColor() timeline.descriptionColor = .darkTextColor() timeline.pointDiameter = 7.0 timeline.lineWidth = 2.0 timeline.bubbleRadius = 0.0  self.view.addSubview(timeline)  for i in 0...9 {   let point = ISPoint(title: "point /(i)")   point.description = "my awesome description"   point.lineColor = i % 2 == 0 ? .redColor() : .greenColor()   point.pointColor = point.lineColor   point.touchUpInside =     { (point:ISPoint) in       print(point.title)   }    timeline.points.append(point) }


  • add a demo app
  • show images in the timeline
  • animate the appending and removing of an entry


ISTimeline is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Feel free to fork the project and send us a pull-request! :sunglasses:

原文  https://github.com/instant-solutions/ISTimeline