AREK is a clean and easy to use wrapper over any kind of iOS permission.
let permission = ArekPhoto() permission.status { (status) in switch status { case .Authorized: print("Yoah! :white_check_mark:") case .Denied: print("! :no_entry:️ !" ) case .NotDetermined: print("! !" ) } }
let permission = ArekEvent() permission.manage { (status) in switch status { case .Authorized: symbol = ":white_check_mark:" case .Denied: symbol = ":no_entry:️" case .NotDetermined: symbol = "" } }
Each permission type included in AREK is configurable through the ArekConfiguration struct. Each permission has a default configuration, so if you are happy with the basic configuration you don't have to take care about how it works behind the scenes.
An ArekConfiguration is made up by:
frequency: ArekPermissionFrequency (.Always, .EveryHour, .OnceADay, .OnceAWeek, .JustOnce) This frequency value is related to how often you want to the user to re-enable a permission if that one has been disallowed.
Set by default to .OnceADay
presentInitialPopup: Bool This is an initial popup used to ask kindly to the user to allow a permission. This is useful to avoid burning the possibility to show the system popup.
Set by default to true
presentReEnablePopup: Bool This is the popup used to kindly to the user to re-enable that permission. The frequency value is related to this popup.
Set by defaul to true
You could add to your Podfile the line
use_frameworks! target 'MyTarget' do pod 'arek', '~> 0.0.5' end
Add folder to your project.
Contributions are welcome
AREK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.