
iOS 基于AOP的无侵入式用户操作引导框架


SGUserGuide is a framework for programmers to make steps to guide users, every step will restrict users to do a specific operation by adding masks to other regions. The framework can help you implement this without breaking the structure of the project based on AOP and KeyPath.

A Simple Guide ScreenShot

You can implement a step just by creating an SGGuideNode object and add it to node list.

iOS 基于AOP的无侵入式用户操作引导框架 iOS 基于AOP的无侵入式用户操作引导框架

How To Get Started

  • Download SGUserGuide and try out the included iPhone example app.


Drag the SGUserGuide folder to your project.


Import header

#import "SGGuideDispatcher.h"

Create a node to describe a step

@interface SGGuideNode : NSObject  @property (nonatomic, assign) Class controllerClass; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *permitViewPath; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *message; @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL reverse;  + (instancetype)nodeWithController:(Class)controller permitViewPath:(NSString *)permitViewPath message:(NSString *)message reverse:(BOOL)reverse; + (instancetype)endNodeWithController:(Class)controller;  @end

A Node has four main properties:

1.controllerClass: The class of the controller displaying for this step.

2.permitViewPath: The keyPath of the view which is permit to interactive of the controller, for example, if the tableViewController has a subview topView, and the topView has a subview btn, you can pass topView.btn to it.

3.message: The message showing on the screen to tell uses how to do.

4.reverse: Reverse the mask and the allow region.

Create steps by node array

Create nodes in an array and pass it to the singleton SGGuideDispatcher , if this step trig a switch of the view, it can be handled automatically, every node list must have a endNode, it's the end of the guide. For example:

SGGuideDispatcher *dp = [SGGuideDispatcher sharedDispatcher]; dp.nodes = @[              [SGGuideNode nodeWithController:[ESHomeViewController class] permitViewPath:@"tabBarController.tabBar" message:@"Please Choose '公告'(Notice) Item on Bottom Bar" reverse:NO],              [SGGuideNode nodeWithController:[SGNoticeTableViewController class] permitViewPath:@"navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem" message:@"Please Click the '发布'(POST) Button" reverse:NO],              [SGGuideNode nodeWithController:[SGNoticePublishViewController class] permitViewPath:@"navigationController.navigationBar" message:@"Type anything you like" reverse:YES],              [SGGuideNode nodeWithController:[SGNoticePublishViewController class] permitViewPath:@"navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem" message:@"Please Click the '发布'(POST) Button" reverse:NO],              [SGGuideNode endNodeWithController:[SGNoticeTableViewController class]]              ];

There are four steps, it describes the steps below.

iOS 基于AOP的无侵入式用户操作引导框架

Attention Please: If a step occured without a switch of view, such as the 2th(start from 0) step 'Type anything you like' above , you must handle this step yourself by calling the next method in the singleton SGGuideDispatcher .

Don't worry about surplus calls of next, the dispatcher will filter them.

- (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView {     self.publishBtn.enabled = textView.text.length != 0;     [[SGGuideDispatcher sharedDispatcher] next]; }

Reset guide steps

The framework will record the steps that has been made using NSUserDefaults , you can reset it by calling reset method in the singleton SGGuideDispatcher . You must reset steps before pass node array to the dispatcher

SGGuideDispatcher *dp = [SGGuideDispatcher sharedDispatcher]; [dp reset];

Custom Settings

The color of the mask and the region which allow interactive.

These properties are in the singleton SGGuideDispatcher .

The attributes of the messageLabel

You can access the label in the singleton SGGuideMaskView .

UILabel *messageLabel = [SGGuideMaskView sharedMask].messageLabel;
原文  https://github.com/Soulghost/SGUserGuide