Etcd 是一个应用在分布式环境下的 key/value 存储服务。利用 etcd 的特性,应用程序可以在集群中共享信息、配置或作服务发现,Etcd 会在集群的各个节点中复制这些数据并保证这些数据始终正确。Etcd 无论是在 CoreOS 还是 Kubernetes 体系中都是不可或缺的一环。

- GH6038: api: transfer leadership when stopping leader
- GH6321: api: lease timetolive
- GH6330: clientv3: add SetEndpoints method
- GH6474: clientv3: add 'Sync' method
- GH6273: ctlv3: add 'print-value-only' flag to get command
- GH6439: etcdctl/ctlv3: make-mirror: feature add to modify/remove prefix in dest cluster
- GH6799: etcdmain: configurable 'etcd' binary log-output
- GH7030: etcdmain: add '--metrics' option to support different level of metrics reporting
- GH6172: clientv3/concurrency: remove session manager and add ttl
- experimental gRPC proxy; see gRPC proxy for more detail
- GH6106: etcdserver, embed: stricter reconfig checking
- GH6156: etcdserver: reject member removal that breaks active quorum
- GH6170: use default ip for advertise URL
- GH6629: clientv3: drop Config.Logger field
- GH6672: *: sort by ASCEND by default when missing sort order
- GH6653: acbuild: add symlinks to /usr/local/bin/etcd*
- GH6084: etcdctl: set TLS servername on discovery
- GH7145: transport: warn on user-provided CA
Bug 修复
- GH6649: discovery: add upper limit for waiting on a retry
- GH5845: clientv3: respect up/down notifications from grpc
- GH6077: v2http: use guest access in non-TLS mode
- GH6166: clientv3: support non-blocking New()
- GH6253: discovery: reject IP address records in SRVGetCluster
- GH6365: embed: reject domain names before binding
- GH6888: Use monotonic time in lease
- GH7023: clientv3: fix lease "freezing" on unhealthy cluster
- GH7148: clientv3: don't reset stream on keepaliveonce or revoke failure
- GH7195: concurrency: fix stm restart on concurrent key deletion
- GH7203: etcdctlv3: snapshot restore works with lease key