Custom camera, image picker ,image editor and the interface just like Prisma's style.
Prisma is a sucessful APP of photo editing, but it's success is more than just art. And the details of the Prisma is also very good. So, I try to reproduce the client function of Prisma use Swift, and the result is this project.
This is build with Storyboard and xib, just because the Prisma is also used Storyboard and xib. The follow is the struct:
Firstly, we can learn how to custom camera use framework AVFoundation.
There is one thing we need to pay attention when we custom a camera, it's the image's orientation. Because the normal orientation of iPhone camera is lanscape left(Home button on the right), so the image orientation is different from our expected result. Below is a comparison.
Secondly, from this project we can learn about some kowledge of system photo album. Because just support iOS8 above, so I use framework Photos to complete photo select, not the AssetsLibrary frmawork Prisma used. And below is the frameworks Prisma used.
Finally, we could just use the image picker in foder PrismaImagePicker
, this is an independent function for developer jsut want to have a image picker with Prisma's syle.
More details, please view my blog ( Only Chinese supported )
, and just present it from your own view controller. PMImagePickerController
, so it can be fast because without read the photo album. PMImagePickerControllerDelegate
, and implement the delegate used. The PMImagePickerControllerDelegate
@objc protocol PMImagePickerControllerDelegate: NSObjectProtocol { /** Call when tap `Use` button of the picker view controller - parameter picker: The view controller of class PMImagePickerController - parameter image: An cropped image which displayed in the top header after edit */ optional func imagePickerController(picker: PMImagePickerController, didFinishPickingImage image: UIImage) /** Call when tap `Use` button of the picker view controller - parameter picker: The view controller of class PMImagePickerController - parameter originalImage: An original image which displayed in the top header - parameter selectedRect: A rect displayed of the header - parameter zoomScale: ZoomScale of the image */ optional func imagePickerController(picker: PMImagePickerController, didFinishPickingImage originalImage: UIImage, selectedRect: CGRect, zoomScale:CGFloat) /** Call when tap `Cancel` button of the picker view controller - parameter picker: The view controller of class PMImagePickerController */ optional func imagePickerControllerDidCancel(picker: PMImagePickerController) }
Create and use the iamge picker
// Create image picker @IBAction func selectPhoto(sender: AnyObject) { let nav = PMImagePickerController.init() nav.pmDelegate = self nav.photoGroups = photoGroups nav.photoAssets = photoAssets weak var weakSelf = self self.presentViewController(nav, animated: true) { weakSelf!.session.stopRunning() } } // PMImagePickerControllerDelegate func imagePickerController(picker: PMImagePickerController, didFinishPickingImage originalImage: UIImage, selectedRect: CGRect, zoomScale:CGFloat) { // Do something with the original image ... } func imagePickerController(picker: PMImagePickerController, didFinishPickingImage image: UIImage) { // Dow something with the cropped image ... } func imagePickerControllerDidCancel(picker: PMImagePickerController) { session.startRunning() }
Custom your own album kind
The default album is Camera
、 Favorites
、 ScreenShots
and User photos
, and all the operations of image is in PMImageManger.swift
If you want change the kind of album, you could change the parameters PHAssetCollectionType
and PHAssetCollectionSubtype
in function class func photoLibrarys() -> [PHAssetCollection]