
CognitiveJ —— Java 图像分析库

CognitiveJ 是一个开源的 Java 图像分析库,可轻松实现对图像检测、解析以及人脸识别和特征识别的功能。

CognitiveJ —— Java 图像分析库


Facial Detection:Capture faces, gender, age, associated facial features, and landmarks from an image.

Emotion Detection:Derive emotional state from faces within an image.

Verification: Verify, with a confidence scale, on whether two different faces are of the same person.

Identification: Identify a person from a set of known people.

Find Similar:Detect, group, and rank similar faces.

Grouping:Group people based on facial characteristics.

Person Group/Person/Face Lists:Create, manage, and train groups, face lists, and persons to interact with identification/grouping/find similar face features.


Image Describe:Describe visual content of an image and return real world caption to what the image contains.

Image Analysis:Extract key details from an image and if the image is of an adult/racy nature.

OCR:Detect and extract a text stream from an image.

Thumbnail:Create thumbnail images based on key points of interest from an image.


Apply layersonto images to visually represent found features.

Apply captionsonto faces and images.

Graphically illustratethe Faces/Vision feature sets.

Pixelatefaces within an image.

Other Notable Features

Supportslocal and remote images.

Validationof parameters.


原文  http://www.oschina.net/p/cognitivej?fromerr=8G6uJIkg