UIMA (Unstructured Information Management applications) 是一个软件系统,用来分析大量的非结构化信息从而发掘中对最终用户有用的知识点,一个最典型的 UIM 应用就是从文本文件中提取有用信息,例如人员、地址和组织等相关信息。 DUCC 是为分布式 UIMA 集群计算服务的,是集群管理系统,提供工具链,管理和调度设施。

- Ubuntu and RHEL 7 support
- cgroup enhancements
- uses standard cgroups organization
- supports cgroup swappiness setting, restricting any swapping if desired
- DUCC state and history storage moved from flat files to Cassandra DB, reducing storage size 5x
- Ships with the latest UIMA-AS v2.8.1
- Ships with recent ActiveMQ v5.13.2
- DUCC's UIMA-AS services support failover and ssl connectors
- Many DUCC webpage improvements
- Clear user display of DUCC classes and relation to machines
- Robust handling of dynamic changes to DUCC class and nodepool definitions
- Full support of nodepools with different quantum
- DUCC broker access restricted to user ducc
- Eliminate need for user home directories located on a shared filesystem
- Built-in Job error handler programmable per job
- Migration utility for DUCC updates
- Change to vary-off behavior to facilitate cluster management
- Horizontal stacking of services instance allocations
- java-viaducc improvements including separation of stdout from stderr respoonses
- An alert banner is displayed on ducc-mon pages if daemons are down
- Promoted DUCC from sandbox to the regular Apache project in the SVN