traefik是一款开源的反向代理与负载均衡工具。它最大的优点是能够与常见的微服务系统直接整合,可以实现自动化动态配置。目前支持Docker, Swarm, Mesos/Marathon, Mesos, Kubernetes, Consul, Etcd, Zookeeper, BoltDB, Rest API等等后端模型。

- Getting "Kubernetes connection error failed to decode watch event : unexpected EOF" every minute in Traefik log #732
- 1.1.0 kubernetes panic: send on closed channel #877
- digest auth example is incorrect #869
- Marathon & Mesos providers' GroupsAsSubDomains option broken #867
- 404 responses when a new Marathon leader is elected #653
- traefik:latest fails to auto-detect Docker containers #901
- Panic error on bare metal Kubernetes (installed with Kubeadm) #897
- api backend readOnly: what is the purpose of this setting #893
- file backend: using external file - doesn't work #892
- auth support for web backend #891
- Basic auth with docker labels #890
- file vs inline config #888
- combine Host and HostRegexp rules #882
- [Question] Traefik + Kubernetes + Let's Encrypt (ssl not used) #881
- Traefik security for dashboard #880
- Kubernetes Nginx Deployment Panic #879
- Kubernetes Example Address already in use #872
- ETCD Backend - frontend/backends missing #866
- [Swarm mode] Dashboard does not work on RC4 #864
- Docker v1.1.0 image does not exist #861
- ConsulService catalog do not support multiple rules #859
- Update official docker repo #858
- Still a memory leak with k8s - 1.1 RC4 #844
- Fix Swarm panic #908 (emilevauge)
- Fix k8s panic #900 (emilevauge)
- Fix missing value for k8s watch request parameter #874 (codablock)
- Fix GroupsAsSubDomains option for Mesos and Marathon #868 (ryanleary)
- Normalize backend even if is user-defined #865 (WTFKr0)
- consul/kv.tmpl: weight default value should be a int #826 (klausenbusk)