
Sirius - 一个由 Google 投资的开源语音助手

Sirius is a speech and vision based intelligent personal assistant. Visit the Sirius website for additional documentation. Also visit or post to Sirius-users for more information and answers to questions. The project is released underBSD license, except certain submodules contain their own specific licensing information. We would love to have your help on improving Sirius, and seeCONTRIBUTING for more details.


sirius-application contains the 3 backend components required to set up the end-to-end system.

See Sirius-application for more information. The Wikipedia Database used for the Question-Answering service is included in the full package on the website .


sirius-suite contains all the kernels extracted from the end-to-end application.

See Sirius-suite for more information.


sirius-web contains a web front-end server to make requests to Sirius.

See Sirius-web for more information.
