traefik是一款开源的反向代理与负载均衡工具。它最大的优点是能够与常见的微服务系统直接整合,可以实现自动化动态配置。目前支持Docker, Swarm, Mesos/Marathon, Mesos, Kubernetes, Consul, Etcd, Zookeeper, BoltDB, Rest API等等后端模型。
- Problem during HTTPS redirection #952
- nil pointer with kubernetes ingress #934
- ConsulCatalog and File not working #903
- Traefik can not start #902
- Cannot connect to Kubernetes server failed to decode watch event #532
- Updating certificates with configuration file. #968
- Let's encrypt retrieving certificate from wrong IP #962
- let's encrypt and dashboard? #961
- Working HTTPS example for GKE? #960
- GKE design pattern #958
- Consul Catalog constraints does not seem to work #954
- Issue in building traefik from master #949
- Proxy http application to https doesn't seem to work correctly for all services #937
- Excessive requests to kubernetes apiserver #922
- I am getting a connection error while creating traefik with consul backend "dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused" #917
- SwarmMode - 1.13 RC2 - DNS RR - Individual IPs not retrieved #913
- Panic in kubernetes ingress (traefik 1.1.0) #910
- Kubernetes updating deployment image requires Ingress to be remade #909
- [ACME] Too many currently pending authorizations #905
- WEB UI Authentication and Let's Encrypt : error 404 #754
- Traefik as ingress controller for SNI based routing in kubernetes #745
- Kubernetes Ingress backend: using self-signed certificates #486
- Kubernetes Ingress backend: can't find token and ca.crt #484
- Fix duplicate acme certificates #972 (emilevauge)
- Fix leadership panic #956 (emilevauge)
- Fix redirect regex #947 (emilevauge)
- Add operation recover #944 (emilevauge)